Good luck to everyone who wants to register tomorrow for Texas -- including me!:cool:
NancyAZ Cathlete May 24, 2010 #1 Good luck to everyone who wants to register tomorrow for Texas -- including me!
upnorthchick Cathlete May 24, 2010 #2 Good luck tomorrow, Nancy! May your internet connection be fast and may your fingers fly like the wind!
Good luck tomorrow, Nancy! May your internet connection be fast and may your fingers fly like the wind!
llp Cathlete May 24, 2010 #3 what about you Lisa? If not, I see there is going to be a RT in Chicago..
abritrn Member May 25, 2010 #5 I got in! I'm so so so excited! I got through. Cant' wait to meet fellow Cathletes! Amy TX Last edited: May 25, 2010