Educated crowd - Advice please...


Active Member
Would you ladies be willing to suggest 2 new additions to my Cathe DVD's?

I'm currently doing my own, made-up rotation, which has worked well so far. However, it's time to switch it up again. For circuits on this rotation, I've been doing HSTA & Bootcamp. What other circuits would you ladies recommend?

As for Cardio on my rotation, I've been doing any/all of the IMAX's. I'm sure there's no substitution for those. For cardio, I'm torn between Lo-Max, Terminator, and HSC. What would be your suggestions for this?

:) Thanks in advance for your help!

I just love Lowmax. I do the all step premix and just LOVE LOVE LOVE it! You sound like you might like the extra "punishment" and would do all the blasts with the step work, but my asthmatic lungs are a bit weenified at present because I took about 5 weeks off while I was sick, so I have to pass on the blasts right now. The choreography is just fabulously fun, and the music is truly motivating, though!

I have not done any of the Terminator workouts, but can definitely see how an intensity junkie would drool over these. When I get my cardio capacity back up to a significant level, I will buy this DVD for my own collection.
Lowmax, definitely. If you get FitTv, you should be able to catch an abbreviated version that just began airing this week. I think this one is one of Cathe's best cardio DVDs.
I have Lo Max on TIVO off of fit tv.....I love it! I am pretty new to step, and it is not that difficult to learn the moves. I would like to have the full version....It really gets my heart rate up with a 6 in step ( I dont have 8 yet). Good luck!

I like Low Max too. But you might want to mix it up & put one or two aerobic workouts into your rotation (all IMAXs & Low Max are anaerobic).

My personal favorites, for both choreography & intensity, are Step Blast & Power Max.
Thanks for the suggestions so far. I agree, LoMax is #1 on my list.
How about circuits, similar to Bootcamp or HSTA? Circuitmax?
Lowmax is definitely a must-have.

A good circuit workout I did this morning was Body Max - it's a killer. 90 minutes of sweat sweat sweat.

Another good circuit workout is Step, Jump, & Pump.

But anything you get is going to be great!

Low Max is great but I am a terminator junkie.It is a difficult decision choose one of the workouts.Maybe if you are a intermediate exerciser the best option is low max.Another awesome Cathe's circuit workout is the new high step challenge. You can't go wrong with Cathe.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
So you would consider Lo-Max intermediate? I definetely lean towards advanced workouts.

For circuits, HS challenge? Circuit Max? Body Max? Which of these is your favorite? How about music?
Maximus, where are you getting that the Imax's and Lowmax are not aerobic? They are actually both aerobic and anaerobic, depending on how you do them. If you do the Lowmax all-step premix, you get a good 40-minute aerobic workout. Adding in the blasts creates a workout that is anaerobic. Even with the Imax's, you can just do the step routines and leave out the blasts to get great aerobic workouts. That's one of the great things about the new DVD's is that you can do only the aerobic portion or add in a little of the anaerobic ones, as well. So versatile!

However, I HAVE to agree with you that Step Blast is one of my favorite step workouts.
I too love Low Max and I'm finding that I may have to lessen the amount of high intensity cardio I do(this may just be due to stress right now). If done on an 8 in. step and with a give it your all attitude I find Low Max to be an awesome cardio workout and leg toning workout. If you don't have a kickboxing workout I would suggest KPC. I love KM's boot camp challenge and leg toining drills but if I had to pick between the two I would go with KPC.
few people would consider Low max to be "intermediate." it may not send your heart rate shooting through the roof and your heart pounding right out of your chest, but it will raise your heart rate considerably and it is very tough on the legs and glutes. An intermediate exerciser with less lower bodt strength than most of us have would find it very tough to get through.

I second Low max recommendations. It is the best workout of the hardcores in my opinion. The most succcessful and original. it also has the best music and I love what it does for my legs.

I also agree that you could do with some non-interval cardio in your workout library: consider Step Blast and Rhythmic Step also Powermax as excellent step cardio workouts that will keep a sustained sweat.

I am surprised no-one has yet mentioned Curcuit max to you. It is the supreme challenge of all Cathe's circuit workouts and a much better cardiovascular challenge than Bootcamp and the High Step workouts.

SInce you already have HSTA, save getting HSC til later because it is incredibly similar to HSTA. Get something vastly different so you work your muscles in different ways.

My recommedation to you is Step Blast and Low max.

Hi for Circuit my number 1 recommendaion is Gauntlet. For cardio, I like LowMax and MIC and KPC. I would rotate these in with the IMAX workouts. For steady state cardio (no anerobic intervals), I like to do 2 CTX cardio only portions back to back. I think as Maximus pointed out its important to do interval aerobics along with aerobic work that has no anaerobic intervals. Have fun
Catwoman--b/c I do the workouts straight through from beginning to end. The only IMAX DVD I have is #3. The rest are videos, so I don't really have many options.
Maximus, or Cathy, I have a question (hopefully, not a dumb one) could you explain what anerobic means?? You keep using it in conjuction with IMAX 2, and wow, I thought that was an aerobic workout? But I always associated the term anerobic to mean non cardio? Now having asked this question, I would like to tell you I just got Imax 2 two weeks ago, and was amazed that it seemed, dare I say it, easier then say step blast or rhythmic step. Not much easier, but for me, the constant state cardio (i.e step blast) really challenges me ALL the way thru, where as Imax 2 kept bringing me up and down, which overall seemed easier. Except of course that wicked #9 plie jack nightmare. Sorry to change subject on this post...
Maximus, Aol won't let me open that site for some reason. But thanks for trying. I'm going do a regular search and see what I find. I'm really curious now because if Imax 2 is considered aneorbic I really want to understand why.
Thanks again,
Hi there

My .02 worth:p

I'd say for circuit workouts, the Terminator is a must. The Gauntlet is one of my favorite workouts ever.

If you can get 2 dvds, I'd get the Terminator and Low Max. Low Max is deceptive. When I previewed it I thought it would not be that hard, but I found that the lower I go, the tougher it is, especially with an 8 inch step.

have fun spending money on new Cathes

Hi, the anaerobic zone is when you are working outside of your aerobic heart rate zone. The anaerobic zone is about 80-90% your maximum heart rate while the aerobic zone is about 70-80 % of your MHR. Anaerobic training is also called interval training as you rotate longer intervals of aerobic work with bursts of anerobic work. There is also a red line training zone of greater than 90 % of your MHR. Interval training and steady state cardio are important to incorporate into your cardiovascular fitness training. RS is an example of an aerobic tape and IMAX and KPC are examples of interval training. You can get into your anaerobic zone with KPC if you jump and kick high and squat deep and give it everything you've got.

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