Fat burning effects on 6 versus 8-inch step


Dear Cathe and Forum Friends:

Is there a difference in the amount of fat burned per step workout if I use my step on 6 inches as opposed to 8 inches?

I can do step videos on either a 6 or 8-inch step, but I feel like I have more fun on 6 inches. 8 inches is a lot more work, so I'm concentrating harder on the work, rather than having some fun. That is also why I feel the answer is that more fat is burned on 8 inches. However, there have been some posts in the past that make me question this, and I also noticed that you use a 6-inch step in your more recent videos.

Any input is appreciated as I continue my quest to "get in shape for my wedding"--I don't want to compromise my efforts!

Hi Bobbi,
Thanks for your reply. Every time I try to get into that site, I am getting run-time errors and my computer is forcing me to debug. Any suggestions?
What an awesome website on burning calories.

I use FitDay now to record calories & activities, and it never seemed like enough calories burned when I entered 'teaching' aerobics (since that's the only aerobics listed) for 30 minutes. This calories per hour website seems much more accurate.

I love this forum, the sharing of information is great...

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