Does Anyone Remember.....?


The original Jane Fonda aerobic videos from the 1980s ?
I have an argument going on in my brain at the moment, and that is a part of me is convinced they never wore sneakers (trainers) throughout the workouts ? I am certain I used to do workouts without shoes on ! Is it any wonder my right knee plays up, 15 years on ?
Can anyone confirm this for me ? Did Jane and her gang wear sneakers to do aerobics ?

Yours wonderingly

Anna :)
I can't say for sure, but I'm almost sure the first ones were done barefoot (with leg warmers of course). But I do know that when I started Jazzercise in 1981 we did it barefoot! On a concrete floor covered by thin industrial carpeting. And I thought it was weird when they did start to get a clue and wear shoes - it took a little while to catch on. I can't believe it when I think about it now.

By the way Anna, I wanted to thank you for the tip about the Lancome Glossimer Spark - the color is perfect and I love it!

Hi Lisa,

I am glad that it is not just me, Gosh, I can't imagine doing any impact exercise without my sneakers/trainers now !

Yea, I am so glad you like the Glossimer Spark, it is gorgeous isn't it ? :D I bought mine from New York, don't know what I am going to do when I run out though, I am pretty certain it is a US shade only, I have not seen it in the UK :'(

I do remember!!!!

Not only did Jane not wear shoes but form pointers were never, ever discussed when doing floor work. I seriously injurred myself doing some of her stuff--couldn't walk for a month. REALLY!
RE: I do remember!!!!

The only thing I can say for Jane is that she led me to Kathy Smith who led me to the Firm who led me to Cathe. Hallelujah! It took a while but hey, I'm glad I started with Jane, (and I did Jazzercise, too) otherwise I never would've found Cathe. I look back at those work outs though and have to laugh. Can you even imagine doing a Jane Fonda video now? I'm sure I wouldn't sweat a drop. How far we've come....
Anna, how do you think of these things anyway?

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