DVD brands that HAVE NOT had problems with Cathe's dvds?

I have never had a problem playing Cathes DVDs--and my DVD player is a off brand I recieved as a gift in my workout room. I have a sony DVD that plays them also. I do notice when there is a layer change, but I know what it is and it doesn't bother me.

Everytime there is a presale and all this negative talk about DVD not playing I am terrified that Cathe will just throw in the towel and stop making new workouts. I think she puts up with alot of bashing that is not always deserved. I have had wonderful customer service from SNM. I just hope they continue to produce such great workouts for years to come.

RE: DVD brands that HAVE NOT had problems with Cathe's ...

I was afraid to buy these DVDs when reading about the problems some people were having. I had my Magnavox for about a year and never used a dual layer DVD. I paid $100 for it at Best Buy. My husband went with me pick it out. I was looking at prices and wanted a cheaper one but he wouldn't let me so we agreed on the Magnavox. I was nervous until I received the workouts and played them and they have all been fine so far.

RE: DVD brands that HAVE NOT had problems with Cathe's ...

I play all my Cathe DVDs on the kids' playstation. A few of my discs began to freeze...I contacted SNM and they said they'd gladly exchange them but to try cleaning the discs and the player. DH did both and I've had no problems. It wasn't the disc, it was our dirty player! Blessings to you all at SNM!

RE: DVD brands that HAVE NOT had problems with Cathe's ...

How does one manually skip over the pause cazd on the Body Blast pre-mixes? Please enlighten me, as that is my only problem with the DVD's. Otherwise, they are fantastic. I have a Panasonic player.

Edited to add that when I try to fast forward over it, it goes back to the first segment. I cannot get it to advance over the card.
RE: DVD brands that HAVE NOT had problems with Cathe's ...


Have you tried the "next chapter" button. Not sure if your player has this, but when I want to get past a card that is what I do and it works fine. On some DVD's if I hit the "ff" it doesn't work, but the "next chapter" will.

RE: Bashing

I hear what you are saying.

Trolls are dangerous to forums. That is very true.

However, I would advise not even referring to it here as "Cathe Bashing". My advice is to just delete the posts/threads that are troll-like in nature, and then answer questions privately.

In this particular thread, it seemed to *me* as if people who worried about the dvds possibly not working in their players were being called bashers, even if this isn't your intent.

RE: Bashing

Thanks you, Leela

Before I read this thread I was ready to pre-order. Now I am beginning to reconsider. I personally have had no trouble with any product purchased directly from SNM and excellent customer service in terms of placing orders and quick deliveries. But Chris, I've found your comments on this thread and on the premix thread a bit offputting. I understand that is not your intention, but it is never a good idea to pit one group of customers against another. The end result is that your comments--regardless of intent--were unprofessional in tone reflecting poorly upon you and SNM. Your personal feelings on matters are perfectly valid, but when you post as SNM you are representing the company. I don't appreciate the "company" writing off any group of disatisfied customers as "bashers."

I'm doing my best not to allow your comments to affect my totally positive opinion of Cathe. She's great. I'm most appreciative that she's listened to the offbeat requests for workouts on individual DVDs and that she's offering at least one low impact choice.

Please word your posts more carefully. Even disatisfied customers are your customers and they deserve as much respect and attention as the happy customers.

RE: DVD brands that HAVE NOT had problems with Cathe's ...


I use the "next Chapter" button as well and this gets me past the card.


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