Download the Workout Blender

SNM Videos

You can now download the Workout Blender - Click Here

For the Mac Version:

After the file downloads, double click on the disc image (the file called "Install Workout Blender for Macintosh.dmg") to mount the installer disc, then click on "Install Workout Blender" and follow the directions.

For the Windows Version:

After clicking on "Windows Download Now", click "Save" on the window that opens (It is not recommended to "Open" or "Run" the file at the same time as the download). Save the installer file to your desktop. When the download is complete, double click the "Install Workout Blender for" file and follow the directions.

If you have any questions or problems please post them in our Workout Blender Support forum
In case others have this problem, I didn't see the link until I refreshed the workout blender page. So if you don't see it, press F5 (worked for IE).

I installed the WB, yeah! My videoes are in my Video Library, what now? Do I drag them from the video library to the WB? Do I lose them once I drag them to the WB? They are my org. videros! Help, please! I am confused:rolleyes:

Thanks in advance!
I'm on a Mac and even refreshing the Workout Blender page doesn't show me the link for downloading. Odd. Anyone else encounter this?
I downloaded it earlier and had a lot of problems. I uninstalled it hoping that downloading it again would help, but there is no link for downloading now.

Just tried downloading it again. There's a link now - and it works! Thank you so much, Cathe, for being right on it.
I think this is going to be a dangerous thing for me to have. I am bummed that I don't own more of the downloads. I am loving this...may need to buy more downloads.

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