You are being a realist here and I salute you for that. There's nothing that says that you have to do the Imaxes to be a real exerciser. They cause you pain: you have stopped doing them. That is rule number 1: listen to your body, and you do, so good for you.
I think what you suggest for your possible program is excellent. An hour's walk *5 per week, with weight training added on *2 per week. Adding KPC *1 or *2 per week if you can is great, and don't forget, Cathe is bringing out a Low impact Hardcore DVD soon, so you might be able to add that to your program.
Walking can still include interval training, which can maximize cardiovascular benefits. As Nancy suggests, using a treadmill at the gym can really get the heart rate up and will make this walking program every bit as effective as the Imaxes.
I had a echocardiogram/stress test done this past Winter and believe me, they jacked up that treadmill to the max and I managed to keep it as a fantastically fast walk even on the max setings: I didn't have to break into a jog, and that was a fabulous workout. I was as sweaty and worked out as after any Cathe cardio. Working out like this 5 times per week will kep your legs and glutes in tremendous condition. And if you can take it outside sometimes for hill walking, you get added benefits of fresh air, the change of scenery blows away many mentaal ccobwebs. I just love it. In Summer I walk for my cardio more than anything else because I crave the sunshine and being out and about seeing life in action down at the local park. It changes your perspective and mental/emotional health is just as important as building strong glutes, right? And yes, music or great books on tape provide the motivation to go faster or go longer and challenge yourself.
You can be fabulously fit and healthy with this new program you suggest. Cathe DVDs are just one way to keep healthy: they are not the be all and end all.
Stay healthy and have fun! And BTW, Walkers are not wimps, they are pragmatists!
Clare ;-)