Does Anyone Here Workout Just 4-5 Days Per Week?


Hi - Does anyone limit their workouts to ust 4-5 days per week for no more than 1 hour? That is my goal now that I am a new Mom (to an 8 week old). I used to workout daily for much longer, but I need to dedicate that time now to my Son. I also want more balance -- but I want to still look good, maintain my weight and tone and feel strong and fit. Thoughts? Thank you!!
Actually, you will be surprised at how much you can fit in when they take their naps! hahaha
I have a 6 month old and there are days I can workout for 2 hours and other days, only 30 mins. A easier way for you to do it is, 30-40 mins of cardio 4x a week with one UB part (or 2 if you can get it in) and 1 day lower body.And don't forget those abs! Sometimes I have to do them first b/c I won't get time at the end but usually this is the place that needs the most work. Now that the weather is nicer, I go for my runs outside and he goes as well. I kill two birds with one stone!
And of course eating is half the key to looking good! Congrats on your new baby! Enjoy him..they grow up to fast!!!

Congrats on being a new mom!
"I want to still look good, maintain my weight and tone and feel strong and fit."

Since every body responds differently to exercise and obviously your daily diet is KEY to all you want I say TRY IT! When I eat super clean I can get away with 4-5 days - when I'm not so clean I gotta up it (not that I see the same great results by increased time tho because diet is the Magic Pill!)
I say if you CAN be fit with 4-5 then do it! Its more about how hard you work in your given time vs more hours or more days IMO. Some times I have to decrease duration /days per week if my attention just isnt there... I still get results because I am actually MORE focused than knowing I have endless hours to devote.
Just my thoughts:7
Congratulations on your little one! and yes, you absolutely can meet your goals with 4-5 days. As one poster mentioned, you may have to experiment with what you do. I would recommend 2 or 3 days in a row with a break in between rather than, say, M-R or F with a long weekend. (OTOH, that sounds nice ;-) ) Good luck and enjoy!
I workout 5 days a week and do a 5 mile walk (at a good pace) one day on the weekends. I do NOT like to workout for more than an hour. This just seems to really work for me....if I know it's going to be more than an hour than I sort of have a "dread" factor. I put so much into the hour, so I really do feel like I'm getting a great workout. And it's a schedule I can commit to.....I just don't want to do more than this!
I try to do something each day, but when my son was first born I had the same dilemma. My jogging stoller was my saving grace. I could get a run in and my son would take a nap. Then for weights, I would do that when he naps. You might try to do one body part a day and heavy or upper body one day and legs the next. That has worked for me.

If you are interested in buying a jogging stroller, I recomend the BOB single and the Dreamer Design. Both are great strollers.

Good Luck and Congrats on the new baby.

JUST 4-5 days per week?? I've heard the latest recommendations are to work out every day, at least 30 minutes per day, but I just don't believe it's necessary. In fact, I think working out can become psychologically tiresome if you do it too often. I would rather workout 3 days per week for the rest of my life than workout every day, then stop for months at a time due to boredom. That's just me, though. I really do much better when I'm not working out too frequently.

Congratulations on your new edition!! :D
Hi there. I just cut down my workouts from 6 days a week to 5 and I feel just as good if not better. Of course, it depends on what you do for those workouts. You definetly need to make them count and make sure you are working your muscles to exhaustion in order to make some progress. Just play around with a rotation for a few weeks and see if it works.

Good luck and congratulations on your new addition!!!
I work out 5 days a week only. I occasionally have done 6 days but not too often. I figure I will workout more when my body demands it. Once your body becomes accustom to working out everyday I think it then expects it. I know a girl who use to workout 7 days a week and then when she quit doing that much she started gaining weight. I say 5 days is plenty and I also mostly just workout and hour too. somedays I will go for a longer run just to keep my body guessing. goodluck!
...what Nancy said.

I'm pretty fit, and I work out 5 times a week. If I try for 6, I start to see signs of overtraining.

Enjoy your new baby, you'll find the balance.
5 days a week has always worked for me. i just started doing 6 and i'm not sure if i like it all that much. plus i don't know if i'm really gaining any benefits from doing a 6th day since i workout so hard through the week. but like one poster said, diet is important so make sure that is inline and you should not have a problem. its how effective and intense you are working out not the number of days a week and time spent doing it. the other 23 hrs in the day are also important so spend those being active with your new baby and eat healthy
I pretty much just do 5 days a week and an occasional 6th. I've gotten great results so I don't think 6 days is a necessity. I just finished P90X and a lot of times missed the 6th day (which was usually Kenpo). I didn't really mind missing the extra day of cardio. I didn't lose weight but I did lose inches. I commend you for getting 5 days a week in especially with a new baby because when I had mine, I stopped exercising altogether. If you keep your diet in check and do 5 days of exercise, I'm sure you'll be okay.

Congratulations on the new bundle, boys are special, since I have 3 boys I can say that.

I only workout 3 days a week and strength train almost exclusively (occasional cardio) and I am not missing my used to be 6 days a week routine at all. You can do it and still get nice workouts in.
I only workout 3 days a week, maybe 4. I just cannot get up much more than that and fit it in with my life right now. This is why I am SO DARN EXCITED to get my hands on Cathe's new 4-day split series! I am hoping it will work perfect for my schedule. :)

Have fun with that baby :+

I've never worked out more than 5 days/week and 1 hr a day, and I consider myself very fit.

Like others have said, I hit my workouts pretty hard during those 5 days. 6 is too much for me. My body needs a rest. I go M-F and don't work out on the weekends.

You'll have to find what works for you, since every body is different. But I've always marvelled at the people out here that go 6 days a week consistently. I could never do it!
Hi! I don't have any children so I'm not in your particular situation but I work out 5 days a week, in the mornings, for no longer than an hour & usually more like 45-50 minutes. But when I can find the time or just can't sleep, I will increase the duration of my morning workout. I just can't seem to fit it in during the evenings or on the weekends... because I always have other obligations, chores to do around the house, & also because I'd rather spend time with my DH & our precious poochie! Like others have said, I think you should do what feels right for you & whatever you can fit into your life. I also think that 4-5 days a week for no more than an hour is plenty to see the results you desire. Congratulations on your baby & good luck!:)
Welcome to motherhood - all bets are off!! i have a seven and almost four year old. i shoot for six then i can at least get in four days a week! i would love to tell you i'm soooo dedicated i get up at 4 in the morning so nothing gets in the way, but that's not reality. some weeks it's five times a week, some it's three. it's something i do for myself every week but i've had to realize that as things come up and it doesn't happen not to stress and i'm just teaching my kids to go with the flow. of course i could be in better shape (i run 14-18 miles a week plus lift w/ cathe), but honestly i'm in better shape than any other mom i personally know.

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