Ex or Current FIRMers???

lesliew...I can see where all of these step workouts can cause over-use injuries. I've always been skeptical of Cathe workouts for that very reason and that's why I've never tried any of them until last week. I do have a Gin Miller step video and a Keli Roberts so this wasn't new-new...just faster paced.

I would recommend to anyone doing Cathe workouts to make sure they are mixing up their cardio every week. Doing these step routines 4/5 days a week could definitely lead to problems. Mix it up with other cardio...walking, running, jogging, spinning, other videos not as intense. Don't get me wrong, I like the Cathe workouts I have done so far because they are 'workouts'! But I have also ordered other Cathe Dvd's that are non-step to avoid over-use issues.
I am not going to say EX, but since I found Cathe, I haven't really been doing much FIRM. Cathe just makes working out fun, like it should be and I get phenomenal results. I worked out pretty much primarily to the FIRM for over a year and while I did lose some weight, I did not ever get the body that I felt I deserved for all the hard work I was putting in. However, I have been doing Cathe only like 8 weeks now and I have lost 20 lbs. She is amazing and I will keep her in my rotations. She will blast the weight off of you if you use them in conjunction with a good eating plan. I have also lost 4% bodyfat. Stick with Cathe, she will get that unwanted weight and fat off. I am very excited about the results.

>I have a question for everyone on this thread. I have used
>the Firm tapes since they came out in the 80's. And although
>I never liked the more recent Firms, I have grown bored with
>all of them. Last week I finally snapped out of my rut and
>decided to venture out into new workouts and ended up here
>reviewing Cathe video clips. Okay, my question finally
>is...which workouts would you recommend for a Cathe-newbie to
>start with? I like the looks of the BootCamp workout but have
>been recommended to get Max Intensity Cardio and Rythmic
>Step...I like long intense cardio...something the Firms always
>did lack. So any suggestion's would be greatly appreciated.

I lost 55lbs by eating healthily and doing Firm tapes for almost a year and I'll never part with any of them. I started using Cathe workouts most days of the week since March because I needed a change of pace.

Cardio Kicks is long and intense and pure enjoyment. I got hooked on kickboxing as a result of that workout.

Step, Jump and Pump is less intense than Cardio Kicks, but a fun and wonderful cardio workout that gets the heart rate going.

Some of the choreography in the hi/lo sections of CTX series cardio sections is very similar to some of the choreography in the Firm Super Cardio. Each CTX cardio section is short, but by programming your dvd, you can create cardio workouts of varying lengths of time and intensity.

Because I over did it with Cathe step workouts, I've been relying on the CTX series very heavily for getting my cardio workouts in. I program my dvd to put together different cardio workouts using the kickbox and hi/lo sections from the CTX series. When my knee is ready for step again, I'll start adding in the step sections to create longer and tougher cardio workouts.

I also combined the hi/lo section from Maximum Intensity Cardio with 3 hi/lo sections from the CTX series for an amazingly intense workout. Actually, while doing MIC, because I started having sharp and uncomfortable chest pains, I had to modify. It was such a disturbing experience, I plan to only do the MIC hi/lo section by itself after doing my weight work, but not any time soon. I need to improve my fitness level first. It's the most intense cardio I've ever done even though IMAX and Imax2 are both very long and intense cardio workouts as well.

If you're looking for incredibly challenging cardio workouts, Imax 1 and 2 are it. They are extremely intense and long workouts. I once programmed my dvd to do all the Imax 2 sections in row from my Terminator dvd and that workout trashed me more thoroughly than Imax did and Imax is not to be taken lightly.

I like all the step workouts on Cardio Hits, a collection of some of Cathe's older step workouts. They are not as intense as the Imaxs, but still provide great workouts.


I starter with the Firm when Volume 1 was new--yes, I paid something like $80 for it. I have over 30 tapes, and liked the newer-older ones like Super Cardio, Cardio Burn, and the ones from that era (except for Dale Brabham, however). The cardio in the old ones is sooooo boring! I used to like them, but when I saw what fun cardio was like, I couldn't go back very well. I hated BSS1--Jen and Allie lost all their personality! BSS2 was better, but they were so much less challenging than the originals. Because of that, I had no interest in BSS3--I'm saving my money for Cathe.

After I worked up to Super Cardio, I thought of myself as an "advanced" exerciser. Then I was sooooo lucky enough to find 3 Cathe tapes at a discount store. I thought after firming for so many years that I could handle them just fine--can we say "humbled"???? Gin Miller's Intense Moves helped me get in enough shape to handle Cathe, and now I absolutely LOVE them!!!! I still do the Firms for weight work (because I have so many), but I prefer Cathe!

I have no problem with muscle definition (all that dang Scotch ancestry--short and stout), but if that's what you're after, I'm sure Cathe will deliver it much better than the Firm.
Hi Everyone
I too, am an ex-Firmer and since discovering Cathe 2 years ago, I haven't looked back. Although I haven't dropped any lbs. (damn!) I have noticed a tremendous upper body difference (wow! I have shoulders) and ab definition (it's a little hidden) plus much greater aerobic capacity and endurance.

Cathe's choreography is always interesting and the interval training on many of her step videos is such an intense workout. It's such a great feeling to finish a video like Imax2 refreshed and energized (not exhausted and spent, like when i first tried it).

Cathe pushes you to the limit in a way that is much more fun and engaging than any of the Firm instructors ever do. Guess it's time to put my Firm tapes on Ebay:)
Hi I am a girl of spain. I have been a fan of the firm since two years ago. I love the video 1 with Susan Harris . I love the floor work. I have lost 17 kilos with the weight training of the firm and with the cardio of cristhi taylor and gin miller too. I want to buy videos of cathe. I have seen the video-clips and they are wonderful. I want to buy the kickboxing video, kick, punch and crunch , cardio kicks and high step circuit. I can not buy the videos in my country . ¿How can I buy them? I have a DVD in PAL format. ¿I need a DVD with NTSC? . Please help me I am a fan of cathe too. :)
That is very encouraging. What kind of results have you seen in your lower body? I love the older Firms and that is what I use to workout to. I just recently canceled my gym membership due to the fact I never have enough time to get there and get it done. I have heard so many positive things about Cathe's workouts. I need to lose 14 pounds and my upper, lower and abs all need a rehaul.
Hi, I just registered here. I have IMAX2 and LOVE it!!! What do you recommend that I get to start my Cathe library? What equipment do I need, etc. Thanks so much everyone! I use the FIRM now, but I am unhappy with GoodTimes and need more intense routines to keep me motivated. IMAX2 blew me away! I did the whole thing through for the first time the other day. I was so happy!

Hello Melissa!!

Isn't IMAX2 great! I'm working on getting through it one interval at a time.

I absolutely love Cathe and have really not been doing Firms for about 2 months now. I'm loving Step Blast, Step Jump & Pump, Boot Camp, Legs & Glutes, just about all of them so far.

I think you need to get the club step if you don't have one already. For the high step, I'm still using my FL and for incline work I do use the Firm box for now.

Hope to see you soon!

Cathe DVD's are much more challenging and interesting. I, too, have the Firm workouts. I saw a lot of changes in my body, but I needed something more challenging. I like BBS 1, but I think BBS 2 is not as intense as BBS1 and the prior Firm workouts. I still rotate Super Scuplting, Cardio Sculpting and Body Sculpting with Cathe. I have no interest in BBS 3. As for Cathe, the Intensity Series is the one that broke my fitness plateau. Bootcamp, I feel, can be done by anyone. If you have the fanny lifter, you can use it in place of the High Step. With bootcamp, you will not finish the whole DVD your first time out (if you do, you REALLY, should pat yourself on the back because this workout is NO JOKE), but if you keep at it you will see your strentgth and endurance grow through use of this workout. This is one that is timeless. And as you get stronger, increase weight for the challenge. I guess I can not say enough for this one or Muscle Endurance. IMAX 2, get ready because you will sweat your "your u know what" off in this workout. Definately a calorie burner. For real upper body and lower body definition...the Pyramid series. I got cuts in my shoulders doing this workout, I did not get this from the FIRM. In retrospect, I am glad I did the Firm to start out, but to progress and crank it up a notch...Cathe all the way....
Hi Melissa and welcome!

I am pretty new here myself. (I'm shaeleigh at the Firm Believer's.) I love Bootcamp!!! It has everything-tough cardio intervals, strength training and core work. You'll love it. No step is required for this workout. I gotta say that I love my Timesaver. They are shorter workouts compiled from the Body Blast series. They still pack quite a punch, though! I am seeing results already from doing Cathe's workouts that I hadn't achieved with The Firm. I was feeling that I should be seeing more results with all the time I was putting into working out and using heavy weights. I don't know what it is, but my legs are getting leaner and not bulking up as much. (I'm short, so I don't need additional bulk.) I am really pleased so far, and I intend to add more Cathe DVDs while I wait for Hardcore to come out. Good luck with whatever you decide to purchase.

Hi Melissa and welcome!

I am pretty new here myself. (I'm shaeleigh at the Firm Believer's.) I love Bootcamp!!! It has everything-tough cardio intervals, strength training and core work. You'll love it. No step is required for this workout. I gotta say that I love my Timesaver. They are shorter workouts compiled from the Body Blast series. They still pack quite a punch, though! I am seeing results already from doing Cathe's workouts that I hadn't achieved with The Firm. I was feeling that I should be seeing more results with all the time I was putting into working out and using heavy weights. I don't know what it is, but my legs are getting leaner and not bulking up as much. (I'm short, so I don't need additional bulk.) I am really pleased so far, and I intend to add more Cathe DVDs while I wait for Hardcore to come out. Good luck with whatever you decide to purchase.

Why is it that once you do a Cathe workout you have to go and buy all the workouts? I just placed my 3rd order and still have some to go.

'Cause they're so GOOD!! Ha!!! Seriously, it's because Cathe's form is so good, her cues are so good, she makes the work fun and makes it challenging. So of course you have to have a variety.... :)
Hi! I am so happy to find ya'll!! I bought the FIRM Body Sculpt 2 1 month ago and am sooo bored already!! I just got my Step,Jump and Pump in the mail yesterday and am in love!! I wish I had spent my money on the Intensity series instead of the Firm! Oh well! Saving my pennies again!! After reading all the Frim lovers posts in other places, I am so glad to find people who were not blown away by the Firm. Thanks to Cathe for this great forum! :7
Hey I know you! It's so cool so 'see' familiar names here! Thanks for your reply. I will try Bootcamp and Timesaver. I don't have money to buy more equipment right now so Bootcamp sounds great! The Firm Box is the devil!

Dorothy, you are here too! Yay! I'm glad I have Cathe buddies. Hope to see you soon as well!

Hey I know you! It's so cool so 'see' familiar names here! Thanks for your reply. I will try Bootcamp and Timesaver. I don't have money to buy more equipment right now so Bootcamp sounds great! The Firm Box is the devil!

Dorothy, you are here too! Yay! I'm glad I have Cathe buddies. Hope to see you soon as well!

Dorothy, is it a pain to use other equipment or is modifying with the Firm equipment easy? I'd hate to buy more stuff right now!
Cathe is much more intense than The Firm. However, I still like to use the firm when I don't feel like working out as intensely on somedays, or just when I need a change of pace. I do use the early volumes and 1 or 2 of the later release because they are a bit more challenging.

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