does anyone else hate rest days???


I know I need 'em, but I really feel like crawling under a rock when I take one. Does anyone else feel that way? I can't get myself going, I feel fuzzy headed and tired, and just pretty much all 'round miserable. What do you all do on your rest days to get through???

I feel the opposite, I know my body needs a rest and I feel great on those days. The next day I workout, I feel rejuvenated and less fatigued. But I don't take more than 1 per week!
This thread re-emerges periodically and it's usually the same thoughts, so it always amazes me to see how we generally don't like rest days. I hate them. I was forced to not workout last Friday, 2/11 and that was my first day off since Xmas day. I love it that Cathe has now included stratch max so maybe when we do rest we can still get our Cathe fix and not feel so guilty.
YES!x( I was talking about that exact same thing the other day with a friend!! She agreed with me that it's good for our bodies to rest, but my mental state is so much better when I've worked out!
I don't really take full rest days. Usually do at least something, like a short pilates tape or 10-15 minutes on the elliptical at a slow pace. Just makes me feel better!
Absolutely, I feel very sluggish and have a bit of a brain fog when I don't work out. I really miss the energy it gives me. I usually end up only resting when my body is tired.
I love my rest day!!! I always take Sundays and just hang around. It makes me look forward to getting going again. Leslie
I also hate rest days, makes me feel like I am missing something when I don't work out and jog.... Rhonda
I love and value my rest days, because I know they are necessary, and will allow me to come back even stronger. At my age, I feel they are even more important, and they help keep me exercising consistently because I avoid burn out or overtraining.

Some people's reactions to a rest day almost sound like going cold turkey from drugs or cigarettes!
I love mine - I just have to watch that "rest" doesn't translate into "sit around and eat cookies all day." :p If I eat clean and let my mind relax, I always come back the next day full of energy and ready to dive into my workouts.
I enjoy my rest days pretty much. And get this, every 10 weeks, I take a whole week off. If I don't, I tend to get injured. I always come back feeling refreshed and ready to try for new goals.

My husband is always reminding me that resting one's body is a part of being fit. (because occaisionally I will stress about it a little:p :p )

take care
Yes, I hate rest days and probably don't take them often enough. I feel sluggish and not as energetic as I do on the days that I work out. I work out early in the morning on weekedays before I go to work or before I do anything else on the weekends (not as early!!) It just starts my day off right! If I do take a "rest" day, I usually try to do an ab workout or even a short, easier cardio such as Basic Step. I need to do "something" to feel good the rest of the day. I'm planning on using my Hardcore Ab or Strech workouts in that capacity as well.
I like rest days. It really frees my day up when I don't have to work out. I try to always take the rest day on Sunday, so I can get up and take a shower right away - then go out and enjoy the day with my daughter. If I'm working out, I get up and take my thyroid medication. I have to wait an hour to eat breakfast after I take the pill, so that's at least an hour until I can exercise. Then I exercise and take a shower. There's 3 hours taken up right there! If I'm not working out, I can shower and get ready in that hour that I'm waiting to eat.

I really don't feel any different as far as my mood and energy level on rest days.
I only take a rest day only if I feel I really need a rest day or for some reason I am too busy for a work out (reach is seldom that I am too busy for a work out). I always sleep better and feel better with some kind of physical activity during the day.

I love my rest days also. I work out pretty hard 5 days a week & look forward to that extra hour of sleep or to going straight home from work instead of to the gym. My schedule is so packed that at the end of my rest day I only feel tired instead of completely exhausted.
I dont' like rest days either, I think right now my plan is to take one every 10 days.

I think my favorite would be to exercise for a few months with just a rest day every 15 days or so, and then 3 full days off, then begin again.

I am aiming for weights 4x a week and cardio, 45 min - an hour 4-5x a week right now.
>I enjoy my rest days pretty much. And get this, every 10
>weeks, I take a whole week off. If I don't, I tend to get
>injured. I always come back feeling refreshed and ready to
>try for new goals.

I have never done this before but while doing P90X, they incorporated a "rest" week every three weeks. In that rest, you do cardio, stretch, core and yoga and NO weights. I know that this isn't pure rest, but it has made me see how taking some extended time off gives the body a break and gets you pumped to come back.

I usually take one or two days off per week. I think that I may start giving a week rest every once in a while in the future.

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