Email Oprah and tell her about Cathe- Challenge


Oprah is promoting "Your Best Year Ever for 2011," which is including fitness/nutrition. Cathe's story from her beginning to now alone is worthy to be on the show. Plus, Cathe's fitness experience to help others acheive their dreams. From the shows I watched, fitness is important but not on the forefront of any episode.
Granted, Cathe has been on QVC but she didn't get the time she needed to inform the viewing audience of her and her great products.
I already emailed Oprah and I told her producers about Cathe.
The more emails, the more the producers will take notice.
Just google Oprah Winfrey, go to contact us from the first website.
Actually I think Cathe should have her own fitness show on Oprah's new TV network OWN. Not necessarily a workout program but more of a magazine show where different fitness topics are discussed, different people interviewed etc. They certainly have enough cooking shows on OWN and I think cathe can pull off her own TV show and would draw the viewers in!
Now all we have to do is to get Cathe to buy into our grand plans.
Better yet. Money talks and offering Cathe to make it feasible and to keep her happy too. The Food Network has worked out a contracts with Guy Fieri, Bobby Flay, Giade De Luerentis, etc.. so they have time for their own commitments, businesses, and family yet meet obligations on the network.
I completely agree that Cathe deserves to be on Oprah! But I don't think she is gimmicky enough, I noticed the people that get on Oprah all make grand promises and have a combo of their workouts and some diet they "created", and some kind of hook that makes it sound like they are different, even when they really are not.

I think Cathe is too honest and straight forward, she doesn't make grand promises except, workout hard, eat right, and you will succeed, that kind of grounded advice is no fun for audiences who want the magic bullet. I also think she would have to have a book too, they always seem to have a book.
I can't get into Oprah, too many angles and 50-million commercials and you can never hear the other person complete one sentence. But I digress...I believe Cathe would completely blow away any other contender in the fitness world for integrity and being a real human being.
I agree I don't watch Oprah, I think those suggestions would be fine as long as she would have ample time to keep making great workouts :)
If Cathe had her own show, I would totally watch it.

I think Oprah should hire Cathe to train her...I am sure Oprah's previous trainers have been good, but maybe Cathe would be the one to really help her keep the weight off.
bumping this back up. after watching OWN and finding out the network READS every email.
When you say Cathe should have her own show....are you talking a talk show? Fitness Show? Reality show? Maybe like Rachel Ray's show format...Cathy can talk to the guest, then work out with them.

I think Cathe is great, but a show may not leave her anytime for us here.

I was thinking to have her on as a guest only, others think she should have her own show.
That is a DEAL!!! We could hit the Miracle Mile and Navy Pier. See how beautiful Lake MI is.

I completely agree that Cathe deserves to be on Oprah! But I don't think she is gimmicky enough, I noticed the people that get on Oprah all make grand promises and have a combo of their workouts and some diet they "created", and some kind of hook that makes it sound like they are different, even when they really are not.

I think Cathe is too honest and straight forward, she doesn't make grand promises except, workout hard, eat right, and you will succeed, that kind of grounded advice is no fun for audiences who want the magic bullet. I also think she would have to have a book too, they always seem to have a book.

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