Do you remember when Kennedy was shot??? I have heard that all my life from parents and grandparents. I was always surprised how they remembered what they were doing, what they were wearing etc.
Well, in 1989 I was working as an ER nurse when Peter Jennings announced the Operation Desert Storm ground war. I was terrified. It was not something I ever expected to see in my lifetime.
In 2001 I put my husband on a plane at 7:30 am for a flight to Boston. I had a 9 month old at the time. As I was driving home from the airport I heard "A plane TO Boston hit the World Trade Center in a suspected terrorist attack. Again something I thought I would ever see in my life time.
Today I learned that Wachovia bank as being bought by Citibank and I went online to move some money around when I saw the BREAKING NEWS. The $700 billion bailout did not pass. Warren Buffett, Alan Greenspan etc saying things like DEPRESSION, total economic collapse, Wall stree suspends trading etc. Nope, never thought I'd see this happen.
I don't profess to be an economist but how the hell did these idiots get us in these situations??? Greed, stupidity or lack of safeguards. I personally don't care if it's Republican or Democrat, I want the heads of these banks that were loaning lots of money to people who never would have qualified for it.

As a single woman I bought my 1st house in 1988. The interest rates were 18% Yep, 18 percent!!! And to get a mortgage you had to show every pay stub, every tax return, every nickel under your couch cushions. And remember, this was when credit cards and car loans etc were still tax deductible.
Now in my mid forties, I am shocked at the idiots that said sure, here take another large loan that you can't afford, and I'm just as disgusted at the people who took these loans knowing they were way over their heads.
Sorry for the rambling, but this whole mess is out of control and people are just getting by, and the CEO's are walking away with BILLIONS. Sounds like a big F U to us!!! Good luck everyone