Favorite/Least Favorite Bodypart to Work?

I LOVE working my shoulders, chest & triceps, and legs (excpet standing lunges -HATE those)
I'm not crazy about working back (ugh!), biceps are just ok, don't like to work them too long, and abs/core - yuck!! but i know they're all necessary evils!


Keep smiling & sweating!:)
I love,love love working my biceps.
I hate,hate,hate working my glutes.
don't like working my back either,or lunges!
I love everything but CARDIO!! ;-)

Hence the reason I check in w/ the haters... although some like ROBIN are "fake" haters... but so glad to have her!
HATE: legs (and back- now that I've been dealing with an injury, am healing and scared to death to reinjure it !!!):eek: :-(

LOVE: shoulders:D
Don't like to work back because like the previous poster, it's weak and injurs easily. I just have to be very careful.

Love: working the glutes - back kicks in a kickboxing workout are my favorite! :)

I love to work my shoulders! My least favorites would be biceps. The burn just gets to be sometimes. Especially when Cathe seems to go on forever! :D
Hate - abs! Will do anything to get out of doing them. Pain and boredom combined in one exercise - how is that done?

Love - pretty much anything else but particularly upper body.

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