Favorite Fitness Magazines...



I used to like Shape, years ago, until they started using 15 yo models who were super thin and had no muscle tone what-so-ever. So then I moved on to Fitness, which I still get but it's turning into Shape all over again with fitness models who don't even look like they workout...sigh. So the other day I picked up Energy and after this one issue I think it is more of what I'm looking for. Good sound exercise advice...and fitness models who actually have muscle tone!

But there is one move in particular in that issue that floored me...it is doing upper body work while perched on top of a stability ball with your legs tucked under you and you balance on your knees!!! Now that one will most definitely separate the men from the boys :p Going to give that a try today...without the weights...just to see if I can manage to balance there without falling off!
I used to read Shape alot too....it got a bit too fluffy for me.....I'll have to check out Energy. The only one I subscribe to now is Runner's World...be careful with that stability ball exercise! ....:)...Carole
I did like Oxygen in the past and Energy too. Carole, have you read Running Times? I like it better than RW.
I really liked Energy Magazine too, but unfortunately they are discontinuing the magazine. Here's the announcement from the website:

Energy for Women
Energy for Women Magazine has ceased publication, and will no longer be taking new subscriptions or renewals. In our continuing effort to provide education and inspiration to EAS’ customers, we will instead be concentrating on providing education and inspiration to our many loyal and valued customers through other means. If you are a current subscriber of Energy for Women, you will be receiving information in the mail within 30 days, which will contain information on obtaining a refund. For customer service questions please call 1-800-297-9776.

Runner's World

Carole, what do you think about the new format of Runner's World? I've been a subscriber for several years, but I'm really considering not renewing this time. There's something about the new format I just don't like, and I'm not as enthused about reading it as I once was. Maybe I'll check out Running Times as macska suggested; I don't think I've ever seen that one...

I found one I really like- FitnessRx! Great articles and the fitness models look real!:) I know what you mean Clare, Energy also owes me money. I was real bummed when I found out over a month ago. FitnessRx is alot like Energy- highly informative articles, no fluff, a serious magazine! But not too sure I want to subscribe- I feel *burned* by Energy. Have a great day, everyone!

I used to recommend Muscle and Fitness Hers and Energy for Women. Now, M&F Hers has changed and is more like Fit/Fitness/Shape, and Energy is ceasing publication. Now, I usually just browse the magazine racks and see if there's anything interesting.
Shape annoys me to no end. Skinny fashion models with not a single bulging muscle to be found. But you'll definitely get good info on which hair products or cute gym shorts to purchase. Sorry, had to rant.

To answer your question, Oxygen is the only fitness magazine I read these days.

Maybe Cathe should start a magazine of her own!

Oh for crying-out-loud!! I cannot believe that Energy is discontinuing just as I 'found' it! That's just my luck though!x(

I will have to check out FitnessRx...I haven't seen that one in my local shops. I'll have to see if Amazon has it.

I did buy the recent issue of Oxygen but for me...it was too much on the body building/competition end of things. I liked it but I don't think I'll become a regular.
Hi from one 40something to another...:)

I found FitnessRx in my local Books a Million. I was browsing the Health book section and saw it and two other fitness mags in a small display on the shelf. If you liked Energy, I believe you'll really enjoy this one as well. HTH!

No Mari, I haven't tried Running Times. I'll check it out..thanks! Marie, the new format of Runners World hasn't bothered me. It seems like I have read that magazine for years! At least no muscleless models...:)...Carole

Great idea for a thread! I'm actually looking for a new subscription because my Self will be up soon. I like that one, but it is more health/wellness/fitness and I haven't seen anything particularly interesting in a while.

I also ditched Shape because of the lack of real looking women. I thinking I'm leaning toward Oxygen. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a Cathe magazine!!! She's got enough on her plate already, though!

Ok now I have to pipe up because no one else has. I have Shape, even though I agree about the models (oh by the way doesn't one particular model show up ALL the time, rant, rant...). Although I am not at an advanced level, gettin there, but just found Cathe. Anyway, what bothers me to NO end on the other magazines is the constant plugs for diet pills, quick fix solutions, protein drinks and more. They seem to take almost 1/4 of the magazines. Shape and Fitness don't have that may advertisements like that. So for that reason I don't suscribe to them. It just drives me crazy. Just had to put my two cents in.
I don't buy Shape anymore for all the reasons above, but I have to admit I got many a really great recipe from Shape. I've been so disappointed since M&F Hers changed their style and started focusing so much less on weight training and so much more on beauty tips, etc. I have found Oxygen to be pretty good for weight training tips, etc., but still not as good as M&F Hers used to be, and yes, the 4 page ads for supplements really bug me too.



P.S. Does anyone know if there's a way to order old, back issues of M&F Hers?

I agree that shape did have some good info despite the images on the pages. I felt like I was wasting my money, though, and checked out their website. I think you can subscribe to get more services, but there is a lot of free info too,


I LOVE Oxygen, because I love Fitness and bodybuilding. I went to the Arnold a few years back, and it was one of the best times of my life. It was awesome. The reason they have so many ads in there is because Robert Kennedy is the owner, and he also puts out those products. I used to love M&F Hers, but it is dead, boring. I just renewed my subscription, and I am sad. I wish they would bring it back to the way it used to be.
Energy is history???? :-( I just subscribed in December and have only gotten 2 issues this year. I wonder if they are going to have an issue this month? I LOVED this magazine. It's a shame they decided to end it. Unfortunately, if it wasn't making money, I guess the publisher would have no choice. I'm sad it's happening.;(

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