Firewalker band around the thighs?


Active Member
Are you able to get the firewalker band around your thighs to lay flat? Mine rolls on me and will NOT lay flat. What am I doing wrong? Is it my thunder thighs? :p

I really hope I am not the only person with this problem.
I had that problem also. I found that if I pull it out from my thighs and take my time putting it on, that I can get it on without rolling.

Boy do I feel your pain! I don't have a solution other than what was said about trying to get it on flat in the first place. Nothing makes me feel fatter than a firewalker band on my thighs! :eek:
Same here. It's so frustrating. I started using my firewalker band that I bought from It's thicker and wider so it does a better job at staying flat around my thighs.
When the clip with that move was first released, my immediate thought was "I have to put that thing around both my thighs? Not sure it will fit!" (Yeah, I know it stretches, but that was still my first reaction!)

It rolls on me, too. Sigh.
This happens to me all the time :mad:. I've learned to just ignore it and keep on going :).

Me too. I was thinking " oh gawd my thighs aew to fat for my band, crap. " lol one of the cast members band was rolled as well! So i felt better and ignored it, thinking..ok it dont mean im fat nope!
Does it roll if you use the pink one? I think that's what I would try if it gets too frustrating for me. I've got big thighs, too! She does the thigh thing in an earlier workout, too, and it has rolled on me in that one too. I figure if I keep using the green and blue for other things they will stretch out more and then eventually I can use them on my thighs.
Just wanted to add the the band works just as effectively whether its rolled or flat so just keep going. We had ours roll too, only to discover it didn't make the exercise any easier...oh darn ;)
I had to laugh when I saw this thread. It never dawned on me that the reason my band was rolling up on me was because I have fat thighs. :eek:
Don't think of them as fat! Think of thunder thighs as powerful thighs!

Its kinda of a joke between me and my husband. He is from India and we were visiting my cousin and her new chubby baby. Everyone kept saying things about the baby's thunder thighs. So a few nights later we were laying in bed and he rubbed my leg and said I had thunder thighs. As soon as he said I started laughing and knew he did NOT know what the phrase meant. So even though they are on the bigger side of things, my thighs can do way more then smaller ones who haven't met Cathe!

P.S. My husband did Supercuts with me, and his band rolled too.

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