exercise after a c-section?


Does anyone have any advice as to when I can start doing cathes dvds or even those from 'THE Firm' after a c-section? I'm only a few days post op, I've been doing the exercises recommended by the hospital but six weeks down the line I'd like to start doing some thing more. Anyone been in my position? What did you start out with?

If I were you, I would consult with my doctor as everybody is different. I have had 2 c-sections. With my first I was very young, only 18, and very active. My doctor approved of me doing ab work after only 2 weeks. She said if I felt pain or pulling to immediately stop. I felt nothing. I was back to my regular exercise program within 6 weeks. My second c-section I was still young at only 25, but not as active as before. I was still back to my full exercise program within 6 weeks. As I mentioned above, this was all doctor approved. You need to tell your doctor what type of exercises you are wanting to do and see what is approved and what is not. It has been many years since my c-sections and I was not into heavy weights at that time, but mainly hi/lo cardio and light weights. My recovery time for both operations was very quick and easy which my doctor attributed to my working out. I hope you are having a great recovery also.
That was some sound advice about talking with your doctor before you start anything. When I had mine about 8 years ago (31 year old) I was working out but not to the intensity that I work out now to. I had a hysterotomy about 4 years ago and that suck hurt. Both times it took me some time to get back because Cathe work out require alot of torso strength so I only did FIRMs and walking for about 6 weeks after I got the ok from the doctor. But go easy on yourself in the beginning as Cathe also says modifiy modifiy.

Hi I too had 3 c-sections and I exercised right til the day of the birth and then started very gently 1 week after at the time I was doing lots of step the last 1 was about 14 years ago I too recommend speaking w/your Dr. and only do what feels good Walking is always a great place to start I used to put my sons in their strollers and off we would go Don't go too far cuz sometimes it was a little hard on the way back!Good luck to you and enjoy your new little one they grow so fast!
I had a c-section and I waited 6 weeks to let everything heal completely although I felt well enough to resume at about 4 weeks. It is major surgery so I took my doctors advice and erred on the side of caution regarding exercise. I was pretty much at full throttle as far cleaning and daily activities other than exercise by 4 weeks. Good luck and take care of yourself and baby and enjoy!
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I am 38 and had a hysterectomy about 4 months ago. Check with your doctor about what is okay and what is not. My doctor cleared me for any type of exercise 6 weeks post op. I started slowly with just walking. After several weeks I began doing some Firm videos so that I could ease in to Cathe workouts. (I am a former Cathe user, but had gotten out of shape the year before surgery). Listen to your doctor and listen to your body. My doctor told me that I would know by how I felt if I had over done it and he was right. I'm back to using Cathe and am feeling great! Give yourself time to heal and congratulations on the birth of your baby!:) :)
thanks everyone. i will talk to my doctor but there is not much he can tell me - he can only go on what i tell him so....

iam finding it hard to come to terms with the op - they seem to hand them out like candy nowadays and i wonder if, with good midwife, i could have delivered naturally with uterus and fertility still in tact.
My c-section is very much in the past(15 years), but I still remember the feeling of sadness that I had to have it. In my case I would not have my son, he was blue when they got him out, so it was the right call. However, it all happens so fast it kind of leaves your head spinning, and with all those hormones raging, you feel a bit melonchally anyway. Back then I did not even get out of the hospital for 5 days. After that I slowly began walking some everyday and then by 4-6 weeks I was doing modified exercise.

I feel that I tried too fast to get back to exercise, so my advise is to take it easy. You have a new baby to take care of, make that your first concern. You have the rest of your life to get back into shape. That is hard advise to take right now because you are feeling pretty blah about your body, but it will get better. The pictures at my son's first b-day party show me very fit and muscled.
Treat your body right and it treats you right.
From your comment it sounds like you also had a hysterectomy. I am sorry you had such a hard time. I hope that all is well with your baby and you can enjoy him/her.
I just wanted to say I'm sorry you had a hard time with your c-section. My c-sections were also many years ago, 22 years and 16 years. I only stayed in the hospital for 2 days after my c-sections and still excercising as I said above.
My C-section saved my baby's life, or at least, saved him from irreversible damage. There are some things that just happen, whether you have a midwife or not. I don't know the details of your birth, but it sounds like it had more complications than even a typical C-section. I'm sorry that you're feeling bad. We moms definitely get messages that we have failed if we have to have a C-section and it can be very discouraging to keep thinking about it.

As for the original question, I was pretty much up to speed on everything but abs about six months after birth. Abs took a little more than a year because I had a split and my scar hurt.
I had a very straightforward c-section, no hysterectomy. I got to 9cm dilated on gas and air and a tens machine and the support of my wonderful husband. problem is I had a big baby, he was posterior and didn't descend far enough for me to feel like pushing. I was offered the choice of a forceps delivery or c-section but I knew that forceps don't guarantee an outcome and if he was that far 'up' it would do real damage to me and my baby. Fertility is affected by c-sections unfortunately and I'm upset that I got so far for it not to happen naturally. But you're right, time will heal and I'm focusing on my beautiful child (he was never in any danger btw).

I have never heard of fertility being effected by a cesarean. I'm a medical transcriptionist and that has never been dictated as a con from my OB docs. And it definitely didn't effect me. I got pregnant very easily afterwards twice.
Molly, if it makes you feel any better, my mom had two more babies (by C-section) after her first C-section. Her pregnancies were uneventful and her recoveries were fairly easy. The only issue will be that doctors will need to keep a closer eye on you as you get closer to your next delivery date. You might even be able to give birth naturally next time. (If I have another baby, I'm going to try to go natural if at all possible.)
My Mother had all 5 of us c-section because once a c-section, always a c-section back then. So it did not affect her fertility. My sister's forst was c-section and she had 2 more vaginally, and my first was c-section, and I had one more vaginally.

Right now is too early to worry about that. It sounds like the c-section was the right choice and who knows, may be again, may not.
Take care of your beautiful baby boy, and heal. I remember emotions and the feelings of resentment and failure after the c-section, but they fade as you heal and feel better.
Thank you all so much for your advice and support. My consultant did tell me that c-sections are associated with a decrease in fertility but we're talking 'risks' here and obviously it doesn't affect everyone. I'm still really sad about it, I had arranged a home birth and had laboured there so effectively, it was really wonderful. It was only because he never engaged that we transferred to hospital and once there, it was just as I expected. My baby boy is a joy and I'm focusing on him but it will take a while before I can even look at myself naked let alone look at the scar. I know that 'what ifs' aren't a very constructive way of looking at things and it has really helped to hear such positive advice and stories from all of you.

I had a trouble filled pregnancy and wound up emergency c-sect. Because of the extra trouble I had with PIH, I was told to leave off except for walking and such for 8 weeks. I know how you feel about the area and the scar. It has been 3 years for me and it just won't look any better, except for a tummy tuck which I'm considering. One of the harder issues was my friend trying to comfort me after having the c-sect and that it was okay and she had both naturally. I might have felt better coming from someone who had already been there. Relax and enjoy, the pea pod stage doesn't last near long enough.

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