EEEKKKK!!!!! My cat just tried to suckle me!!!!!!


I'm sooooooo freaked out right now!!!!

Some of you may recall that I got a new kitten/cat about 7 weeks ago. She is currently around 9 months old and is way past the weaning period.

So, I was checking email and such and she was sitting on my lap kneading me right under the breast area (very cute, IMO). She then kind of nuzzled her face between my breasts (okay, have to point out that I am wearing a thick wool sweater with t-shirt underneath because it's cold and rainy outside. Just so none of you think I'm doing anything kinky over here;-) ). Again, kind of cute. Then I feel a tugging on my sweater and I see that she has some of it in her mouth and is suckling!!!!! I overreacted and said out loud in some frantic voice 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?'. She got spooked out, jumped off, and ran away (under the bed, not away away). Now I feel bad:-( . I've never had that happen before and it startled me and kind of grossed me out. I suppose I should feel flattered that she thinks I'm her mom. And yet, EWWWWWW!!!!
Hi Sabine, I gave a kitten to my dad once that does the same thing. He is fully grown now and still does it. He suckles shirts, towels, etc.
I have a little Calico ,thanks to my sister who found her last year and decided I needed another cat!!. She is the only cat I have had that does that. In the morning when I sit down at my PC, she comes in jumps on my lap, starts the kneeding process (hopefully I am wearing a THICK robe), she seems to like a thick piece of material and suckles it while she is kneeding...I thought it very bizarre myself. She does it to my husband also. So, don't let it gross you out too looks like there are other posts...:) Carole
I have two cats. Love em. Anyway, they both kneed and suck my jumpers. I think its so sweet and makes me smile. I think its so cute, bless em!
I had a dog, once, that used to knead and suckle a stuffed animal--a monkey. Completely covered it with puppy spit! All the fur was stuck together. She chewed and spit and nursed that thing until she wore it out. When we lost her, all she had left was one arm. I kept it for years, just to remind me of her. Strange, but sweet--in a yucky kind of way. And once, when I found an abandoned kitten in the pasture, she took it in and let it nurse for weeks and weeks, even though she didn't have any milk. That was odd, too, but so touching.

My cat does that but she plays with my hair. It kind of freaked me out at first. I asked the vet about it and he said it's okay and normal, and she's just doing that for comfort. Sometimes it bothers me a little so I'll wrap my arm around my head so she can't get to my hair. It's only in the morning usually when I'm still trying to sleep.
We have a three year old kitty, and since the day we got her (2 1/2 years ago) she sucks on her own nipple. Kind of gross, but we figure, she was probably taken away from her mom at an early age. We thought she would outgrow this, but she hasn't.

Don't be freaked, it's very natural, and as you suspected, very flattering, because it means that kitty sees you as "mom". It's also not really gross. At least, I'm sure there are grosser things (read "My secret Garden"--the sexual fantasy book--and you'll see!) (of course, this is from someone who lets one of her cats wash her ears--but he seems to really get into it, and it saves me from washing them).

Two of my cats knead me all the time (I try to get them to work off the belly, but so far it hasn't worked;-) ) and purr like mad when doing it, but neither of them is a suckler. Many cats will knead when they come across some nice, soft fabric that reminds them of their mommy's belly. I used to have a sweet, blind tortie, who would be all by herself in the bedroom, then start kneading and purring like mad. I first thought what I was hearing was someone mowing the lawn a few houses down, but it was her loud purr! As she got more into it, the kneading would be slower and deeper, and the purr would deepen and slow to keep time.

I've heard of cats who are wool suckers, as well as cats who suckle people's ears, and cats and dogs who will go for nipples, if one is available. One of my cats likes to lick (not eat, but lick) plastic bags, and I've noticed that it's like a security blanket for her. Since she doesn't try to eat them, doesn't seem dangerous, and seems to reassure her, I just let her have her little excentricity (I imagine that she was born in an alley, near some plastic bags, and that the smell and taste reminds her of her baby days).

>OH Kathryn LOLOLOLOL tears on my cheeks - trying to figure
>out if I can teach my cats to clean my ears....

I've never had another cat who did this, so it's either something they do or don't do (must depend on their individual taste for waxy substances). Of course, you could always try putting wet cat food in there, and teach them that way!
She's unscarred!

Apparently my freak out yesterday did no damage to my little one's psyche as she still slept with me (draped over my head, like a cat tiara). Thanks for all the posts. I had no idea that so many pets still suckled from time to time. As I said, this is the first pet I've ever had that did this!

How cute are the suckling dog posts:D ?
Cats and kittens are so sweet. I had a kitten that did this same thing on my bathrobe, usually just before she wanted to take a nap.

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