Does your whole family eat clean?


Hi, Cathe,
I was wondering if your whole family eats clean. Have your kids grown up with the whole "6 small meals of clean foods" or do you feed your family in a different way than you feed yourself? I know they aren't on a body builders diet, but I was wondering what you do to incorporate family dining with eating clean for yourself.
Thanks and it's good to see you back. :)
Hi Amy! I had to chuckle while reading this question since the thought of my children eating the way I would like them too is simply wishful thinking at this point in time;-)

Like most kids, they love their basics (over and over again, ha).

But fortunately I have gotten it to where they eat fairly balanced and understand that a snack only comes after the main meal has been finished.

A sample day for them:


daily vitamin
1/2 yogurt
bowl cereal with 1ow fat milk

banana and milk
2 graham crackers


Peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread
apple juice
cup of peaches
2 cookies

sliced apple
1/2 pop tart


roasted chicken
mandarin oranges
green beans
small cup of ice cream

their choice within reason
That's awesome! By 'basics', i thought you were going to say Pizza, Chicken nuggets, pretzel sticks. LOL

Hi Gayle! I am fortunate that my kids (odd as it sounds) are not big fans of mac n cheese, hot dogs, grill cheese, and most pasta dishes. They just recently started liking pizza and chicken nuggets. But don't let that fool you, they still try all of the typical tricks to hide their green veggies somewhere on or around the kitchen table and they LOVE french fries.
That is too funny. Your kids sound just like I was! lol. I used to give my peas to the dog but didn't know he was spitting them out under the table. So my mom knew! Darn! lol.

Your kids eat great compared to most ppl! I was in the store the other day buying some salad fixens and all the ppl in front of me had junk. I looked at them and new why they were over wt! Its so sad.

~Reece Out~

I knew it! Cathe must have read our thread regarding this forbidden junk food that so many of us admitted loving!

I am pretty fortunate also that my little guy loves veggies and nutritious foods, but he will not do mushrooms!

Glad to see you back Cathe! Take care.
Hey, you eat like we do! :)

Thanks, Cathe,
That was interesting. :) The cashiers often comment as I'm checking out with phrases like, "Wow, you must be really healthy" but I sort of thought we were probably on the low end of healthy eating compared to people on this board. I'm not a food nazi but I try to serve them healthy, natural foods at every meal.
They do love the pop tarts, however. DH sneaks them in. Perhaps they aren't the worst of evils. ;)
Hmmm. I remember seeing a great picture of Cathe as she was getting ready to eat a waffle topped off with ice cream for breakfast (on a previous road trip). Not sure if that picture is on-line, though...

I just had to share this with everyone! ;-)
Lorrayne~I'd love to see that pic! Ruth, you are too funny! Is there a food group for Peanut M&M's???

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I almost fainted when I read the nutritional (!) or lack-of-nutritional label on chocolate pop tarts - 400 calories for one of those suckers!! Unbelievable!!!!
Hi Debbie,

I totally forgot the M&M food group! Slap my hand!

I'm completely addicted to them & can't have them in the house. Only at Christmas. ~Sigh~

Of course M & M's qualify as a food group! The peanuts are protein, and the chocolate is dairy...I don't see why there is a problem here..

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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