I'm all for working the lower body, but are there any exercises I should avoid?
Or perhaps it can't be helped, because we can't choose where we lose. I'm either pear or hourglass shaped so I lower body is always last to go.
Lioness, yes part of it is saddle bags, but it's just overall much too wide in the whole lower body region, even for me.
To everyone, thanks very much for the suggestions. so far. Sounds like a plan- mixing it up between side kicks/speed skaters, lunges, squats. squat thrusts. Intense cardio- stairs instead of hills, Hiit, Plyo, Tabata, kickboxing. Of course diet and avoiding sitting is important too.
I just realized that in addition to these being great ways for me to get in shape. These workouts are great for when I don't have a lot of time.
If anyone has anything else to add, feel free to chime in. Probably most of us are in the same boat.
mom418 said:Yes, definitely. I won't be able to do plyo or HiiT or other extremely intense work very often. Only once a week at first. I'm building up to it. I have stairs I use often. I'm using them to build up my endurance. 25 steps or so, it's difficult to do even a few mins. even when I am in shape. Later, I'll be able to alternate squats w/weights and running stairs for a quick but challenging workout. I also have a whole w/o room full of equipment to use.
I'm also doing much better with diet. It's not difficult right now. I've noticed since I changed my birth control, my hormones really affect my appetite. Certain times I'm hardly hungry, then other times only legumes can fill me up. But I'm back to my normal self, craving healthy food, eating pretty healthy. doing much better with portion size. progress not perfection.
I really appreciate the support and suggestions.
Feeling a bit discouraged atm, bc I just did some measurements. I also looked at some size charts to see about where the size I'm trying to get to is, hip wise. I just didn't realize there were so many inches to lose, but I know I can do this. I've done it before, and I'm going to be consistent and fierce.sp? Started yesterday on the bottom rockers rotation , modifying when I need to. I like the workouts that are listed. I'm on my second day, doing workouts or part of them with my daughter. she's young, so I leave it up to her if she wants to join in or workout on her own. we've been working out together the past weeks, but they were easier workouts, working up to CatheSongza has some great playlists for working out or any mood/activity.
so that helps so much. great music is a must. Cooking my brussel sprouts with red peppers and chipotle mustard. man i love chipotle. its my dressing on salads too.
NO, DO NOT AVOID ANY LOWER BODY EXERCISES! Do them ALL! Squats, Lunges, High Steps, Leg Lifts, Heavy Weights, Light Weights, Barre, Hamstring Roll-outs, ect. All lower body exercises plus plyo, hiit, step, kickbox, sliding disc work. Variety is key to creating a fabulous lower body. Also, do not neglect the upper body as it does balance out the lower-half.
More muscle overall = less fat overall.
Don't forget like the other's have mentioned, diet is KEY. All the leg lifts in the world will not give you leaner thighs unless your eating is as clean as possible. The less overall fat % you have, the smaller the lower body will get (yes, it's the last to go and it sucks big time). Bad news: you can't change your body composition. If you are a pear, embrace it because you will be a pear forever. Good news: you can visibly lose inches, have nice muscle definition, smooth out your thighs, and reduce cellulite.
I'm a pear-shape gal with a big ol' J Lo booty. Since finding Cathe, I was able to slowly but surely transform my lower body by doing everything I mentioned above. It's a work in progress, but I have lost inches, gained confidence, and (finally!) accepted my curves. It ain't so bad having a little junk in the trunk.
Good luck!
NO, DO NOT AVOID ANY LOWER BODY EXERCISES! Do them ALL! Squats, Lunges, High Steps, Leg Lifts, Heavy Weights, Light Weights, Barre, Hamstring Roll-outs, ect. All lower body exercises plus plyo, hiit, step, kickbox, sliding disc work. Variety is key to creating a fabulous lower body. Also, do not neglect the upper body as it does balance out the lower-half.
More muscle overall = less fat overall.
Don't forget like the other's have mentioned, diet is KEY. All the leg lifts in the world will not give you leaner thighs unless your eating is as clean as possible. The less overall fat % you have, the smaller the lower body will get (yes, it's the last to go and it sucks big time). Bad news: you can't change your body composition. If you are a pear, embrace it because you will be a pear forever. Good news: you can visibly lose inches, have nice muscle definition, smooth out your thighs, and reduce cellulite.
I'm a pear-shape gal with a big ol' J Lo booty. Since finding Cathe, I was able to slowly but surely transform my lower body by doing everything I mentioned above. It's a work in progress, but I have lost inches, gained confidence, and (finally!) accepted my curves. It ain't so bad having a little junk in the trunk.
Good luck!
Hi Everyone,
I would like to clarify. Highlighted info above. Water, muscle and fat are (partially) what the body is composed of. Natasha, We can change that through diet and exercise. I am sure other cathletes would agree with me that we can change the muscle/fat and water ratios.![]()