Embarrassing weight loss moments...................


Okay~only because I'm past the trauma of the moment do I dare share this experience, but now I can laugh about it so.....

I have been wearing size 12 jeans for a while now and they've been baggy for a few weeks, so 2 weeks ago I bought a pair of 10's for "incentive." So, they've been hanging in the closet as a reminder that they're my next goal, so this morning when I weighed in for the "weight loss check in" post, I had lost 2lbs, so I'm thinking, "hey, wonder if I can get into those 10's?"
So I get them out, wriggle them past the thighs (I hit a sticking point, but they went pass), figuring the hard part was over since my hips were the hard part right? NOT!
I suck in (some of you clearly know what I mean by sucking in), and I button the 10's! Eureka! But no sooner than I reach down for the zipper (making the mistake of letting out an exhale!), the button shoots across the bedroom with the speed of a bullit leaving a gun barrel!
So I'm standing there, mouth on the ground, in wide eyed disbelief and totally speechless!
So my hubby of 9.75 years says to me (in that politically correct manner they eventually learn over the years), "must have been a defective button, huh?"

Traumatic moment at the time, but laughable now! :)

Anyone else brave enough to share an "embarrassing moment" weight loss or otherwise? :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-02 AT 10:21PM (Est)[/font][p]Oh man, oh man. I had this HORRIBLE experience in the dressing room one day.

I was trying on a smaller size than I was used to wearing. I eyed the dress and thought "I think it'll fit."

Well, I have broad shoulders and I just managed to fit the dress past my shoulders. I should have stopped when the garment resisted, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

When I tried to pull the dress OFF over my head (one of those numbers with the zippers on the SIDE - what is the use of THAT??) and it was just stuck.

Of course, after a few minutes I am sweating which isn't helping the situation. My poor son who was 4 at the time says "Mama, are you okay?"

I was JUST about to tell him to go get the sales lady, but I tugged and squirmed at the same time and the dress got unstuck.

WHEWWW!!! I got all sweaty just thinking about this!

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Years ago, I was very heavy and was wearing a size in jeans that I was extremely embarrassed about. One morning, I got up and put on a new pair of jeans in the dark and then left the house. Later that morning, a woman said, "Excuse me, but you have something on the back of your pants." Well, you know those long, transparent stickers on the back of the legs of the jeans where the size is posted all the way down? It was still on my jeans! I was walking around advertising my jeans size! I was horrified.
Donna - way to go on those baggy size 12s!!! :)

Oh goodness, Donna! I'm sorry, but I'm cracking up over here! And your hubby's comment.....absolutely PERFECT!!! LOLOLOLOL

Hollie :) :)
No an embarrassing weight loss moment...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-02 AT 07:02PM (Est)[/font][p]but I just had to share this story.

My sister was visiting our other sister in Phoenix and one day she goes shopping. Being hot there she is wearing shorts.

She has to go to the bathroom when she arrives at the store. So she goes to the bathroom and then she goes to the shoe department.

She is trying on shoes and she goes to the mirror and turns sideways to look at the shoes. She looks in the mirror and says to herself "what is that hanging off my butt?" She had at least a 2 ft piece of toilet paper hanging out of her shorts.

Now, it even gets better.

Two days later she is on her way home and she gets a speeding ticket.

She stops in the next town to gas up and go to the bathroom. She is really upset and flustered because of the speeding ticket.

She goes into the convenience store and goes to the bathroom.

While she is in the stall someone else comes in and leaves.

She gets done and goes out to wash her hands. She looks over and there is a urinal so she says to herself "that is really nice of this store to put a urinal in the girls bathroom for mothers with little boys."

She proceeds to finish washing her hands and all of a sudden she realizes she is in the mens bathroom.

She rushes out and there are people looking at her and she starts rambling off about her ticket and everything.

When she is in the car she remembers that someone came into the bathroom while she was in there. She wonders what did that man think of the bright pink toenails he probably saw sticking out from under the stall.
RE: Bwahahahahahaha!!!!

This thread brought back to my mind an incident that I had actually forgotten until now. Uh, thanks Donna. You're a pal.

Anyway, it was about 20 years ago. I was always dieting and fighting to stay at a certain weight (which I now know was almost impossible without exercising). Back then, when I wanted to lose a few pounds I would muster all my strength to go on some bizarre food plan (like the Stillman diet). At that time, exercise was an unknown to me. I I wanted to lose weight I just stopped eating or ate so little it would not support the basal metabolic rate of a gnat.

I had a new boyfriend and he invited me to be his date at his sister's wedding. I purchased a terrific pair of black velvet pants and a gauzy red blouse that would be tucked in. As this was several weeks before the wedding, I bought a pants size that was too small, telling myself that I would just lose the weight and fit the pants perfectly when the time came. Yeah, right.

That afternoon, getting dressed, I knew I was in trouble. Naturally, the anticipated weight loss did not materialize. I had to lie down on my bed to zip the pants up and was resigned to the fact that I just would not breathe for the rest of the day.

Arrived at the wedding, probably looking like a sausage encased in black velvet. In a very short time the zipper popped open (the button remained in place for some mysterious reason) and in attempting to zip it back up, the zipper went off the track. Now I had a very attractive gaping hole through which red gauzy stuff was sticking out. I had to wear my boyfriend's jacket for the entire wedding, hoping that everyone would just think I was cold.

This was very embarrassing. I can't believe that I had completely purged this from my memory banks. Until now. Something in Donna's post must have triggered the recall. Ugh.

I can't believe I am even telling this story.
Your embarassment aside, I must congratulate you on getting into the size 10 jeans...another in the growing list of your proud moments in your weight loss journey. Next thing you know, when I weed through my clothes I'll be asking if you want to share in the pickings with my daughter-in-law!

I was in an army-navy store in Elkhart, IN, two summers ago shopping for fatigue pants, when I tried on a pair and could not get them unbuttoned because they made the button hole too small. I'll bet I struggled in that dressing room for 20 minutes before I was able to free myself!!!

Just Do It! :)
Okay~I'm feeling soooooo much better now about my incident! :)

marlene: sorry to have forced your traumatic incident from the realms of your subconcious, but you know what they say, "misery loves company! :)"

You guys cracked me up! I was ROTFLOL reading these posts! :)

What must the "men of Cathe forum" think when they read our posts like this? Poor guys! I always get this feeling they're saying something like, "okay!~that was just too much information!" as they shake their heads at their screens. :)

Hi Donna!

I mostly lurk but have been reading about your weight loss journey. You have come so far! Congratulations. You really are an inspiration to us all! Keep up the good work.
This was so embarrassing I that a few people I know now about this, but one day getting ready for work I put on an old skirt a pencil skirt with a slit in the back (what was I thinking). It was tight but I thought it will be okay I put a big top and jacket over it and went out.

On the journey on I suddenly felt a lot of freedom to move normally it being a pencil skirt its hard to move, but I still didn't think any thing of it and ignoring some of the curious stares I continued on my way. But as I said I kept getting odd looks so when I changed trains I very discreetly slipped my hand down my back and stopped in horror and complete embarrassment.

My skirt had split all the way from the slit to the zipper, I could not stop laughing. Fortunetly at Victoria station there are some clothes shops which were open I dashed into the nearest store and bought a new dress. And went to work.

I was laughing so much I had to tell some of my colleagues it was the most embarrassing (surpassing getting locked in a toilet) it was then I had to admit I had a problem.

I would call this more of an embarrassing weight gain moment.

I had a job interview at a company I really wanted to work for so I took out my good luck suit . It was a little snug in the butt area but I convinced myself that it would be fine and maybe even stretch a little to accomodate. Boy was I wrong!

I'm sitting in the interview and it is going soooo well! I started to feel more comfortable chatting with the interviewer and attempted to gracefully cross my legs.

Well the skirt seam split up the back to the zipper and to make matters worse it made a horrendous sound! I immediately turned red and the interviewer tried to reassure me that everyone passes gas when they are nervous!!!!

I was mortified! I didnt pass gas, my seam split!

So on top of being humiliated by an imaginary fart, I had to walk backwards out of the office so he wouldnt see my bum! I couldnt help but think that if he saw my skirt he would think the seam went from some incredible gas attack, not from being too tight!

I did get the job tho! :D
Hi windmillgirl,

Laughed my head off when I read your story ! That is excellent !
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Anna :D
My sister was trying to lose weight. She decided to go try on some jeans. She said she tried some on, but she could'nt get them off, and these were stretch jeans. She said she did'nt know what to do. She finally went to the check out and told the women what had happened. My sister told them there is no way i'm going to put my fat *** on your counter to scan these jeans. She did get the jeans off by cutting them with sccissors. I don't think she every did that again.
I'm with Anna, windmillgirl....reading your story made me laugh so hard I cried! Thanks - I needed a good chuckle! :7


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