Early Risers do you eat before working out?

Im up at 4:45, have one cup of chocolate milk and drink some water, then workout at 5:15. I cant stomach a real meal before I workout, so this has become my best alternative. I know chocolate milk gets mentioned alot for a post workout snack, but I found it works good for a pre workout boost. Just enough to keep the stomach growls down and give a little bit of carbs and protein.

Ah! That was my question - how long do you wait to workout after eating? Doesn't your body redirect its energy to digestion instead of to the work you are trying to do? :confused:

On the rare occaision (I always misspell this word, so excuse me) that I do get up early, all I have energy for is to walk my dogs for a half hour (that's time dependent and my Peanut isn't much of an exerciser!). I can't lift for lack of good energy. I could probably force out a step workout as I used to teach a 5:45 a.m. class ages ago! But weights, never, not without a good meal! :D
I have to take Synthroid on an empty stomach and wait for an hour to eat, so I usually just have water with my pill (and throughout my workout), workout for an hour and then eat.
I've only been doing the early morning workout thing for about a week now, so I'm still trying to figure out what works best. Skim milk has worked well, as have bananas. I need be careful not to have too much, or my blood sugar will rise. If I don't eat enough, then it drops too low.
I´m up at 4:45 and drink a glass of skim milk to be exercising by 5. It´s been working for me for years! I´m no pro, but figure it´s enough protein and liquid to get me going
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I have coffee with Click mocha espresso protein powder.:) It gives me just enough energy to fuel my workouts. I eat a big meal after my workout.

You mentioned the Click espresso powder. I've heard of this in a mag. I live in Fresno County where this was created and I understand they sell it at our local Costco...just have never looked for it. Do you like it? Does it taste okay? I love coffee flavored anything and a protein source to boot eh? Thanks~deb
On my early morning workouts I don't eat. I just drink my seltzer, then shower, then eat breakfast.

I have a hard-boiled egg and a small pro-biotic yogurt drink, then drink water throughout the workout. An hour after I workout I have a Slimfast and one whole grain Fig Newton. It's weird, but I just don't feel right unless I've had this.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to workout at 5am and I DO need coffee, but cannot eat anything that early. On MWFS, I eat a protein (egg, shake, yogurt) and I usually try for a fruit or veggie.
Monday thru Friday, I am up, down a cup of coffee and workout. I eat breakfast immediately afterwards. On the weekends, assuming I don't have to be anywhere, I have my coffee, a protein drink w/banana and then wait about 45 minutes before working out.

I generally eat 5 meals a day, so that last meal fuels me enough for the next day's early morning workout. But, I've found when I only ate 3 meals, I wasn't fueled enough for my workout the next morning and would be really lacking in energy.
I usually have a banana or yogurt. I can't eat too much, but if I get hungry it's hard to finish the workout.

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