Don't Understand S&H



I've been doing the CTX arm workouts for 2-2 1/2 months and I'm still not at Cathe's weights--not too far on some of the sections, though. I decided to try out S&H yesterday, because of stalled progress and I was surprised. Usually, I have to halve (sp?) the weights Cathe uses in other workouts, I'm that far behind her. I used 10lb dumbells for the biceps and a 30, 25,25 (approx) for the barbell section. I skipped the barbell wrist curls, because I was a little scared of them, but I'll do them next time. I did the 10 percent incline and tried to follow Cathe in slowness, but I'm not sore today and I completed all of the sets. I agreed with the lowering the barbell to 25lbs, though. What am I doing wrong? It has to be SOMETHING! Yes, I can up my weights, but I Never match Cathe. P.S. I'm using it like CTX w/o doing the triceps. Is that the answer?

P.S. I think I have incorrect form on my tricept barbell chest presses. I tried to get them down low and my left should hurts now. If I pull up my shoulders and lift from the natural bend in the elbows, is that okay?

Thanks for the advice,

Hi Helen. Cathe has talked about the reasons for not being sore after S&H. Something to do with the rest in between sets. You may want to do a search on S&H.

Don't give up!!!

Hi, Helen, most of the time I don't try to match Cathe's weights because she is so muscular and I am not as muscular and the weights she uses are too heavy. Amazingly, and much to my delight, the slow tempo of S&H enabled me to use weights that are equal to what Cathe uses. Since it's just 3 sets of 8 slow reps, I can pull off really heavy weights. If I am feel less strong, I'll just eliminate 1 or 2 reps. Whether I do 6 or 8, I know that as long as my muscles are thouroughly fatigued, that I have accomplished my goal. They are ALWAYS thouroughly fatigued after Slow/Heavy! For all Cathe's other workouts I stay with more moderate weights, except PS, where again I go a little heavier, but S&H is a stand out as far as being a workout that I can really heavy and challenge myself! Go heavier! You can always do less reps or drop the weight until you find what's right for you.
Bobbi Chick's Rule!

Thanks. I was just suprised that I was using almost Cathe weights in this tape and that is not like me. I've heard a lot of people had results with this tape, but that was a point of confusion. Thanks for telling me it does work. I'll give it another try.


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