DVD's have arrived!

I am so sorry for the pressure the delay must have put on U !!!
BTW I am ready to preorder what is coming next right now :+ !!!
Take a lot of care
HALLELUJAH!! PRAISE BE!!!! LAWDY LAWDY!!!! WOO HOO!!!! YIPPEE!!!! Thank goodness, now I can dump that Callanetics rotation I was gonna start!:p :p :p :p :p
Hot digitty dog! Thanks for putting out such awesome workouts....so worth the wait! I will never regret prordering and anytime I can afford to I will!:7
Cathe, although this made my day (and others!) I'm sure this has made YOUR day!!!

Thanks for the update!:7 :7 :7
I don't post very often, but i do read them! I just had to say that Cathe- you are absolutely the most wonderful person...in the way you encourage us to be more fit people, in the way you take time to "be there" for everyone here on the boards, and in the awesome workouts you provide to us. I am so excited to recieve these DVD's. I am sure they will blow us all away with all of the new options!

The wait didn't bother me because just like "rome wasn't built in a day", quality products take time too! It makes me very excited to know that they will soon be on the way!

Thank you Cathe & Crew and SNM! You are in a class of your own:7

I was all over the Forums yesterday and checking the homepage and Ask Cathe Forum periodically, just in case. I left to meet my neice for a massage, came home and logged on briefly but opted not to return to the forums lest my husband kill me for my obsession with it and, lo and behold, I missed it! But I see it now and I am so happy! I am going to lay some lip on the UPS man, the likes of which he has never known before! LOL!

Since I am way out West, all you lucky ducks who'll be receiving your DVD's in the next few days have to give details! Yay, Cathe and SNM!

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks rule!
Cathe, I can hardly sit still , my Cathe collection is about to grow again. It has entered a new era the DVD collection, I love you for all the work you put in to these productions. Thank-you, eagerly waiting here in Canada for CK Sales to send me mine , I also pre=ordered back in May,I never mind the wait. You are worth waiting for, Merry Christmas and God bless, Bri.:)

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