I have 5 of Tracey's workouts of which I finally have done them all (except for the hi/lo portion of Cardio Sweatfest.)
HISM - This is highly choreographed with no breakdown. I did this on a morning where I got very little sleep the night before and had not previewed this so it was a challenge to me (and I like complex choreography!) I'm sure I will love this one once I get the choreography down. It has interval blasts in it (not quite as intense as Cathe but still pretty good). She'll do combos 1 and 2 and then string them together before going on to the next combo. I think it would definitely help previewing this one first.
Core Strength & Conditioning - This is 48 mins. of core work and I really liked it. I usually don't do this much core work in one session but I was on a recovery week so I did the whole thing but it is chaptered so you can pick which exercises you'd like to do. These are the exercises:
Full Body Crunch
Isometric Lower Ab Work
Knee Lifts
Wide Arm Ab Crunch
Bicycles with isometrics
Reverse crunch **this is where I broke it up into 2 w/outs**
Stability Ball-back
Full extension body lift
Stability ball planks/pushups (tough!)
Side lying ab work
Stability ball ab lifts
Sculpt Sweatfest - Good, functional fitness workout. There is no warmup in this workout so I did the warmup from MM. Section 1 consists of lying prone leg raises, planks, leg lifts 2" off ground while lying on side, bicycles, leg lifts with feet turning out, rotator cuff exercise with 3# wts (felt it even with 3#), superman series. Section 2 had squats (no weight - fast squats, pulses and kneeling on ball with weights), alternating front and lat raises, walking planks with hands on the ball, tricep dips on ball with other leg on bosu, chest presses on ball with alternating arms (used 5# rotate arm past shoulder, then use both arms), bicep curls (used 5#) (this is the move where she has both legs on the ball - couldn't do it first time), one arm rows with one foot kneeling on ball, squat and reach (like in 90X Core Syn where he says "pick it up and put it on the shelf"), one legged squats. I really liked this workout.
Step Sweatfest - 2 sections. Easier to follow than HISM. Didn't really have a problem with it the first time out except for a couple of spots. Section 1 is more broken down than Section 2. Really liked this one too.
Cardio Sweatfest - good, effective kickboxing workout but very repetitious and kind of boring for me. The seventh kick/punch combo was a little hard to follow but other than that, very easy to follow. Kept my heartrate up entire time. Lots of kicking. Haven't done hi/lo portion yet but it's more of a dancy latin routine from what I saw on the clips.