Feel like giving up on exercise & eating right !!!


I'm so frustrated! It took me 6 weeks to lose 5 pounds on WW & working out every other day. This holiday weekend I went out to eat twice (didn't even eat bad stuff, just way over my points), but then I ate lots of valentine candy. By Sunday I was back up 4 pounds!!! I was half way to my goal weight before. I feel like what's the use if 2 days of going off my points is going to wipe out 6 weeks of being dilligent ! I was not starving on WW and was very satisfied w/the amount of points and the foods I was eating. I don't go out to eat often, but I don't want to never be able to go out or spluge on a holiday w/o it costing me almost 2 months of eating right!!!

I'm back on the wagon, but I dont' feel as in to it as I've been. Just on Friday, I was finally feeling my clothes a little loser & feeling like I was accomplishing something. Now my clothes are tight again.
Honey, I feel for you and know EXACTLY what you are saying. I gained 5-7 pounds over several months due to too many bad choices in the food department. So easy to gain but so hard to lose. I've been trying to 2 months now to lose the weight and it's been a terrible battle for me. It seems every time I think I am getting some where something happens and BAM my weight goes back up. I am, for the third time in 2 months, starting to see progress and hopefully it will stick this time.

Don't give up! I agree with the above poster. Drink lots of water. That should help. Keep your chin up. You'll get there! :)
I know exactly what you're talking about. Here's what worked for me.

Never weigh yourself for 3 days after eating salty foods.:)

Plan the cheat meals. I started diet Nov 18 and I ate Thanksgiving, Christmas and lots of Christmas parties and a weeks vacation.

I am only losing a 1/2 lb per week eating 1500 calories and did not lose over the holiday/vacation weeks but I did not gain.

Many restaurants have calories on line. The Red Robin site is good because it shows calories for extra's. You can sometimes save 300 calories by just not adding a condiment you didn't really want anyway.

Good luck,

Don't give up!!! You can do this!! Don't focus so much on the numbers. Don't weigh yourself every day. Focus on being healthy instead.

Hang in there!!
Never ever give up! You'll get there. Just always keep trying to be healthy and fit. No matter what. Been where you are lots of times. Will be there again most likely, but I won't give up. Oh, it helps me when I stop putting myself down. OK, you did a no no, but that shouldn't stop you from trying again the next day. I'm sure there are more try days than there are oop days. You'll get there.

Don't give up - I dislike eating out because I have no idea what is really in my food !

Usually a couple days of eating very clean will help, along with the water as Wendy suggested. Perhaps an extra cardio session may help jump start it too.

You'll be fine - hang in there !
Wow--You've lost almost a pound a week--I think that's good. My goal is 3 lbs per month (.75 lbs per week). And you say you were half way to your goal? That means in another 6 weeks you'll be there. It will take me to October to meet my goal! Put it in perspective:).

As far as the weekend weight gain, trust me, it's mostly water. I highly doubt that you ate 14,000 extra calories. I ate enough calories for a week (it felt like) on Saturday and my weight predictably went up a few pounds, but back to clean eating and I spent all of yesterday peeing off the extra water.

Hang in there and to quote Janie--never give up!

If you went out to eat two times, then ate some Valentine's candy, and you gained FOUR POUNDS of fat, then you would have to have eaten roughly 14,000 calories 1 lb. = roughly 3500 cals). There is almost NO WAY that you ate 14 THOUSAND calories.

My point is, you did NOT gain 4 pounds. Your body is holding on to water weight and possibly a *small* weight gain.

I agree with the others -- do a kick-butt cardio tomorrow, drink a ton of water, and eat as many fruits and veggies as you can get your hands on. Weigh again in three days and go from there...
Its pretty hard to gain 4 lbs in 2 days unless you ate your face off:eek: which I doubt you did. I bet in a couple of days, you will be back down to your 6 lbs lose. You should never weigh yourself after a cheat!! Only makes us depressed!:eek:
I ate 2 servings of Lipton cup of soup the other and was up 3 lbs the next day! Holy Moly.....never gonna eat that again!

I had two big bowls of Thai lemongrass soup - almost no calories and my weight went up 3lbs. And let's not even talk about pickles! I just eat them knowing in advance that my weight will go up, but then will go right back down. I call it the "pickle effect". If there is one I thing I learned while losing 125 lbs over the course of a year, it's that weight goes up and down on a day to day basis, and sometimes you won't know why. Don't worry about it, take it in your stride and just do what you know is good for you.
Hi JudeJude

Don't give up. I've just had the reverse happen to me. For the past 48 hours I've had an awful sickness bug where I passed out twice and my husband had to phone the ambulance. I've never felt so ill. Now my husbands got it and my father in laws had it. Just after reading your post out of curiosity I got on the scale. Eight pounds down in two days. Pure water I assure you. Its hard to believe that three days ago I'd done STS legs disk 3. Yesterday I couldn't get myself from the bedroom to the bathroom.

Thats eight pounds of weight I would love to lose if it was fat, but the way I've lost it I wouldn't wish on my enemy. Just as mine has come off yours has gone on. We'll both be back to normal in a few days. Keep up with the hard work you've come so far.

Thanks to everyone for all the encourageing replies. I still feel defeated & mad about this weekend, but I'm back on points since yesterday and hoping to get back to at least where I was. If I get on the scale saturday & it shows that 2 of those 4 pounds of water or whatever it is have gone away, I'll feel better. Bread is my weakness and I ate a lot of bread the past weekend so I'm not too confident that water is what made my clothes feel snug again. Candy didn't help, but nothing I can do about it now.

I was almost beginning to look forward to getting on the scale to see my progress. I'm terrified to get on this saturday, but I have to know. I wasn't finding it hard to do the weight watchers and now it feels like a drag. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks again everyone.
I'm not exactly sure how the points system works, but maybe that's not your best eating plan. Different eating plans work for different people. If the point system allows you to eat anything you want as long as you stay within your points, it wouldn't work for me. I find I need to stay away from all white sugar and flour and all simple carbs. Sure, one piece of bread isn't unhealthy for you, but for me it sets off cravings for more bread and more simple carbs and I cannot resist the cravings. But if I stay away from that stuff, I don't miss it and stay slim effortlessly, and without much exercise. If you eat one slice of bread, does it lead to more bread? If so, you may be like me. Just a thought.
Thanks. The points system works great for me. I eat pretty healthy anyway. I don't have a problem with overdoing eating bread. I simply went off the points when I was out to dinner this weekend and I intended to. I didn't eat horribly bad so I still don't understand why I would have gained so much in about 3 days. I can't imagine giving bread (or sugare!) up entirely. I'm a firm believer in everything in moderation w/the occassional 'hogs gone wild' weekend. :)
Thanks. The points system works great for me. I eat pretty healthy anyway. I don't have a problem with overdoing eating bread. I simply went off the points when I was out to dinner this weekend and I intended to. I didn't eat horribly bad so I still don't understand why I would have gained so much in about 3 days. I can't imagine giving bread (or sugare!) up entirely. I'm a firm believer in everything in moderation w/the occassional 'hogs gone wild' weekend. :)

Sounds like we're total opposites. I don't think I've ever done anything moderately in my whole life. I don't even like typing the word "moderation". Glad you found the eating plan that works for you!
Girl, my weight can go up and down by as much as 4lbs every day!

People always say to me that it's just water-weight gain but I never understood why it happens. Then I got an email video from Red Carpet Ready's Valerie Waters a couple of days ago where she discussed why. In a nutshell, she said if you don't drink enough water your body conserves all the water it has, instead of eliminating it, to protect the brain and internal organs, all of which require water to function properly. Hence, drinking water actually reduces water-weight gain (and makes the numbers on the scale go down). I guess it's a lot like the way the body hangs onto fat when a person drastically reduces calories. If you don't take proper care of your body your body takes over and does what it has to to keep you alive and functioning as best it can.

BTW, I had real issues with WW. I know it works awesome for many people but the whole time I was on it I spent every day trying to figure out how to work in a fudge brownie. What I SHOULD have been doing was eating tons of filling fiber-rich vegetables and lean protein. Nobody even talked about that in the meetings. It was always about making cakes with Splenda! Now, I eat to fuel my workouts and that means lots of veggies and lean protein. Sweets, frankly, have to be a once-in-a-blue-moon thing. I know I FEEL so much better now and I'm never hungry.
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I don't know about the WW points but try www.thedailyplate.com. I only wanted to lose 5 lbs last year and I lost 20 in 8 months (Jan - Aug). It was very slow going at first. I'm at the weight when I first met my SO 20 years ago. I still log everything I eat every day. It helps me to keep on track.

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