Dreaded Comb #3 Drill Max


OK, I used to dread Combo #3, you know the one with the stability ball over head that seems endless but wipes me out...I subbed a small, pliable 6# medicine ball instead of the huge stabiltiy ball and tightened up my ROM with the twisting moves and now I really enjoy that combo.:)

Great idea....my ceilings in the basement are too low for the SB during that drill. So I'm sure the modifications I was using looked a bit alarming.:)
I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who can't wait to get this drill over with LOL!

I dreaded it from the first time I did it. As Allison said, it seems to go on forever.

I'm going to try it with my medicine ball the next time I do it, just to switch it up a little. Thanks for the suggestion!

Since I first got Drill Max I've used a 7.5-lb rubberized weight plate instead of the stability ball. That drill always slaughters me - in a good way of course *not*.

I also use a db instead of my stability ball these days, and I enjoy it much more. Today I used 8#, HARD but FUN!
So the med ball makes it easier?? How so, since it weighs more? I think my arms would drop off
I did this last night with a 5# dumbbell. Worked great. The stability ball is just too big and unwieldy for me. Thanks for nudge.

Thank goodness I am not the only one! I detest that drill, it starts taking its toll after those "peek-a-boo" jumps the last round, and I hate hanging onto the stability ball, thanks for the alternative suggestions, I thought about using my 5 pound medicine ball. Haven't done DM in awhile, but will have to pretty soon.
I love most of this workout. I wonder about the pushups and dips on the stability ball. I've been parking the ball on a mat right at the foot of my treadmill so if it moves, it won't move far enough to put me on my face. I'm sure the ball nudges the treadmill since it does wiggle around a bit. Is part of the exercise keeping the ball in place? am I cheating by putting it where it can't get away from me?

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