Early Risers do you eat before working out?


After reading all the comments from all you early risers (me included). How many of you eat before working out. At this point I do not. If I do I feel too full while working out. I do have food right after doing the workout and another breakfast within 2 hours to keep up my energy.
Do you eat before or after?
Is it really that bad to wait till after?
Having said that last night I woke up at midnight starving!

Just curious
I dont eat before, but I do drink water. On a rare occasion I have been really hungry and I had a very very small piece of toast w/ peanut butter. I'd be more likely to eat before strength than cardio.
Absolutely! Sometimes I have an actual breakfast and other times it's just something small to get through. But I want that energy to fuel my workout.
I have to eat before. Strength training days I have protien powder - cardio days it's yogurt. On the weekends when i get to "sleep in" (7am) I usually do eat an actual breakfast first though.
For the 5:00am workouts I sip a little oj before working out and eat afterward. On the weekends I eat first.
No I don't eat before working out early in the morning which for me is every day. I have tea and that is it or as someone else posted if for some reason I am really hungry I will have a slice of toast and nut butter. Otherwise I workout, walk the dogs and then I have breakfast.
Yes I do, I have to or else I'll faint :/

I'll have a cup of coffee, and a special K red berries waffle with peanut butter and honey. Sometimes I'll change it up to a bluberry waffle, orrr a kashi breakfast bar. It really does help.
I have coffee with Click mocha espresso protein powder.:) It gives me just enough energy to fuel my workouts. I eat a big meal after my workout.
On strength days, I have a protein drink; on cardio days, yogurt with some granola sprinkled in. I have to eat or it's hard to make thru the workout. Then I eat breakfast about 1-2 hours later. Plus I make sure to have plenty of water handy during my workouts
not much

I eat one egg or 1/2 slice of cheese because if my blood sugar drops and I'm more than a mile from home I could get into really serious trouble. I don't recommend more than that before a workout.
Im up at 4:45, have one cup of chocolate milk and drink some water, then workout at 5:15. I cant stomach a real meal before I workout, so this has become my best alternative. I know chocolate milk gets mentioned alot for a post workout snack, but I found it works good for a pre workout boost. Just enough to keep the stomach growls down and give a little bit of carbs and protein.
I work out mornings 6 days a week and I never eat before a workout. I have a quart of water that I drink before, during and after, and I eat breakfast after the water is gone.
When I started running my youngest was less than a year and any little noise that he heard would wake him up so I would get up super early and sneak out of the house with no food in hopes of not waking him up. When I don't workout first thing then I am starving as soon as I wake up. There is no waiting for breakfast but when I work out I can't stomach it. Maybe I should mix something with my water and take that with me and see how I do.

When I started running my youngest was less than a year and any little noise that he heard would wake him up so I would get up super early and sneak out of the house with no food in hopes of not waking him up.

ha, this is where i am now. i workout while our 16-month old son is still asleep and any little noise will wake up. our floors are creaky too, so i sneak around like a cat while getting ready for my run or weightlifting. i bring my banana with me when i leave and eat it in the driveway while i'm stretching :) or, if i am staying home to do weights, i will eat it back in the bedroom hoping not to wake my husband.

ugh, what we do to get our workouts in!
I used to be able to workout without eating a thing, but since I started weight training, that has changed. Now I do much better with something like a half of a banana on cardio days, and a homemade energy bar on weight days.
Coffee and water for me. My DD(3) always gets up when I workout - no matter what time. When she was younger I kept trying to get up earlier and earlier (I'm at 4:30 a.m. now), but now she just walks to the living room where I workout with her blankie & bunny and watches me from the couch instead of throwing a fit like when she was younger. Hang in there, your young ones will be more cooperative before you know it :D
On cardio days I normally eat a mandarin and maybe a gulp of fat free choco milk. On strength day I have a small amount of frozen berries with a scoop of protein powder and a handful of raison bran.
Then I have to eat within the hour I am done working out or my whole day is messed up.
I always have to eat something right when I get up.
No I don't eat anything, I have acid reflux, I would be barfing within 10 mns whether its cardio or weights. I have no problems having plenty of energy (even doing STS) I try make sure I have a good quality breakfast afterwards though

Most days, I workout on an empty stomach but on days when I have a long workout ahead of me, such as a 9 mile run or something, I'll eat a small serving of fruit. Fruits like cantelope or half a banana give me a little burst of energy and digest fast so their not sitting in my tummy, and it's low calorie so I don't burn the calories I ate but rather burn that blasted body fat!

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