DVD Disappointments -- Wish I had Stayed with VHS

I'll have to resend tomorrow. I'm at home now. Our email and internet is down again at work. It should be back up tomorrow morning - we hope!

Chris Converted Me

Thanks for the fast private response, Chris.

For everybody who is debating about DVD, let me say that the DVDs DO come with a lifetime warranty. I am sending the DVD back tomorrow.

Having tried it on two players, etc., I am anxious to see the verdict when Step N Motion gets it.....

After all that Chris said about DVDs, etc., I feel better about my DVD decision for the Body Blast series.

Thanks all!:)
RE: Chris Converted Me

I was converted the minute I started using the dvds especially since I was having tracking problems on the last part of my leaner legs vhs tape (which is one of my favorite workouts). In other words, I was losing my favorite VHS workout tapes and felt better about the Dvds. I am glad you are all set.

I don't mind waiting as long as when I get the DVDs, I won't be getting glitches when I push play or combine chapters. I'm sure a lot would feel the same way. So hope no bad batches. I remember there was a bad batch of DVDs before...was it Ab Hits?

I don't mind the wait either -- actually it is kind of fun to hear the VHS users make comments -- it's like a prelude to something wonderful. Like the night before Christmas or something. :9

I feel much better about my DVD decision now. Chris really did a great job of explaining the pros and cons of DVDs. I feel he did it in an honest and straightforward manner.

I know this is not on this thread, but in case somebody missed the lipo and cosmetic surgery thread, it was NOT James Taylor's wife who died of lipo/tummy tuck/facelift. It was JAMES BROWN's wife. She wanted to have it all done at once at age 48 -- and her cells began to leak fluid and she went into shock and died.

And yes, I think it was Ab Hits that had the glitches. That is the ONE Cathe DVD I don't own. I thought I had them all, but I do not own that one since I have her abs on everything else.

I wonder if the "Bonus Combo" on Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance is on the VHS version. Boy, I love that combo. I use it a LOT!
Amy, I finally got the courage to try the kit. It did not fix the problem and did not make the problem worse. I am sticking with my preorder of Cathe DVDs though, because I really like the versatility of mixing and matching segments. In the case of the Read DVD, since the yoga section does not work at all, I will probably look for it on the swaps and ebay.

Good luck with your doctoral dissertation.

Wow, everyone has different thoughts. I never had problems with any of Cathe's dvd so I like the dvd's much better then vhs. My first vhs was the tape All Step that came with the step and it was just awful, the sounds, quality, + more. So when I went to order some of her other video I went with DVD because I did have playstation 2 that my kids have and use that, and I really like the quality much better, and the premixes that comes with dvd. So now I finally went and brought a sony 5 dics dvd player and have no regrets:)
I also have problems with bc/me dvd.But it is nothing major it just goes in slow motion and than speeds up and then it works fine but it is always in the same section and has done it since I first played it.But I am happy with my dvd's esp.as well chaptered as cathe's are but if they aren't chaptered I would go with vhs any day.I like to skip around and pick and choose.I am LOOKING forward to the new dvd's.Good luck amy!!

Dear Suzanne,

I have lost your email address, so I am writing you publically to thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful videos you sent to me.

I appreciate the Cathe videos and the Christi Taylor videos and others.

It was like opening a treasure chest or a wonderful Christmas Gift.

Thank you again -- that was one of the kindest gestures and rest assured the videos will be well used.
I have to say I am awfully disappointed with my DVD purchase as well. I am having problems with the Power Hour DVD which is the first Cathe DVD I purchased, previously I had bought all VHS. I was so excited to get it but using it for my workouts has led to frustration because of the multiple glitches. The DVD is most definitely defective. I've contactd Cathe's customer sefvice department but have yet to hear back from them. Of course I didn't save my receipt but I hope they will honor their promise to replace defective DVD's. I am very disappointed.

add me to the list... i just bought the CTX series on DVD (my first cathe DVD purchase) and stuck it in for the first time to do upper body split... the disk stuck *twice* in the same spot, only 4.50 into the workout!!! AARGH!

i have never had any problems with any other DVD's in my player. we do have another player, and i'm going to try it in that one and see what happens. otherwise i'll be sending an email to SNM.... oh, so frustrated!!! x(
I went ahead and stayed with DVD for my Body Blast series.

I don't think the "Intensity" series offers the Terminator in VHS, do they?

I have very mixed feelings about DVD.

My Circuit Max DVD cracked.

My IMAX DVD sticks and would not Play Interval 10. I sent it back to Chris at S&M but have not heard the verdict on whether or not it worked for them.

Oddly, other DVDs work fine in my players (I have three now). But my Cathe DVDs seem to fragment and "stall" the most of any. It is particularly annoying in the middle of a good cardio workout!

But the other evening I was doing one of CTX and it fragmented briefly in the middle of "All Step" and I thought, "Here I go again"

I have done EVERYTHING suggested at the DVD school.

And there are no small kids in my home who play Frisbee with my DVDs.

My daughter is 20 and lives on her own.

I am so very, very confused about the entire DVD versus VHS. Perhaps it is true VHS begin to deteriorate quickly, but some of my Firm VHS that I bought in 1988 still play perfectly.

Some WONDERFUL ladies here actually gave me some VHS Cathes -- I am going to hang on to them for dear life as "backups" to my DVDs.

I really hope either the DVD technology improves or S&M reconsiders its future policy of going entirely DVD.
I love DVDs, but I have had terrible problems with fragmenting and stalling with Cathe's stuff. I have a Panasonic DVD player and have had no problems with any other fitness DVDs and no problems with theatrical DVDs. I don't know what SNM is doing differently with their DVDs, but I wish they would check into this issue more deeply. My Pure Strength and CTX DVDs played well, but I have had problems with most of the others. I don't think they are defective, per se, but there are compatability issues. I traded away my Rhythmic Step DVD and, when I had trader's remorse, I traded back for it, but I made sure I got it on VHS. Cathe's DVDs have wonderful chaptering and options but they are just too problematic.

I have problems only with Cathe DVDs too -- of course, I use them more than my theatric DVDs. I do not own any other fitness DVDs.

I am amassing what I can glean and afford on VHS as backups. Last night I FINALLY got to do IMAX on VHS. I had to send my IMAX DVD back to S&M.

I think there are some problems with whatever company they are using to do their DVDs.

There are too many complaints for all this to be "coincidence" -- and I take superior care of my DVDs. And too many others are having the exact problems I am experiencing.
I was thinking about you when my IMAX DVD almost came to a standstill going into a new interval this morning. I was like OH NO, NOT AGAIN! So far I have only had problems and frustrations with the S&H DVD. Other than that, just little glitches here and there that dont affect my workouts. I hope that does not change!
I would just to like to throw in my 2 cents. I have only had one problem with one of Cathe's DVD's and as soon as I cleaned it per their forum instruction, it fixed it. I now only purchase DVD's and besides Cathe's, own many. I will never buy another VHS as I am so hooked on the flexibility DVD's give me. I have a cheap DVD player for my workout's that has both DVD and VHS capablity. It was our big expensive 5 DVD changer that had problems early on with rented DVD movies. (I believe it's a mitsubishi.) Anyway, all the time the DVD's would stop in the middle of the movie and we'd miss the ending! Sometimes we could skip to a next chapter and sometimes we couldn't. After thinking it was the DVD's that kept stopping that had a problem...we finally had the player checked and had to send it to the manufacturer to have a sensor replaced. Now we don't have DVD problems anymore. Just bringing this up as another option for you to check out.
I am so frustrated because none of my Cathe DVD's will load in my DVD players. All my other DVD's load without any problem on both of my players. I used a DVD cleaner and even used Lemon Pledge to clean the DVD's. Nothing is working. At first they would freeze and now they won't load at all. I invested so much money into these DVD's and I can't use them. I sold all my VHS so I have nothing to use as backup. I am so upset. I e-mailed Step and Motion so hopefully I will hear something soon. I just wonder why is it only my Cathe DVD's that are causing me problems.
That is weird. It reminds me of the problems we have with certain CD-ROMS. Even if we have all the requirements needed for certain computer games - they still won't load.

Maybe it's too much static - try rubbing them on your head a few times (no kidding) - that is how I got a few rental CD's to work.
I'm another one disappointed with DVDs. For some reason all of my Cathe DVDs play fine the first one or two times through. Then they start stalling. ME will now now longer play past about the middle. I was so excited about CTX since I really wanted the abs part. Well - on my discs (both of them) the workouts shown ont he top play fine, but I can't play either of the workouts shown on the bottom of the main menus. IMax2 stalls all the time. I am really glad for this thread since I now know I am not along. I thought it must be my DVD player that was the problem....
I have almost all of Cathes DVD's and LOVE them. I sold all my vhs on ya yas--and have never regretted it. I am sorry for all that have problems though! I think DVD players have alot of issues with the layered DVDs. I actually have a very basic cheaper DVD player in my exercise room and have never had a problem. Diane

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