Does anyone view before doing the videos?


Hi -

I just wonder if I'm the only one that does not have the patience (also spare time) to preview the videos before doing them? I just can't quite bring myself to watch them first before I exercise along. I know Cathe mentions that this should be done with all workouts before doing them. I just don't know if I can do this!

I should get my new IS DVD's today! (YES!) But, I'm sick today. I just might have to preview them or do one with very little intensity. Yep, that's what I'll do! I'll try the one that sounds the easiest C&W and go very light and easy. I can't wait to breathe better.

Previously, I had been doing mostly Cathe's strength videos. I am "choreographically challenged" and had found the step videos beyond my ability to follow. I found that I can do pretty well keeping up with Power Max (never previewed, of course). I'm a bit lost during the 360's but (just do repeaters until I can figure it out) otherwise I can hang in there for this one. I tried Step Works recently and got my feet tied in a knot. I think I'll try that later with the DVD on 1/2 speed. But, I just don't think that I can hang in there watching but not trying! Is it just me????

My best regards to all of you and special cheers for those of you just getting your DVD's!

I usually preview new tapes/dvd's. I like to have an idea of what equipment I need to get out, if I need to push chairs out of the way for space hogging tapes, and if I need to double bra for very high impact stuff.
I've been pre-viewing my workouts for the last couple of years. Since I usually receive the workouts on a day when I either don't plan to workout or have already done my workout, I use the time to take notes (what weights I probably will use, based on my previous experience). I will often not view the entire workout straight through, but fast forward through repeated sections.
I don't ever preview a video. The best way for me to learn a video is by doing it. So if I think it's going to be complicated or hard, I just take it a little easy the first time I do it. Or, I'll do something like do the video without the step the first time (although it's been a while since I've even done that).

It just didn't seem to help me any to preview a video! And, Cathe's looked like so much fun I wanted to get up and do them with her! So that's what I do now.
I actually tried previewing my new Cathe's and I think I would prefer to just get them out & do them. After I saw all the lunges & pushups in either MIS or PH, can't remember which one it was, I was afraid of it!!

But, I also tried C&W, and couldn't keep up with the step for anything, got mad at it and put it away! I don't think previewing it would have help any with that though, b/c watching her do the step and me not attempting, doesn't do me any good either!

I have quite a few Cathe's I got used, and I doubt I'll preview them first. Maybe if I'm doing my glider, I will, but not necessarily.

I ended up just waiting to get my wedding tape for the simpler choreo and decided that until I am up to speed on that one, I'm not going to choose step!! I have Step Heat on it's way, so I'll wanna try that b/c I heard it's easier choreo too.

I always preview them. Today, I got my DVDs, watched Boot Camp while eating dinner, then watched IMax2 while riding my Airdyne. I used the intervals to do bike intervals and rode 12 miles in 40 minutes, then just watched intervals 9 and 10 while I stretched. It was great.

Later I will view PLB and then tomorrow I'll do it. Probably preview something else, etc. That way, I eventually view them all first. I like to know what to expect, how much space, what weights to set up. I use them as entertainment the first time around.
I'm to impatient to pre-view. I just jump right in and go for it.
Allthough, sometimes I just stand there in amazement...or shock!:eek:
I always preview - especially step. I find I can learn the choreography faster and easier if I mentally know whats coming. For strength tapes I preview enough so I know what size dumbbells or bars and weights I need so I don't have to keep stopping to make adjustments.
You wrote:
"Previously, I had been doing mostly Cathe's strength videos. I am "choreographically challenged" and had found the step videos beyond my ability to follow."

Did that change? I love all the strength training workouts, but I can't follow step choreography to save my life. Can such a disability be overcome? :)

"I always preview - especially step. I find I can learn the choreography faster and easier if I mentally know whats coming. For strength tapes I preview enough so I know what size dumbbells or bars and weights I need so I don't have to keep stopping to make adjustments."

Ditto to all your comments. I ALWAYS preview.

Just Do It! :7
Thats something I never do either.I am sure it is probably not a good thing.But I just find that Cathe always throws in a few things that you have already seen so it never takes much to catch on.
I did preview the first few minutes of it and then that was it.But I diffently don't have the time either:) Don't got time to do noth'in
I always preview at least once for cardio 2 or 3 times depending on how I find the moves. I find it better for me than rewinding the workout whilst I am doing it with Cathe it is getting easier as I am getting more familiar with her moves and trust her cueing.

I always preview tapes of instructors I don't know and the pryamid method CAthe uses in the new split tapes is useful to see what equipment I will need.

With step tapes I find you need to build up what I like to call "step memory" I find that with the steps I find hardest to learn they are the ones that when I get them my feet never forget.

I always preview new workouts. I am receiving my DVDs today. I am planning on running 4 miles on my threadmill while previewing Bootcamp and having my chidren have fun doing the workout. I have a 5k on 2/22 and have to train so this works out for us. I love previewing because it gets me all pumped up for them! Tomorrow morning I am doing Bootcamp!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
I'm definitely improving at Step-Aerobics! I'm nowhere near good. It helps enormously that I have the athletic strength to do the moves. (Since, I'm a 41 year old mother that is only due to many strength workouts.) Getting my feet to go in the correct ways is the hard part. If I think too hard about it, I'll get lost. Also, I think that if I pre-view the workout, I might be scared off.

If I just do my best to follow, I can follow more and more each time. Also, step choreography had been very frustrating. Now, I can ALMOST follow well enough that the easier choreography is fun. Each time there is a new move that you can do, you can follow more and more of the work-out. Like I mentioned, some of Cathe's step videos or segments are still way too complicated for me to follow. I will modify by doing the nearest move that I CAN do. I am following much more after only a few weeks of doing this.

If I CAN start to get the hang of Cathe's Step, I know ANYBODY CAN - but it takes persistence.

I have never previewed a tape or DVD in my life! I have always just jumped right into it and have never had a problem. I could never just sit and watch a workout tape and not want to be doing it. I don't have enough patience or discipline for that.

I got the Intesity tpaes on Jan.3 and did them all unviewed - I got my DVD's yesterday - I did IMAX Extreme without one problem because I already know C & W and IMAX2 so well already from the tapes. I could see how the Terminator DVD would be hard to get if you didn't have the tapes to do beforehand.

I am going to do the Viper tonight before I do Upper Body Pyramid. Then tomorrow I will do the Gauntlet before I do Bootcamp.

I can tell you now IMAX Extreme is the hardest tape I think I have ever done. That makes IMAX2 seem easy. WOW! I was so blown away from that workout.

I preview them, but it is a real challenge to just sit and watch when I want to be following along. It's worth the time to preview, but VERY trying on my patience. I just want to join right in right away.

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