exercise and its affects on fertility - please respond ...


Hi! hope i'm posting my question properly; I've never done this before, sorry this is kind of long!Please Cathe and others,I'd appreciate your thoughts...

I just turned 35, and my husband and I already have a 5 and 2 1/2 yr old girls. We have been trying for another child for @ 1year. I had a miscarriage last Sept, and have been again since last Nov., but no luck...

I've been hearing conflicting opinions on intense exercising-that it can possibly decrease a women's fertility...I have a period every 26 or 27 days, plus Ovul. predictor tests are positive on day 15 or 16.

Has anyone noticed a change in their menstrual cycles after moving to a more advanced regimen? I know this is an extremely personal question, but I'm really interested if you've noticed changes....I was suprised to see that i am not ovulationg mid-cycle, but actually later in my cycle. Maybe its not due to exercise, perhaps because I'm getting older (??) Not sure...Frankly, my OB/Gyn hasn't been much help on these topics...

I always had been active, but after our 2nd daughter was born, i increased the intensity of my aerobics/weight training, etc. I know there are exercisers (more advanced than me!) in this forum that have had children in their mid and late thirties +; I'd love to hear there opinions.

I do a variety of advanced aerobic workouts, 5 -6X/week for @ 75 min each time(excluding warm up and stretch time), plus weight training 4X/week @ 45-60 mins ea time.

thanks for your your input!
I have been an advanced exerciser for over 15 years and I also dealt with infertility. We have an adopted 6 year old, a 5 year old by way of an egg donor and then a 3 year miracle girl. As long as you are getting a period every month and you are ovulating regularly exercise would not be a reason to not get pregnant. I had invitro 5 times and they failed everytime and they found out I had premature menopause, which meant that my eggs were old and not good quality. I also had 3 miscarriages. I had every test done and every method of infertility and finally had to use an egg donor, but it was worth everything I went through to have 3 beautiful girls. I continually exercised through all of my infertility treatment and it helped me get through it. As long as you have enough body fat and again you are mestruating, exercise should not be harmful, but helpful. Good luck, I know how frustrating it is waiting each month to get pregnant and then getting your period. As you get older it also just may take awhile. I found yoga to be very helpful with the stress of all the fertility issues and it was still a good workout for me, expecially power yoga. I really hope things work out for you and keep working out to keep your spirits up and find a really good infertility doctor, but some just don't take you seriously and aren't aggressive enough. If you have any other questions you can e-mail me and I would be glad to help.

:) Susan
I read an article in Runners World years ago about the effect of training for a marathon and the menstrual cycle. The article explained that as the number of miles per week increased, the menstrual cycle slowed down, even stopped in some instances.

The article tried to link this to prehistoric "wiring" in the human body. It seems the body would reject getting pregnant during times of nomadic travel that our predecessors did as hunter/gatherers.

A non medical opinion would be that if your cycle didn't alter, the exercise wasn't the issue.

Does your husband exercise heavily? The male "contribution" to fertility is highly vulnerable to heat, jostling etc.

RE: exercise and its affects on fertility - please resp...

Great question! This is one I have been wanting to ask as well. I have been ttc for almost 2 years and prior had a miscarriage. I have asked me infertility specialist about exercise and she didn't seem all that too concerned. If you are having regular periods and seem to be ovulating then your exercise probably isn't effecting your fertility based on what I have read and been told. In addition, your body fat needs to be at an acceptable level. However, my doctor did mention that the stress that exercise places on your body and your adrenal glands can effect certain hormone production. And some of my hormones are low.

The fact that you ovulate on days 15 or 16 isn't abnormal at all. The old adage that all women ovulate on day 14 is just a statistical average. The fact that you are ovulating is important. However, not that you asked about this but if you ovulate days 15 or 16 and your cycle is only 26 or 27 days long might be a problem. Have you talked to your doctor about the length of your luteal phase? Many times a short luteal phase is due to insufficient hormone production which can be caused by intense exercise (according to my physician).

I too would love to hear more comments on the effects of exercise and fertility. We are getting ready to start fertility meds and insemination next month and have been questioning if I should decrease my intesity and amount of exercise.
Hi Jeanmarie,

I strongly recommend that you pick up the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler, and check out her website: TCYOF.com

Keep in mind that, as Dave said, there are two partners involved in the fertilization process, and the problem may not be yours.

I hope to see you over at the Fit Moms and Pregnancy forums really soon!!

All the best,
RE: exercise and its affects on fertility - please resp...

thanks singinggoddess and to all who have responded so far...i appreciate it greatly! In response to the luteal phase question...yes! I'm glad you commented about luteal phase length!! Because my ovulation predictor tests are positive on day 15 or 16, I'm not actually ovulating to @ day 17. I've been concerned that i have a luteal phase defect (2nd part of monthly cycle less than 11 or 12 days).

I've voiced my concerns about LPD, but my ob/gyn kind of blew me off when i've mentioned that to her. Have any of you, or do you know anyone who has taken any over the counter med. or herbs to lengthen their luteal phase? I've read that vitamin B-6 should help, as well as some natural herbs (Black Cohosh, etc.) I've been taking these for @4 months, but they haven't lengthened my luteal phase at all

:-( ok i'm going on and on again! Thanks for all of your encouraging works....
RE: exercise and its affects on fertility - please resp...

They said I had luteal phase defect and they gave me clomid right away and that fixed it. But, I still didn't get pregnant. If that is your only problem though with the infertility it is easily fixed.

I can't stress enough the importance of a really good infertility doctor. Some of these doctors waste a lot of time by now being aggressive enough. Keep us posted.:)

I have to second Sandra's suggestion on this book. I learned so much from this book it was amazing! Just wondering if you've had an HSG test and what the results were?
This upcoming week i am starting the process of getting a referral to a fertility specialist...hopefully i will be able to get some more answers...

It amazes me how much conficting information is out there, though...some doctors (my own ob/gyn) say unless your period stops, or you stop ovulating than don't worry about how much you are excercising; other websites/fertility books say you should be just doing light walking; not even power walking...

Of course, everyone's body will react differently to its environment, heredity, tons of other factors, but i feel kind of guilty, that maybe my amount/intensity of exercise is inhibiting my chances of getting/staying pregnant...

Actually, I had a HSG test right before we conceived our 2nd daughter(the test had positive results)...I'm sure that will be scheduled once i line up a good fertility doctor...thanks for your input!!!
RE: exercise and its affects on fertility - please resp...

Jean Marie,

Sorry it took me so long to respond. I only check cathe's site when I am at work and I am off on Mondays!

Has your doctor tested your progesterone levels? Low progesterone can cause a short luteal phase. My level was pretty low and my doctor did mention that exercise could have effect my levels. She wasn't adamant about it but just mentioned it.

If you progesterone is low it is easy to increase it. There are pills, injections and suppositories. My understanding is that the suppositories are the most natural form of the hormone if you are concerned about natural versus synthetic. You can also try progesterone cream. They sell it at health food stores. Traditional doctors will kind of talk you out of it since "natural" products are not regulated throught the FDA. I tried it for a month or two but my doctor encouraged the suppositories so I went that way.

You are correct that B6 can lengthen/support your luteal phase and as someone else posted clomid is also prescribed to lengthen a luteal phase. I have been taking the B6 but I am still not pregnant! x(

As a couple of others have mentioned Toni Weschler's Taking Charge of Your Feritility is excellent. I would also recommend the book.

Also remember with your doctor that you have to be an advocate for yourself.
Sorry Dave that i have not responded to your question; with 2 little girls, i can be easily distracted!

I didn't read that article myself, but from your description of it,it seems to be a feasible possibility; makes me wonder that maybe i am over-doing it...maybe, at 35, i need to 'tone it down' a bit...

but you are right, it does take two; my husband is not much of an exerciser...i am getting referred to a specialist (who my husband will be seeing too, i'm sure, for some of the various tests available)
thanks for your help!
RE: exercise and its affects on fertility - please resp...

Hi Susan,

i thought of another question in regards to the Clomid and luteal phase...
you mentioned that you also had a luteal phase defect, and was prescribed Clomid - however, you still didn't get pregnant...was this before they said you had early menopause/poor quality eggs? Was that the main reason why you were not able to conceive? I'm so sorry, you had to go through all of that, and i hope you don't mind me asking such a personal question; i don't have any friends that are experiencing what i'm going through...

thanks again!!!
RE: exercise and its affects on fertility - please resp...

Jean Maire,
If the luteal phase defect is you only problem the clomid should be successful in fixing that. I had several problems. The clomid fixed my luteal phase defect but I had other problems like the premature menopause(poor egg quality) I hope that you are successful with the clomid. I know how very hard this is to go through. The great thing is that they have so many ways to treat most infertility issues and once you get the right doctor you will conceive. I will be thinking of you and don't ever feel weird about asking me any questions about this. I'd like to help if I can. One of the books that I loved a book My Richard Marrs called Dr. Richard Marrs fertility book. He talks about all of the procedures and when it is time to try something new. This book really helped me understand the different options. Good Luck and keep us posted.

I've been doing some work for a relatively new magazine, called "Conceive". It's got tons of great information in it on infertility/fertility challenges. You might want to pick one up. You can track down more info on them at conceivemagazine.com
RE: exercise and its affects on fertility - please resp...

I have been working out for over 6 years. I usually work out 6 days a week, sometimes 5 depending on how busy the week gets, but never less than 5 days. My husband and I decided to add another member to our family. I didn't have a problem getting pregnant at first, and during that pregnancy I didn't stop or slow down my exercise, and I soon miscarried. Once again I didn't stop or slow down, didn't bother putting the two together. I figured heck I am doing something healthy for me how could it affect my pregnancy. Well we got pregnant again for the second time, and I though well maybe I will work out at most 4 days a week, well I lost that pregnancy too.

My husband then asked me to just stop cold on working out until I got pregnant for the thrid time and he also asked if we were lucky for the thrid time if I wouldn't work out at all, for the entire pregnancy. So I figured what could it hurt. I stopped working out and 3 months later we got pregnant again. This time I pregnancy levels were off the charts instead of barly there. This pregnancy has been the healthiest by far, even healthier than my first one over 5 years ago.

So in my expereince workingout did have a major effect on having another child. Although I miss workingout every day, I know it is worth it. I do get caught watching Cathe on tv though, and my husband thinks that is way to out of control that I have to still watch Cathe. But heck I just might forget my footing if I went a whole year without seeing Cathe.

Best of luck to you! My suggestion is take a break from workingout until you get pregnant and start up again after the baby. Sure it might be hard to get back into shape or the weights you had before might be to heavy to start out with, but the baby you get in return is worth it!
RE: exercise and its affects on fertility - please resp...


thank you for your response too! If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Did your ob/gyn discuss your workout regimen w/ you during prenatal visits (before the miscarriages)???

All of the responses are so informative...makes me realize that everyone's body/ etc. reacts and handles things differently...I have a feeling that i may fall into the 'slow down ALOT' exercise category; maybe by slowing down, i might see a lengthening of my luteal phase and hopefully, we will be blessed with another little one!

Within the next two weeks, my husband and i will be going for our first consultation (to a fertility specialist). As you probably can tell, i have a lot of questions for them!

thanks again!


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