embarrassing ?


Has anyone experienced increased flatulation(gas-passing) with an increase in fiber intake? What do you take/do for it?
Thanks everyone.
You could try Beano before your meals. If the amount of fiber intake is new to you, sometimes your body just needs time to adjust. Generally, they say to slowly increase your fiber intake or you could have worse problems than increased gas :)

Hope this helps.
This is where I break into the "beans beans the musical fruit..." chant. But seriously folks:D :D :D

Oh yes. I did get used to some things, like high fiber cereal (fiber one) and raw veggies (broccoli - a big offender) But some things I had to quit (like ground flax seed - talk about embarrassing) and some things I'm sure I'll never give up eating and never get used to like refried beans (now I'm back to the chant)

So I guess I'm with Fitness Goddess, I deal with it!

www.dixiediner.com sells an enzyme supplement similar to Beano, but with additional enzymes that help with the digestion of various foods.

The good thing: I read somewhere that passing gas helps prevent colon cancer (if so, I'm free and clear!! though the air around me might not always be!)
I found this ginger drink from the Asian store. It's in powder form that you just mix with hot water. It feels good in my tummy. Very soothing. There are ginger capsules you can buy from the herbal medicine aisles at Wal-Mart, that is, if you prefer this kind of treatment. When the gas gets really bad though, I take the pink stuff. Nothing like Pepto-Bismol for relief. Somehow it works better on me than Tums.

Oh I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that has this problem. I started eating higher fiber cereal in the summer and stoped because of the gas problem. Maybe I should try it again and see how it goes with beano, or that ginger sounds like a good option too.

Your body will get acclimated to it. I know its embarrassing & uncomfortable but it does pass (lessen in time). (Pun intended!) Ha! Kathy:7
I used to use "Beano" but it resulted in a curious sensation I was never able to put words to, like my gut was unnaturally immobilized. The body does adjust somewhat with time.

This thread has reminded of something I read in "The Farmer's Almanac" ever so long ago, and I quote:

"A fartin' horse will never tire,
A fartin' man's the one to hire" (or woman, of course)

Around my house we call it 'being jet propelled'.

Take Care
Now that you mention it Laurie, I'm reminded of a limerick from my son's Shrek joke book:

Ode to Wind

A belch is but a gust of wind
that cometh from the heart.
But should it take a downward trend
it turns into a fart.

I'm sorry... I don't mean to be gross or to make fun of those who suffer from gas. This just crossed my mind all of a sudden.

hee hee hee, y'all are so funny!

and I thought I was the only one! I think veggies (broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes are the worst) and beans are the biggest offenders for me. I've tried everything there is - natural and not so natural and haven't seemed to find the best remedy. argh. At least we can all laugh about it here. :7
Pinky and Laurie--too funny--my 9 year old son is going to crack up when I share this with him.

Pinky, I have one, compliments of my Aunty I.

"It's better to let it out and feel the shame,
than to hold it in and feel the pain."

I've tried beano and simethicone but sometimes it's just a fact of life.

I think it comes down to a matter of control. You can get away with letting her rip around your family but not out in the the world.

Since we live in the desert and often come across huge wolf spiders, I usually just say, "Barking wolf spider. Big one." :)

They all gross out but it's not as if they don't do it also and I like to think that my healthier diet produces less toxic fumes than theirs even if we are all equally odorous!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!" http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif
You all are SO funny! While reading your responses I was laughing so much my coworkers wanted in on what it was about. Thanks to all of you for making me feel more at ease about it. I just can't believe I very rarely ever had gas, now it's so much and smells so bad. Sometimes I can blame it on Louie(our Lab), or the kids, but when they're not around what do you do??????
Oh I never blame it on my cats I just tell my husband he isn't even aware he's f***ing anymore, he does it so often! He just shrugs and accepts it...My husband is by no means thick but I did tell him once that it's impossible for ladies to do that sort of thing and the reason why we don't is because our insides are full of a womb and womens tubes etc whereas men just have a pocket of air there for it to build up in! :)

This has got me out of quite a few embarassing moments but I can control it with 200mg peppermint capsules if I have them handy.
I find this less of a problem when I drink enough water and exercise regularly. Peppermint tea and peppermint capsules also help.
- Lisa :)
I have also noticed an increased problem with this when eating some of the protein bars/shakes out there that contain the artifical sweeteners, malitol or sorbitol.. A lot of times those can really wreak havoc on the ol' system!

If you eat any of those type of products, it might be worth checking the label to see if your bars contain those ingredients.

Lynn M.
I agree, Lynn. I've yet to find any powders or bars that don't make me feel bloated and gassy. I desperately need the extra protein and calories, so I keep experimenting with different brands. Balance bars are the ones that bother me the least.

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