Favorite Pregnancy Books


I just found out I'm expecting...the doctor recommended the book What to Expect When You're Expecting.

Other than this book, does anyone have any favorites?

Thanks so much! :)
Yeah!! congrats!
I agree, The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy
It's hilarious. Definitly get What to Expect While Expecting.

But that's it. Don't get to many books. They'll just overload you and freak you out.
A lot of natural motherhood will come when you have the baby. What to Expect book will give you the info you REALLY need to know. If you read to many you'll become a nervous psycho and then your baby will feed from that energy. It's fun, you'll see!!;-)

Daughter Hannah Lilly born 3/25/05
I am the cheese standing alone. I was told by almost everyone to NOT get What to Expect. Instead, I got the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, and it is wonderful.

I like Girlfriend's Guide. I just picked the Girlfriend's Guide to the First Year -- starting to prep myself!

Also, I don't subscribe, but I pick up FitPregnancy when there are new issues. It comes out every other month. Good stuff.

Oh, and Cathe has recommended Fit To Deliver. It's a great book for prenatal exercising.
Hey Allison!

Remember me from the Cathe Roadtrip and that trek in the torrential rain to grab a diet coke?? I just happened to see your name posting to this forum on the main forum page. Are you expecting??? If so, congratulations!!!

I like Your Pregnancy Week By Week...

I like reading more often than once a month and it also breaks down the weeks into trimesters...so it's easier to keep track!
I highly reccommend "Exercising Through your Pregnancy" by James Clapp. It's a little dry, but he presents a lot of good research on the benefits of exercise on mother and baby. I reach for this book when I need motivation to work out!!

I also really like "Your Pregnancy Week by Week". It has a new snippet about you and the baby each week. Be warned, though - it has a "cheese" factor. There are several little "daddy tips" throughout that say things like "run some errands for your wife - she'll appreciate it". It drives my husband crazy!

ETA: I also got the Mayo Clinic book instead of "What to Expect". It presents good information without talking down to you. Plus, the picture of the lady sitting on a rocking chair on the cover of "what to expect" just turns me off for some reason.
Another vote for Your Pregnancy Week by Week-I think I looked at it almost every day. The Girlfriends Guide is fun reading too.

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