Favorite/least favorite Cathe cardio moves

~grapvine on the step
~any form of cha chas
~ triples
~fast foot repeaters

Least favorites:
~reverse mambos
~power play (in SJP)

These are only a few, trust me I could think of many more!}( :p
Rebecca Dotson

- double grapevines
- speed skaters
- A-steps
- shuffle down the board
- reverse mambos
- tuck jumps
- any kick moves
- pendulums
- pump repeaters (boom, boom, boom)

Least favorites:

- slam-its
- long hop turns
- plie jacks
- tuck jumps
- sumo squats (usually sub speedskaters)

As you can see, I have a love/hate relationship with tuck jumps! I hate doing them, but once I've completed them I feel pretty darn good! :p

Favorites: flying angels, ricochets, pendulums, speed skaters, sequential kicks, i like so many it is hard to decide what my favorites are.

Least favorites: plie jacks(I just can't seem to click my heels), ball change(not really sure what you're suppose to do here), power squats on the board turning(it's hard for me to make that turn), pivots also make me dizzy, double foot jumps across your board(I can do double foot jumps onto the board but for some reason I can't do them when I am going across the board, like in imax 3 after you do the straddle taps, you do the doubles across the board), and I'm not sure if this would be considered a cardio move, but I think my absolute least favorite thing to do is leg press.

I'm surprised at how many folks don't like flying angels!

My favorites:

flying angels
plunge lunges

Hate hate hate:

Any of those high impact jumping moves like tuck jumps. Those just jam every part of my body.
heel toe, ricochet, jack, heel toe etc. - just feels very awkward
Least favorite - any pivot turns, I also work out on carpet and have a tendency to get dizzy.

Favorite - Two-foots jumps on the step, straddle tap repeaters, side lunges off the sides (think BodyMax and StepWorks), power 7's and 15', and I love love love combo #2 in IMAX2, my favorite combo in all step workouts combined.
Least favorite:
Leg presses
Power scissors
Plio jacks
(can you tell I just did HSTA today? UGH!)


The 3rd combo on Step Blast, love it!
Box Lunge
Pendulum Across
1/4 Hop Turn
Ricochet, Double Ricochet, or Up-Back
Mambo, Cha-Cha, Pivot, Reverse Mambo - anything dancy!
6-count Turnstep
6-count Mambo
Back-Kick-Front-Kick drill in KPC
Knee-Front Kick-Side Kick-Cross Punch drill in Kickbox
Front Kicks, Side Kicks, Block Jack back drill in 10*10*10
Grapevine-Side Kick drill in 10*10*10
Figure 8's (am I the only one?)
Turn-Straddle-Hop Up, Exit In (from Power Max)
Front-Back-Front Kick Repeater (SJP)
Double Knee w. Scissor Jack
6-count run on the board
Jump Freeze (Power Max)
Rock Press, especially the one into a straddle from Step Works

Least Favorite:
Tuck Jumps
Power whatevers
Sculpt 7
Slam-It or Step/Slam
L-Step w. clap (boring)
Too much high/low in kickboxing workouts
Genie Hops
Grapevine down the board

I'll probably update when I think of more...
I don't like the shuffle down the board, but my ultimate dislike is those sashays in the older videos. I'm so glad that Cathe doesn't use them anymore!

I love the fast feet moves!:)
What's a ricochet? I don't remember Cathe referring to that in a video.

I am terrified of the ball change. I understand what it is but for some reason my legs won't do it.
I love:

power squats
6 count run
power scissors (power anything really)
drop squat
hop turn
figure eights (catch my breath)
jump kick
jump freeze
(most of the moves in Cardio & Weights)

I dont like:

peg-leg mambo with pivot turn
triples around
despise sashas
ABDUCTION REPEATER...abduction anything...hate them
I adore:

Staddle taps (Amy Bento does these around the board, and I love, love that)
Fast foot repeaters
Jumps onto and off the step (although #7 in IMax 3is questionable!)
Leg presses - never though I'd say that, but HSTA made me love 'em.
Bicep Curls - I feel so STRONG doing those

I abhor:

triples around the step (I feel so stupid and usually trip)
Explosives lunges
Dips - hate, hate, hate dips... (except the chips and salsa kind)
Low Ends (although I kind of like them too)
Sashes - another one I feel really stupid doing.
Oh I forgot about those ricochets! UGH! They are the worst. I also sub them for jumping jacks or something. They make me trip over myself.

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