epicondilits and how to deal with it ....


New Member
hi..I am working since I was 25 (20years ago)..I like to train hard at the gym doing 4 times a week aerobics (floor rotines,stapes,cardiovacular machines etc) and weights...(training with considerable weight)two months ago I was diagonosticated with epicondilitis (a pain in my left elbow that's really bothers me)...well since that time I am out of the gym . How can I adjust my weight routine to that condition..can I really come back as before??? I feel better but to be sincere after physical therapy and medications...i still have pain in the elbow...i am loosing muscle and cardiovascular condition. any suggestion will be really appreciate....thanks..alicia
***Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, physical therapist, or health care worker, nor am I qualified to treat or diagnose anything!***

I haven't experienced this condition myself, but I have a friend who has dealt with it. successfully. He says he got rid of it by doing finger extensions with rubberbands and doing a similar movement by filling a pail with sand and digging his hand into it by extension of the fingers. He also avoided all work that involved gripping (chins, rows, deadlifts, curls, etc) until the pain was COMPLETELY gone. And yes, he was able to fully recover.

Did your physical therapy involve finger extensions? I use them myself as part of my routine to keep the muscles of the forearms in balance.
And thanks for asnwering...I really appreciate it...
Karen...answering your question...sincerely I am not doing any kind of exercise involving finger extensions..but I think is a good idea to try some...
I am under treatment since August 16th...almost three months...
How long took your friend recovering comletely...?
One thing I am trying is to use the medicine ball (that the grip is not norrow like and dumbell)for my weight routine and it is working for the moment...(once your are use to the dumbells its take a litte bit to adjust a routine to the medicine ball)...
Again...thanks and have a great day....alicia ;-)

I think you should check with your PT before adding finger extensions. I was offering my friend's story mostly as encouragement. His problem was caused by an strength imbalance developed by doing lots of heavy exercises involving gripping with no finger extension work to counterbalance things. I'm told this kind of strength imbalance is not that uncommon among lifters, so I now use finger extensions as a preventative measure. So working the opposing function of gripping -- extensions -- really helped in his case. Perhaps your problem was caused by something else?

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