EMERGENCY - Help me pick a shoe!!!


Okay, I have tried lots of shoes for aerobics, and this weekend, I thought my search had finally ended. Not so. I finally found a store in my area that carries Ryka aerobic shoes, but alas, they don't carry the Rhythm II (apparently the original Rhythms are no longer available). If you want the Rhythm II, you have to order it from their catalog. Anyway, I tried on several shoes and settled on the Ryka Affirm...but yesterday when I did Rhythmic Step, the shoes were SSOOOOO uncomfortable, that I had to take them off not even halfway through the workout and put on my old shoes again (that cause "burning" in the balls of my feet -- this is what I was trying to get rid of).

At any rate, I saw the "Shoe Question" thread from a few weeks ago (I actually printed it out), and now I'm referring back to it. I need to know what all you Cathe-ites think. Since I have decided to order a shoe, should I order the Freddy's or the Rhythm II? I need a shoe with a little "bounce" and cushion (and the Ryka Affirms had absolutely NO bounce whatsoever -- they were a very "flat-soled" shoe that really made my feet and legs uncomfortable). So, in your experience, if you had to choose, would you go with the Rhythm II or the Freddy. Any and all comments are welcome. I want to place my order today, if possible, so bring it on.

I resantly bought the "Freddy " shoes .I like them . I was getting shin splints before I got them ,Seem fine now . Hope this helps :) :)
Hi Catwoman!

I had a similar experience trying to buy Rykas in stores...I just couldn't find any! Especially the really good ones that you need to do Cathe workouts. Anyway, I can't tell you anything about the Freddy shoes because I don't have any. However, I have two pair of the Ryka Enlight II and the Ryka Rhythm II and I love them both. Light years better than my old Reeboks! They felt very springy to me, but I soon realized my old shoes were trashed, so my opinion is that they do give you bounce. Let's just say my workouts haven't been the same since I got them!

I ordered mine from Zappos because their shipping is FAST! As for sizing, the Enlight II runs a little wider in the toebox whereas the Rhythm II is more of a standard width. I also took my normal shoe size which is 7 1/2. I ordered the 8 first but it was too long. I have more of the short fat foot! Anyway, the nice thing about Zappos is you get free returns so it's a win-win all the way.

So...you get out there and get you some new shoes! You're gonna need them!

:D Nicole
Hi Catwoman!

Well I can't tell you anything about the Rykas because I don't have them but I do have the Freddy's and let me just tell you that for me, they are the BEST workout shoes I've ever had:7 !!! I have enough ankle support, cushioning in the right places and the lateral support is simply out of this world!!! I used to workout in almost exclusively New Balance and while I still like them I don't know if I would workout in them again.......a few weeks ago I used them instead of my freddy's and less than halfway through one of my Cathe workouts I had to stop and change into the freddy's because my feet were hurting so much in the New Balance. Just a warning though Freddy shoes tend to run bigger so for example I normally wear a 7 or 7 1/2 in shoes and I wear a 6 1/2 with freddy.

I hope that helps you out a little bit:7
I think it sounds like you need orthotics, I used to get that awful ball of foot burning too, along with other foot pains a few years ago, then I visited a podiatrist and he made me some athletic orthotics which I now cannot do without, they have made the world of difference and I now have no pain at all. He also measured my feet and recommended Brooks aerobic shoes for me, they're great, have never had any problems with them. Good luck with your search!!
I second the Freddy's recommendation. With all of Cathe's Plyojacks & Hi/Lo, these are the only ones I have absolutely no discomfort with. No heel pain, no forefoot pain & no shinsplints as long as I warm up.

I loved my first pair so much, I ordered a second pair just a couple of months later & I rotate them.

Just curious Marla - where can you buy Freddy shoes? I've heard of people buying them at US Bodyware, but it seems that every pair I choose is on closeout and they don't have my size. Is there anyplace else? I've never even heard of these shoes before reading about them in this forum, so any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!

You know, I tried to google it but no luck. Only US Bodyware seems to have them. They run 1/2 size too large in some cases so maybe you can still find a pair there. I have wide feet but they were still perfect for me.


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