Favorite/Least Favorite Bodypart to Work?


Oh I am on a roll tonight aren't I? I always love reading in mags like Oxygen and Muscle and Fitness hers, which bodyparts the fitness competitors love to work, and ones they hate to workout. What about you all?

My favorite bodypart to work is my butt/legs/calves. I like to imagine how the muscles are firming up and how my butt is getting rounder and perkier. I also like to work triceps-except for dips--hate 'em! Don't they just kill?

My least favorite bodypart has to be biceps, it just hurts, hurts and then hurts some more! I think Cathe secretly knows this and tortures me with her killer bicep routines!:) I did the GS back, shoulder and bicep workout tonight--it never gets easier does it??? :p

Note: Wanted to say thanks to all of you, I read the boards before my workouts, it motivates me seeing all the strong, fit, like-minded women here. There are no other web sites like this one, and I am grateful to Cathe and all of you! :)
I have a love/hate relationship with working my lower body. This is the area that I need to work the most...so I guess it is my "default" favorite. But then again, it tortures me because when my quads start burnin'....I feel completely useless!!!

Other then that...favorite would probably be abs....least favorite...shoulders. Just thinking about shoulder raises has me wanting to cry!x(
LOL, Robin, you read my mind!!!

My favorite parts to work are my back and shoulders. My least is my lower body. Nuff said!
I love working my back, I've had a few minor and one major injury to it and vowed to keep it strong. When I'm working my back, I know the effects will cascade through my entire body. I hate working my butt with barbell squatsx( I don't care much for working triceps but love working biceps, go figure.

Take Care
ABS! I can't get the hang of anything past a crunch. Rocket Shoots, Planks, etc. High dread factor here! I love working upper body.

You and me both, Sally. Definitely abs are most dreaded for me, too. I also like upper body work better than anything else.
Love working shoulders. Hate doing legs, but love when it works well. Yeah, that love/hate thing.


"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time' is to say 'I don't want
to.'" --Lao Tzu
Legs and abs are tied as my least favorite parts to work. Is it a coincidence that these are my problem areas ;)? I don't hate all leg exercises, just squats and lunges. I really like that Cathe tends to put these first. Even though that lunge section in the middle of Power Hour was an unwelcome surprise the first time I did it. I just hate abs altogether, especially those darn reverse crunches. They just feel really awkward and unnatural.

My favorite part to work is my back and biceps. Love those dead lifts and dead rows.

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."
I love, love, love working biceps. I also love working shoulders. My least favorite would have to be back. I hate doing it and feel that people rarely see it so why put so much effort into working it?! :) I guess I'm grateful I do it, though--Once bathing suit season rolls around and my back is on display a lot more!
I don't like working shoulders and chest because it seems they never get any stronger for all the effort I put into it.

I like doing core and back - the muscles I need most for riding my horse effectively.

Susan L.G.
Maybe I have a sickness, but lately I love working everything! My only dread factor is with core, because it needs the most work but also because of the time factor. Since it's generally an add-on to another workout, I feel like I'm spending too much time...

I love upper body work--except for triceps. Lower body work is harder for me--probably b/c that's where I need the most improvement. Leg presses and squats aren't too bad, but those lunges are really hard for me. x(

I hate working chest and abs. I do not like push ups and hate doing crunches. The only ab segment that I not dread that much is the one at the end of the Cardio and Weights DVD. I enjoy working biceps and legs. Maybe I just look forward to having my own gun show :p
I hate working biceps. I always feel really weak when it comes to bis and it burns so quickly. Plus the bicep exercises bore me. x(

I LOVE working legs. I think part of it is because most of the time my HR stays pretty high when working legs so I feel like I get an extra cardio benefit. Plus I love feeling like my legs are strong. }(
I hate pushups but don't mind other chest work but just dread triceps. I can never finish the french presses. I enjoy lower body though!!


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