I'm thinking about buying the Dyson pet grooming tool. It attatches to the vacuum so you can comb all the loose hair off your dog. I have 2 dogs and my bigger one is shedding terribly. He does this 2-3 times a year. If he touches his body to mine.....I'm covered! His hair is everywhere and its making me crazy! This usually sells for $79.00 and up. I have found it on ebay (new) for less.
Does anyone have this? Use it? Does it work well? Worth it? I need some input and I know many of us have furry family members. Thanks!
I just noticed the spelling error in the title and can't seem to correct it.....sorry
Does anyone have this? Use it? Does it work well? Worth it? I need some input and I know many of us have furry family members. Thanks!
I just noticed the spelling error in the title and can't seem to correct it.....sorry