Donating blood & your workout


I donated blood last night (6pm) for my first time. YEAH!! I did fine, no dizziness or anything. This morning I madeit through about 25 minutes of my cardio (MIC - step portion) & finally stopped since I just wasn't feeling right. Not dizzy, just tired like I didn't have it in me. Not sure if the giving of my blood has anything to do with it. Keep in mind I also haven't been sleeping well all week & we're leaving in the morning for Fl (driving from NY).

Thought I would throw this out there & see what others have experienced.

Exercising on one pint low, eh? That's probably why you petered out. Good thing you took your body's cues to just lay off!:)

Enjoy that drive to FL - oy, that's a LOOOOOONNNNGG trip. I did my long drive over Thanksgiving - 14 hours in one day! It was insane. Good luck on your drive - be safe.

Where you going in FL?

I envy you, spending Christmas in Florida:)
I LOVE Florida!!!

Have a safe trip and a wonderful Christmas Tami!
Yes! I learned this the hard way. Gave blood and went for a 3 mile run. Made it about two and had to walk the last mile slowly. Now I plan a rest day or yoga or something for the day after.
I frequently donate blood and find that unless I do it in the a.m. so I can w/o in the p.m. then that day becomes my rest day. As the previous poster indicated, water, water, water, water.

Have fun in Florida :D:D
I donate whole blood and platelets.

Everyone is different, but over the years, I've learned I cannot workout for 24 hours after whole blood, and 48 hours after platelets.
I gave blood many years ago and didn't listen to their advice about taking it easy for 24 hours. I went home and popped in a video - and fainted in the middle of it! Definitely take it easy for 24 hours!
Great question! I've wondered about this in the past.

There's so many blood drives , I need to do one soon.

So if I work out in the morning and donate in the afternoon, I won't feel icky because I worked out in the morning , will I?

Enjoy FL!!!!
I guess I should have posted this BEFORE I donated! What was I thinking? Guess I can't work my body so hard.

We're having a snow day here in New York, so about 11am I gave in & went back to bed & took a nap. I do feel better now. I will remember everyone's advice for next time

Those women that were there donating are a riot. ( It was a donation in memory of 2 young men (brothers) who were killed in an auto accident. these women who all knew one another were competing to see who had the best time ? Funny.

I am going to be in the Tampa/Clearwater area. Will miss the snow we are getting but so excited to be spending a Christmas w/all my family.

thanks you guys for your advice
I donate every 8 weeks and have learned to take it easy on the w/o that day. NO weights. I normally do easier cardio. Just the kick box from KM, Basic Step, or just the step part from any IMAX or LM. Try to keep it about 30 mins, and eat/drink before after. I don't get woozy or anything, but it takes the pep out of my step for working out. An hour or more of Cathe or a run just won't work after giving blood. The other option is a nice long doggie walk.

It used to be a week after donating whole blood before I felt right. (And I always beat my dad's time!)

Now I donate platelets and it only takes one rest day since they replace the fluids they take out!
I have to be careful b/c of my weight (you have to weigh 110 to donate and that's where I hover so they always make me stick around extra long), but I donated blood one day and the next morning DH and I had donuts - hey, it was our cheat day! - then I did an hour long Cardio Coach on the elliptical and then we got in the hot tub for about 20 minutes. I got out of the hot tub and fainted.
I donated blood at 1:00 this afternoon and the RN told me not to lift anything heavy for the rest of the day. Should I extend this until tomorrow? I actually feel all right now, but I figured I could use a day off anyway :)
Though I vote for a day off tomorrow, you'll have to test it out and see, Keith. Everyone is different.

Amy, I'm a mess for two days after a platelet donation. :rolleyes: I don't know why, but I'm much better after whole blood. I think the anticoagulant they give us doesn't sit right with me.
Another person who is messed up for about a week after giving blood. I can workout the same day, but it is not a good workout. And I know that I will not be able to match any personal bests or improve for a week afterward giving blood. I usually plan a recovery week of lighter endurance weights, yoga, and light cardio after I give blood.

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