Does anyone like Christy Taylor?


Hi Gang: in my impatience for the new Cathe videos, I ordered a few of Christy's step tapes, only b/c I thought they were advanced in intensity. While I have only previewed them, they only seem advanced in choreography. I hate to say anything negative or offend anyone, but it seems like all she does is add a bunch of "spins" to her routine and call it advanced. It does not appear to be high in intensity at all!!
has anyone done her videos and if so, are they advanced in intensity? will i get a good workout?
Hi Lynne,

I only have 1 by Christy Taylor, it's her "Still Jumpin" hi/lo video. I find it more "intermediate" as far as intensity, the only advanced aspect for me was the choreography initially. I use her video on a day I just want to have a "decent" workout to some good music.


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
I have one Chriti Taylor tape (Happy Hour Hi/Lo) and I really like it. I find myself reaching for it when I don't want to work out. During the day I won't be excited about working out but I think about my Christi tape and get excited again. I'd say it's advanced in a different way than Cathe is. There aren't any interval moves but my heartrate gets just as high as with a Cathe tape during the non-interval parts. Plus it's a lot 'kinder' to my knees and shins than a Cathe hi/lo tape. And not to offend anyone but I'm not a big fan of Cathe's hi/lo style anyway. But I'd say that Christi is advanced in the same way that Rhythmic Step is an 'advanced' tape. RS isn't like Cathe's other step tapes because it doesn't have the same level of impact but the speed of the moves get my heart rate high. It's the same with my Christi tape.

I would definitely buy all of Christi's other tapes if I had the money.

I have quite a few of her tapes and I agree with getnfit. I do enjoy her tapes, but they are definitely not as intense and as advnced as Cathe's videos.

The choreography is more complex than Cathe's though. How do you figure that one. Her workouts are fun, but definitely on the intermediate level.

I do the Christy Taylor tapes when I just need to do something different. I like her hi-lo tapes which have low impact exercisers in the background. I follow them and insert other moves when I feel like it. Mostly, I do her tapes when I am having problems getting my motivation up and I just want to flow with the music. Her tapes are not as advanced as Cathe's however with focus you can maintain a reasonably high level of intensity and work up a moderate sweat.

Her step tapes are also fun. In the last few, background exercisers demonstrate lower impact moves. Many times I start there but by the end of the workout the music has motivated me and I have added many intense, higher impact moves.

I always feel better when I finish one of her workouts.

My two cents...

Hi Lynne,
Oh I am a big Christi fan. I mainly do her hi/lo. I find it fun. And she is having so much fun! I think the advanced choreography comes not only from her spins but from her syncopation. For example on a three count move Cathe will usually 3 on the left then 3 on the right then do a 7th and 8th beat to get you starting on count 1 again. This isn't always so with Christi.

As far as intensity goes - no comparison between Christi and Cathe. Cathe is way more intense. But I will say that when you do Christi's moves with all the big arm motions, you will get in your target heart rate for a good period of time (or at least I do) I also find when doing Christi that I work my legs alot shifting my weight and changing directions. I notice that many of my smaller leg muscles feel worked, rather than my quads as with Cathe. (hard to describe)

I think her most fun workout is CIA 9801- double impact- the hi/lo portion. Hi/Lo Heaven is my second favorite. (some people were unhappy with the dvd quality - it didn't bother me)

Oh, and give it a try. Previewing makes it look easier then doing it actually is. (IMHO)
I'm a big Christi hi lo fan. I've tried all of her step tapes and Step Heaven is about the only one I really like. Her choreography is advanced but on the intensity scale, it doesn't compare with Cathe's. Now as for her hi lo, I love it. Cathe's hi lo doesn't give me the same thrill I get with Christi. I love Hi Lo Heaven, the music is fantastic, the steps flow and it's just heaven. I wasn't a huge hi lo fan until I tried Christi. She's the queen of hi lo, IMO.

Hi All!

Christy Taylor and I are from the same home town! We actually went to the same Dance Studio as girls. When I saw her in the Collage Video Catalogue I was so surprised and contacted her. Anyway, after several e-mails we decided to meet last summer when she was down for a family reunion. She is of Armenian decent and has a huge family in the San Juaquin Valley of California. I remember that she was very proud of the fact that she had won the family "Dolmas" contest. She LOVES to cook. I found her to be very down to earth and balanced in her approach to food and fitness.
A very nice lady and nice of her to take the time to meet with me!

By the way, she asked if I did her workouts and I had confessed that I did not. She was very interested in what I found so appealing about Cathe. I was great discussing the whole business side of fitness and how she began. I'm telling you, it is allot more difficult than I thought it was.

Remembering her as a dancer, I bet she has interesting and dance oriented coreography. It is great to hear she has such a loyal following.

I've tried a slew of Christy's step and hi/lo tapes and although I love her music, I really don't care for her dancey choreography. It's just not my cup of tea. That being said, I do really enjoy her Strength, Balance and Flexibility tape. It is deceptively difficult and uses at most 5 and/or 8 lb dumbells so I often take this one along when I'm travelling out of town to my parents' house. Great core work.

:) Stacy

I just got Totally Cool Step and I LOVE it. It's my first Christy Taylor tape. I consider myself intermediate/low advanced, and it gave me a great workout. I was drenched by the end. And it was REALLY fun, but I love dancy choreography. I was concentrating so much on getting the moves, the time just flew by. The music is great, too.

I have readthe other replies to your post. Wow, dmd, that's interesting about Christy's family!

I have Hi-Lo Heaven and I love it. I haven't done it in a while, though. Every time I have done it, I've loved it. It's a lighter workout than Cathe's, and I should do it more often now when I need a workout but just did IMax the day before.

The things the other posters said are true- also- you get a great range-of-motion workout from her. She has some expansive and satisfying arm movements. And, you get a sharpened sense of rhythm from doing Hi-Lo Heaven, yet it's not too complicated.
I think Christi's tapes work well in a rotation with Cathe's tapes -- Cathe workouts on days when you want to kick some serious *** and Christi tapes on days when you want to let loose and sing along with the cast. I agree with everyone else about the intensity level and choreograpy differences between the two instructors -- but I love them both...
I will always oeder (and pre-order) any new tapes/DVD's from Christi or Cathe.

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