favorite Cathe moment...


The thread about how you behave during a Cathe workout reminded me how much I enoyed Cathe's personality when I first discovered her workouts (compared to so many other fitness "gurus" who seem so robotic!) Yes, those evil little laughs during biceps, and especially those ice breakers in Boot Camp!! But my most favorite Cathe moment is in the 9th interval of IMAX2 when she says, "I know you're tired...but jump higher!" I knew I was in for it the first time I heard that one!...how 'bout you...what's your favorite quote or Cathe moment?

I love when she high-fives the crew in KPC after those really intense "double-time" drills. I am always wishing I had someone to high-five, too! :) :)

I think it is in the Cardio/Weights ab workout part where she says, "you thought we were finish, didn't ya" when she is sitting up stretching out her arms/back. She got me the first time I watched. :p

I think it is in IMax 2 after the 9th. interval where I am sooo dying and she twirls around in a circle and says something like, "We are sooo happy!" Because they are DONE and lived thru it!! (Don'tell anyone, but I've done it with her a couple times! :7)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I ME doing split squats, she says "Now we're going to do your favorite, the low ends. Did I say they were MY favorite??? No, I said they were YOUR favorite.
It gives me the impression she feels the burn just as bad.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
The one that made me smile the other day was in High Step Challenge. We are doing band work and she steps back and says "I'm going to tell you a seceret, if you see me step back that means I'm really feeling it and I'm trying to distract myself."

Mine is also in IMAX2, and I think it's at the end of the 9th interval. She does this little dance and says, "We did it. We are so happy."

I also get a kick out of it when she messes up whatever she's trying to say, tries to correct it, but messes up again. There's one in particular that cracks me up. When doing stationary lunges, she's trying to say to not let your knee go past your toes, but says don't let your toes go past your sneaks. And I get this mental image of us straining so hard that our toes burst through the end of our sneakers.

I find that extremely endearing because I have to do HR orientations in front of a room of people and invariably, I mess something up and cannot for the life of me get what I mean to say out. And it's got to be 100 times harder with 40lbs. on your shoulders and a camera crew in front of your face.

That's my favorite moment too! When she does the little happy dance!:) I think what I like most about Cathe is that she does her own workouts to the fullest, she doesn't take it easy. You can see her legs shake, ever so slightly, because she is really doing it with you too!

I also like when she says to pause the tape but come right back. I can confess that there a few times in the beginning I didn't come back at all, but not anymore...Now I can't wait to come back!

In Legs & Glutes, I like when we're on the step with Jeannie arms and working one leg at a time (song by King: "You Spin Me Right Round Baby") and Cathe says, "ahhhh I got you now"



The end of every workout. Just kidding!

I like her line in Step Fit when she says "yeeeeaaaah!" and then says "was that a sheep?" :)
I have so many favorites, but the one that I think is funniest and makes me giggle just thinking about it is in one of her older step workouts...maybe Step Fit also. When you're doing Flying Angels on the step and she calls you "Tootsie Pops". "Watch your form, Tootsie Pops" or something like that.

Mine would be on Pyramids Upper body during biceps when she say's "i just had an outter body experience". I laughed and smiled sooooooo much.
>I think it is in IMax 2 after the 9th. interval where I am
>sooo dying and she twirls around in a circle and says
>something like, "We are sooo happy!" Because they are DONE and
>lived thru it!! (Don'tell anyone, but I've done it with her a
>couple times! :7)

uhm... so have i! lol!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I knew I was going to stick with Cathe when in PS-Legs, while doing sit & stands, she says, "My legs are going a mile a minute!" And her legs are really shaking. It made me feel better about my limitations.:)

Until now, I smile when I hear her say, "Say that ten times!" when she's having a hard time cueing.

Another of my all-time favorites is, "I can feel your energy coming at me," (KPC) and "Make it your best one. Oh, they're all the best." (PUB)

I love the evil grin and wink that accompany "Now let's do a couple of squats....actually more than a couple!" on SJP and "I just caught myself cheating!" when she realizes she has raised her leg too high during crunches on a CTX workout, having just warned us not to do so. Ha!

Yup, "out of body experience" is Cathe at her most "strugglingest" and I like her all the more for showing that her pain is equal to ours.

Mine will forever be from the first video I tried where I got addicted to Cathe. MIC. I had no idea about Cathe's intensity at the time, so when she goes up for airborne jumps, I could not believe it. Anyway, just when I'm thinking, 'forget this!' Cathe yells "Don't give up! Don't give up! - and she really seemed like she knew I was about to call it quits and I kept going. I was hooked. Some others from this are "I know you got strong legs. Show me whatcha got", and "we left medium impact - we're all out high now" when the music speeds up and you are circle jacking into orbit... Makes me want to do MIC right now!
I love when she says after all those squats, lunges and low-ends "ok, now Singles...yes you can do it" and grunts. I'm saying to her out loud "nooooo...", but do them anyway even though it feels like I can't do anymore. She is a great motivator and pushes me further each time and I feel so good afterward.

Hi everyone - I'm new to Cathe and these boards. Some of the posts are really fun and informative.

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