Fave Cathe lower body rotation?


Hi, all-

I'm going to do a lower body focused rotation next (unless the May rotation is too tempting:) ), and wondered if any of you had done all or some of the ones Cathe has posted. There's this April's, last September--and one other one I can't think of at the moment. Anyone have a favorite? I tend to hold fat in my hips and rear, so anyone who has similar challenges and has tried all three would really help me out!


I jusdt got finished with the Legs and Glutes rotation from Sept 05'. I got very good results and if I would have cleaned up my diet I would have had great results. If your looking to slim up your legs its a good one.

Hi Farrah;

Would you happen to have the link to the Sept 05' rotation, I can't seem to find it.

Jennifer ~
Is that the Butts & Guts rotation? Just do a search on "butts and guts." I'm actually doing this one right now, with a buddy. :) Feel free to join us!!

>Hi Farrah;
>Would you happen to have the link to the Sept 05' rotation, I
>can't seem to find it.
>Jennifer ~

If it's the same one that I am just finishing, here it is below. I have been LOVING this - it's very tough, but not undo-able. I've gotten great results (great definition, great strength and endurance gains, plus solid UB training as well - you definitely aren't neglecting the UB), and it's really fun!


Body Fat / Legs & Glutes: This rotation will focus on burning body fat and shaping the legs and glutes. Of course in the process we cannot ignore the upper body and core so a couple of workouts will be included to keep those muscles inspired as well. Enjoy!


Mon….Legs and Glutes then run 20 minutes
Tues….Imax One
Wed….Muscle Endurance
Thurs…PS Legs and Abs and run 20 minutes
Fri……Cardio and Weights
Sat……CTX Kickbox (cardio only) + the stability ball segment of PUB


Mon…..Pyramid Lower Body plus 30 minutes Basic step
Tues…..Pyramid upper body plus 20 minute run
Wed…..Pyramid Lower Body plus 200 walking lunges
Thurs….Imax 2 plus 10 minute ab hits
Fri…….HSTA plus 10 minute ab hits


Mon…...Legs and Glutes plus 20 minute run
Tues…..Cardio kicks plus 10 minutes ab hits
Wed……Slow & Heavy Legs only plus 200 walking lunges
Thurs….CTX upper body plus Body Fusion
Fri…….Legs and Glutes plus 10 minutes ab hits


Mon….Body Max
Tues….Pyramid Upper Body plus 30 minute basic step
Wed….Leaner Legs
Thurs…CTX Cardio of choice plus Pyramid lower body stability ball segment only
Fri……CTX cardio of choice plus 10 minutes of abs
Sat:……Leaner Legs followed by PLB stability ball segment only
Hey thats the rotation. I loved it. I might do it again in a couple of months. I just figured out that all my workingout doesn't do any good if I eat too many sweets. I've know this for a while but I think I've finally gained the disipline to do something about it. Hope you enjoy it.
Hey Farrah,
I like this rotation- I am assuming you used light weights for your legs? Is this correct? I am thinking of doing a leg rotation next month either this or butts and guts. They both seem similar.
Thank you! I have printed the rotation out, I am also going to check into the "Butt & Gutts" rotation.
I am doing the October rotation "Upper Body Bliss" right now. I plan on doing this one 1st of May.

Thanks again!
Jennifer ~
Hey Deanie! Yes I used light weights. I don't have PLB or S&H Legs so I used GS legs alot during this rotation so my weights were not heavy at all. I gained alot of lean muscle in my legs doing this.

>Thank you! I have printed the rotation out, I am also going
>to check into the "Butt & Gutts" rotation.
>I am doing the October rotation "Upper Body Bliss" right now.
>I plan on doing this one 1st of May.
>Thanks again!
>Jennifer ~

As soon as I finish this week (I scored Leaner Legs from eBay so I'm on the last week of this rotation right now), I'm on to Upper Body Bliss for the remainder of April through mid-May - I can't wait! How are you liking it?

Thanks Farrah, I think I like this rotation better than butts and guts because it seems your upper body gets more attention than the other rotation.

So far I am loving the Upper Body Bliss Rotation.
I love to work my upper body!

Do you think using lighter weights on lower body gives you a leaner look? I really don't want to get a lot muscle in my legs, just tone them up.

>So far I am loving the Upper Body Bliss Rotation.
>I love to work my upper body!
>Do you think using lighter weights on lower body gives you a
>leaner look? I really don't want to get a lot muscle in my
>legs, just tone them up.

It probably depends on body type, but I went heavy for all the workouts where that made sense (basically, I follow Cathe for almost all weight selections - definitely on the LB work I use at *least* the same weight as she does, sometimes more), and I did NOT bulk at all. I'm getting GREAT definition, in addition to great strength and endurance gains. I'd just go for it, and see what happens. If after a couple of weeks you feel like you are getting bulky, then cut back on the weights and do double time reps or something. Or sub in workouts like MuscleMax LB for some of the heavier lifting tapes.

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the Upper Body Bliss rotation! I also LOVE to work UB, so I'm really looking forward to start this on Monday (I'm all out of whack with my rotations due to illness and travel, so I just stick with them until I finish all the weeks, even if it takes longer than the "calendar" shows, then move to the next one).

I use lighter weights for my lower body because I tend to bulk up more. It all depends on your body type. I like to go heavier when I do squats because they are a good allover leg exercise.

Right now I'm doing the rotation that she has for April and I love it. It was killer the first two weeks and now for the end part, I see my legs leaning out with muscle. I couldn't have asked for a better rotation!!!

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