Ex or Current FIRMers???


Another Question ( I have lots...)

How would you compare the Cathe Series to the FIRM tapes? Are they more advanced? Do you find Cathe gives better results? If so, why?

I'm looking forward to starting my Cathe workouts, Body Blast and Intensity Series (haven't this week because I'm a little under the weather), but I also have the new FIRM 3 and would like to rotate those in as well. Any suggestions on which ones I should focus on???
Hi and welcome!
I used to love the FIRM. My IF YOU WERE STUCK ON AN ISLAND WORKOUT would still be Vol.1 with Susan Harris. I think I stopped loving them when they started coming up with stuff like Maximum Cardio or Fat Blaster and Bootcamp stuff. I like Vol.1,4,Cardio Burn,Firm Strength,Super Sculpt and Super Cardio and CAWT. CAWT impressed me since Body Sculpt and Super Sculpt were just annoying.
I hear that Stephanie Corley has a really good one now with the new ones. But what's with the Mr.Slippy Tippy the Deathbox? See...I do keep up!!!
I hope you will LOVE the Body Blast Series as much as I do. I particularly adore Step Blast and L&G. L&G reminds me of my FIRM days...so different from Cathe's usual lower body workouts. It's like the FIRM but it's Cathe TOUGH. I'm not sure how to react to Supersets or Push & Pull because in comparison to the Pyramids and PS Series they seem considerably easier. They are different though which means it rounds out a collection rather well. I need to learn how to fit them into a rotation.
The intensity series...IMAX2 RULES!!!

Does Cathe give better results? I needed to fix my upper arms badly which was why I tried cathe in the first place. The PS Series delivered. They were worth every penny. My first Cathe was BodyMax and I nearly died. I was so choreographically challenged that it amazes me how I can do Step blast and Rhythmic step now.
I used the Firm for a few years before I found Cathe. Cathe is much more advanced. I find the Firm a bit boring and somehow too easy compared to Cathe. Its hard for me to figure the reason why. Cathe does more sets of exercises and in different ways...up 2 down 2....up 3 down 1....and those lowends!!! It must be the variety of Cathe's workouts that give you better results than the Firm. Cathe's also have more cardio than I found in ANY of the Firm and I am a cardio nut. It really comes down to your goals and the type of workouts you like. I love circuit style and Cathe has some of the best. I also never did kickboxing til Cathe and it is so fun! I think your choices of Body Blast and the Intensity series are great picks. I have most all of her workouts. I would suggest some, but not sure what you are interested in most?....:)...Carole
Thanks you guys for all of your great feedback. After seeing Cathe's workouts, I can definitely tell they're a bit more advanced. That's why I'm excited. I'm a little bored with the FIRM and I also think I've reached a bit if a plateau. I have a stubborn 8 pounds to lose (or maybe less if I think in terms of inches) and the FIRM just isn't cutting it for me. The new workouts are pretty good, especially Stephanie's, but I've fallen victim to Mr. Slippy-Tippy - yes, I have fallen and busted my a%%. The whole Box is a joke. I've ordered the Step from BTSBodyshop, so I plan to use that from now on. The whole incline lunge thing is pretty awesome...sort of like Gin Miller's Ramp...it left me good and sore for a couple of days, and that was only from the few I managed to do before I fell of the Box! ha ha.

Now, my goals...I'd like to build my upper body a bit, get more defined, and shrink my hips an inch or so, and look oh-so-good for bikini season. I'm little on top, but have a little J-Lo action going on in behind. From what I've read, Body Blast and Intensity Series will get me where I want to be w/ some running and walking mixed in!
For your goals I think those 2 series will be great!I agree with R A C H that Imax2 rules. Those step intervals are good at burning fat. The Pyramids from the Intensity series are good at increasing defintion. I think Legs & Glutes is just so fun and moves fast, but it will make you sore. I think you will really enjoy all of these workouts and keep us posted!....:)...Carole
I've been using Cathe for 2-3 years now, but I'm also a recent ex-Firmie, firming for over 10 years. I have also gotten bored with the Firms and the newer Firms were actually making me bigger. I also have the new box and was having trouble with it. I put mine on a sticky mat and it actually works, but I'm still not real comfortable with it. And with all the rave about Christa's workout I had to give it a try yesterday. I made it through about half of it, stopped it, and put in a Cathe workout. Christa does not cue very well in my opinion and I got incredibly bored with the cardio segments. I think I'm going to put all my Firms on ebay. The new set should sell pretty good since it is so new.

So great to hear that you've tried the new FIRM. Now I know I'm not the only one that is IRRITATED with it all, Box mainly. Have you tried Stephanie's workout? I've done it twice, and its pretty good, but then again, I've never done a Cathe workout, so its probably a cakewalk in comparison. I've been under the weather and I've given myself the weekend ot recover, then I'm starting Cathe on Monday!!!

Are you getting better results from Cathe workouts? I noticed you said you were getting bigger. i think I am too, but I thought I was just getting older :) A few years ago, I lost 10 pounds super quickly doing Standing Legs, Upper Body Parts, 5-Day Abs, and Not So-Tough Aerbics. The inches melted away. But can't seem to get any results with the new ones. I think its just time to move on!
I think you'll love Cathe. I have seen great results with Cathe. If I would just clean up my eating, I would probably look great. I did have great results with the Firm pre-GT, but I like Cathe even better than those also. I have tried Stephanie's workout and I do like it, but it is not near as intense as Cathe.
I'm also a recent ex-Firmie (well, not exactly ex, I still do Firms here and there). I believe Cathe's workouts are much more intense in many ways. I am seeing much more definition in my arms and now my legs than I was with my Firm workouts, and for the first time I can actually see my triceps starting to firm up. In fairness, I never did much of the older Firm workouts, so that may be a factor. I really love the Body Blast and Intensity series. I also really love the older step workout Step Heat.

I still throw in my Firms once in a while, usually when I need a slightly less intense workout or when I just don't want to think about anything--I've done them all so many times I can do them in my sleep, LOL.

I also credit Cathe workouts for renewing my excitement in workout out. It was kind of getting routine and a little boring.
I love Cathe!!!! About 3 years ago, I went strictly Cathe and sold all of my Firm's on Ebay. Last week I repurchased Standing Legs and all of the Classics. I think I will enjoy them for short periods just to have a change of pace. I am doing the Smaller Lower Body Rotation, and when I get done, I am going to do the Classics 1,2,3, and Stnding Legs for a couple of weeks. Just a change, but I will always be a Cathe Devotee!!!! I think the older ones are WAY better than the newer ones. They are so short!!!
I'm a current FIRMie but looking to shake up my routine. I placed my first Cathe order yesterday and now I can't wait to receive them! I don't have the new BSS3 yet, actually I just have the new box, it came without the DVD's and I'm waiting very patiently for the replacement DVD's to come. It's been about 2 weeks so I can't really comment on the new workouts yet. I enjoy all of my FIRMs and haven't had any trouble with anything FIRM-related. I want to incorporate both Cathe and FIRM into my workouts.
I am back on Firms this week. After working out Monday, I felt tired and run down. When I feel that way, I know I need to give my Cathe workouts a break and go back to the Firm. But I'll be back with Cathe workouts soon. It never takes long, I just need a rest.
I'm an ex-Fimer, and I just recently boxed up all my Firm workouts and Fanny Lifter to give to my sister-in-law. Cathe delivers results that I don't think the Firm could, IMHO. Until Cathe, I didn't even know what the muscles in my shoulers looked like, let alone worked them enough to feel fatigued. I get more compliments on my upper body and it's all thanks to Cathe...the lower half, however, is still a work in progress!x(
I "grew up" on the original Firms, and I still drag out my old favories from time to time. (Don't really have anything constructive to say about the "new" Firms or FitPrime, so I won't ...)

I find Cathe to be much more intense and advanced than any of my original Firms, but a couple of them (Volume I with Susan Harris and The Tortoise with Tracie Long) still kick my behind sufficiently! They're just "different" than Cathe, is the best way I can describe them. They're formatted to work differently. As far as my own personal results, NO ONE gave me muscle definition like Cathe did!! But for cardio, I enjoy alternating Cathe's tapes with my old Firms, simply for the sake of variety.

I also really like Tracie Long's new videos. I find they work my core in a unique way, and they're great for balance work. Again, they're formatted to work in this way, and I enjoy alternating them with my Cathe tapes.

Hope this helps!!

Hi, I am a Firmie and a Catheite. With the exception of Super Cardio, Cathe's cardio is much more intesnse than the Firm and the step choreography is much more complex. The strength training in Cathe's videos is also more challenging than the Firm with the exception of the Firm's Super Sculpt, Lower Body Split and Standing Legs. IMHO, these tapes are as challenging as A Cathe's workout. I do like to rotate in some of the Firm tapes for variety, for example Maximum Cardio Burn, because this cardio tape uses not only step but also the high step, no-step moves and 4-limb moves with low weights. Ialso lile CAWT.
As for the new system, the box is indeeed a death box. In the incline position, the box slides forward when you lunge on it and it wobbles and tips in the level 6 inch position. Lisa Kay did a good job with her short cardio workout however. I couldn't beleive that I could fell so worked out after only 35 minutes.:)
I have a question for everyone on this thread. I have used the Firm tapes since they came out in the 80's. And although I never liked the more recent Firms, I have grown bored with all of them. Last week I finally snapped out of my rut and decided to venture out into new workouts and ended up here reviewing Cathe video clips. Okay, my question finally is...which workouts would you recommend for a Cathe-newbie to start with? I like the looks of the BootCamp workout but have been recommended to get Max Intensity Cardio and Rythmic Step...I like long intense cardio...something the Firms always did lack. So any suggestion's would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have maximum intensity cardio or rhythmic step, but I have done Bootcamp and it is intense! I don't think you can go wrong with any of Cathe's cardio workouts. All of the workouts I've tried have been much more intense than any of the Firm cardio workouts, with possible the exception of Super Cardio, and even that I think is much less intense than most of Cathe's. Bootcamp doesn't involve the step (or am I dreaming--that day is but a blur to me, LOL) and no fancy footwork, just good hard work, both weights and aerobic.

I just finished viewing the video clip for Rythmic Step and think that may be my next purchase.

I am a somewhat recent "ex-FIRMie" too, and I, like the woman before me in this thread, had been doing FIRMs since they came out in the 80s. (Bought 'em for $50 apiece! I was such a crazy bird that I even saved all the old "Firm Believers" catalogs when they used to sell clothing...and all the "Firm Believers" newsletters.) Today, I've all but abandoned the FIRM and have even sold quite a bit of my (formerly COMPLETE!) collection on eBay! (Don'tcha just LOVE eBay?! It's funny to hear how many of you have also posted your FIRMs there!)

Anyway, I am a total Cathe nut now. Back when I did my FIRMs, I *did* own Cathe's MIS and BodyMax. I remember saving those for the days when I felt super strong and full of energy...because even though I did my FIRMs on an average 5-6 times a week, Cathe's workouts were always TOTAL BUTTKICKERS.

So now, coming off my second pregnancy (just over four weeks postpartum -- and after gaining a whopping 75 pounds no less!!!), I am on a strictly Cathe-only rotation. Not only am I sick of most of my FIRMs, but the new GT FIRMS hold absolutely NO interest for me and are all WAY too easy. (They've ALL ended up on eBay!) My philosophy is sorta like that (Pepperidge Farms?) cookie commercial where they say, "if you're gonna have a cookie, HAVE A COOKIE!" You know...if you're gonna work out, THEN REALLY WORK OUT!!!

I find that Cathe's workouts are the hardest I've ever done (BOTH IMAXes are super-tough...and BodyMax STILL makes me say "you MUST be kidding" out loud during the workout! NEVER did I ever SWEAT as much with ANY of the FIRMs. I'm serious!

And I agree with the person who talked about cueing...Cathe is TOPS. Even when you're in the middle of some SUPER complex choreography, you can just LISTEN and know what to do. (Remember the FIRM's Volume 2 with Janet Jones? Talk about HORRIBLE cueing!!)

I may sell a few more of my FIRMs on eBay (though I'll keep my favorites if I ever need variety...StrongHeart, StrongBody, Vol. 4, Tortise, etc.), but I've already bought ALL of Cathe's DVDs! And after only four weeks postpartum, I see muscle definition in my core region...AMAZING!!

I realize this is WAY more than just two cents (sorry!), but I just HAD to chime in!:7

I have never found any instructor with better queing and tougher than Cathe. I was going to sell all my firms, but I can't. I still like them a lot. I think it is good to rotate your work outs. I have a few favorites, firm cardio and firm strength, standing legs, maximum cardio and fatblaster, I love both the firm BSS1 and BSS2. I have no desire to get the new set, I would rather spend the money on more Cathe dvd's. For me it just helps mixing up the work outs. I love Cathe's step tapes and kick box tapes as well as all the intensity series, but like Carol mentioned it is good for variety, and to keep the body guessing. BUT IN MY BOOK CATHE IS MUCH MORE FUN AND I AM SEEING GREAT RESULTS. WHAT IS MORE FUN THAN DOING ALL CATHE'S STEP TAPES AND HAVING ALL THE MOVES DOWN TO A T WOOO---HOOOOO, NOTHING, AND HER MUSIC ROCKS!!.

After doing mostly Cathe for a year my body needs a break! All the intensity has left me with some knee problems, so I'm going to be Firming for awhile. I do have to go heavy on the weights in order to feel challenged when doing the Firm, but I like the change of pace and I do feel sufficiently worked when I'm done. I'll never get rid of my Firms!

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