Hi Bobbi,

I know what you mean. I'm losing the excitement/anticipation for them. I think it's been a little depressing! LOL! I don't know for sure...but I'm HOPING that my spirits will pick up again when I hear they've shipped, or at least when I finally get them.

Ya think? :)
want em now!!!

I agree...it feels like it's been forever!!! I'm wanting new strength workouts SO BADLY, right now I'm having a hard time staying motivated with even the PS series. I hope it's not too much longer! I realize new technology takes time but I'm getting kinda sad (and soft :-( ) Updates are great, but of course a delivery date would be even better. I'm just hoping that the DVDs are worth the wait, I know the workouts themselves will be wonderful but hopefully the formatting will be worth all of this waiting!
:-( impatient in iowa :-(
RE: want em now!!!

Surely the company doing the DVD's have given some indication as to when they will be done???? DVD's are cutting edge but we have a bunch of them and these things mainstream pretty quickly. It shouldn't be all that hard to deliver the goods. Should it??? I know they are going to be awesome and I can't wait until they do annouce them. I was soooo excited. Now I am a trifle peeved. I am trying to be patient but I do think we should hear some difinitive information pretty soon or we can honestly say this is getting a bit ridiculous without sounding too witchy. I used to check daily. Then I began to check every few days and every time I do, I think surely there must be news by now. But zero, zip, nada. Boo hoo hoo. :0) It's just gotta be soon! It's just gotta!
RE: want em now!!!

I'm with you....I bought a few new videos because they don't come in DVD but everything pales in comparison to Cathe. Paid in May and now almost October...maybe we should earn interest on that. I'm a really patient person and I'm sure that you are sick of hearing our griping and complaining but that's how much we love Cathe. I've been feeling like I should have just gotten the videos. I'm jealous that women are already using them all over the place while I just wait and wait and wait and wait some more. What's upppppppppppp!!!!!
RE: want em now!!!

After reading that some lucky VHSer was in her fifth week of rotation with the new tapes, I searched the forum for info on how long they(SNM) said it would be between the tapes and the DVD's. The reply was as few as two as, many as eight weeks if one ordered the DVD's. If the VHF have been available for 5 weeks (has it been that long?), we could still have several more weeks to go. Hopefully, that's the worst case scenerio. Someone at SNM needs to get out their thumbscrews and pay the company making the DVD's a little visit. Okay, so thumbscrews are a little radical. How about an update, a ballpark figure, a word or encouragement that we lonesme DVDers haven't been forgotten?????
DVD Update

Hi Everyone! We want you all to know that we deeply apologize for the DVD
delays. It's understandable that your patience is wearing thin and we
appreciate the fact that you are hanging in there as positively as you
possibly can Since many of you have kindly suggested that an update of any
kind would be reassuring, we would like to honor that request.
We've had some problems we didn't anticipate with successfully authoring
the DVD's. This has caused the replicator problems with making the "glass
masters". We're using the same studio (Telenium) that films our videos to
do the authoring this time. This is their first DVD project and we're kind
of the guinea pigs. Nevertheless, Teleniun has done an outstanding job on
this project and we think you will notice a big difference between the new
DVD's and our last one (Cardi Hits).
For those of you who are interested in the technical details, please read
on. The problem we've been having is with our "DLT' tapes.
These are the tapes that contain the files that the replicator uses to make
the "glass masters". Every time the replicator tried to make the "glass
masters" they would get an error message in reading the DLT tapes. This was
a very unusual error and it has taken several weeks to figure out. We now
know what the problem is and it has been corrected. This means that
sometime late next week we should go into production. I'll post a further
update next week.
Again, we truly apologize for not making our deadline on this project. We
Take pride in always releasing our tapes/dvd's on time. Unfortunately, we
didn't count on the technical problems that we encountered this time.
Thanks for understanding and I look forward to sharing a
promising update with you next week.

Cathe Friedrich
RE: DVD Update

THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH Cathe!! The information you provided is very much appreciated! Here's to hoping we get some GOOD news next week! :)

RE: DVD Update

Dear Cathe,

Another big THANK YOU for the update. It seems silly, but any news is good news when it comes to your DVD's :)
So, I guess we'll just keep our fingers crossed that next week the news will be even better!
RE: DVD Update

Since I joined this thread, my excitement has been rekindled! Cathe, thanks for the update. We all understand delays and problems that can occur. They are a part of everyday life, aren't they? I know the DVD's are going to be wonderful and I just can't wait until we get to try them. Your tapes are the best, bar none, and I am so glad that I discovered them in Collage catalog and discovered this terrific website and all the knowledgable and enthusiast Catheites! I appreciate your taking time to personally update us! Good luck to the production company. Our prayers are with you (hehe)!
RE: DVD Update

Thanks for the update. Under the circumstances, I won't feel badly about asking one of my buddies if I can copy their videos to hold me over until I get my DVDs.
RE: DVD Update

I read in the ASk Cathe Forum that Cathe is waiting for a phone call and will post as soon as she knows something! Will it be today? :-gloat
RE: DVD Update

i do hope so! it's been ages and i couldnt wait any longer! Hope we get the DVDs before Christmas!
RE: DVD Update

Hippychick, did you see Cathe's post in the Open Discussion Forum? Check it out. It's good news!!!!!:-jumpy
RE: DVD Update

Thanks, Becky! Sorry for the misinformation. I was excited! And I have a bad memory!;-)
RE: Cathe, news on 6-pack yet?

Hi Pamela! We check up on it daily. We have not received any NEW news yet. As soon as we do, we will post.

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