Alright, I could be incorrect and please those of you who have experienced this let me know. First, I'm over 40, only 5'2 and my wrist is about the size of a 12 year old little girl. I can gain muscle fairly easily, it's become more difficult the older I've gotten but I can still do it, problem is I can also put on fat and that's harder to get rid of. I finished STS recently and I noticed that while having gained strength and some muscle I felt kind of bloated and definitely had trouble fitting into some of my dresses and pants. I did gain weight so I know some of it was fat, my waist line was bigger than it should have been. Anyway, I started Ripped with Hiit and about the third week I noticed that I was trimming down. The workouts are shorter and pretty intense. When I was doing STS sometimes my workouts were sometimes one hour and 45 minutes long in order for me to fit in cardio. I don't have the option of doing cardio later in the day or I'm not likely to do it. I'm wondering if I had a problem dropping the fat when doing STS due to cortisol? Maybe the longer workouts don't work well for me at this stage in life? Any thoughts?