One that was in my local paper recently...a guy went into a bank branch, handed the teller a note saying he had a gun, and the teller handed over a bag of money. It was all done quietly and discreetly and no one in the bank was aware that a robbery was taking place. As the robber turned away from the teller, something fell from his pocket. A customer waiting in line picked up the item and tried to give it to the man, but he brushed right by and walked away. When the police showed up, the customer handed over the object that had fallen from the robber's pocket -- it was his DRIVER'S LICENSE. The cops drove right on over to the idiot's apartment and arrested him.
I also remember reading about a robbery at a convenience store. The robber brandished a gun and had the cashier empty the cash drawer. The robber grabbed some cigarettes and lottery tickets, then ordered the cashier to get him a bottle of liquor which was behind the counter. The cashier told the robber he was too young and he couldn't give it to him. The robber insisted that the cashier hand over the bottle, and the cashier said, "sorry, I'll get in too much trouble because you're under age." The robber PULLED OUT HIS I.D. to show the cashier that he was of age. The cashier apologized and gave the guy his bottle. I'll betcha that moron was truly surprised that the police found him, too!