Does anyone beleive in future telling?


I know this is a touchy topic b/c it is sort of like religion. I didn't beleive in it and now I am not so sure. I think our future for the most part, depends on the choices we make day to day and its all in our hands.
A friend of mine called me yesterday and she wanted to go see one. There was a fortune teller comming to off we went. Giggling like two little girls.
What she told me was quit scary.
She told me that my life was up and down, i was happy and sad. Which is totally what I am going through right now. She said that there were twins in my family(true). There was a dark haired guy in my life (my DH) there was also another dark haired guy that I was going to or already as caused havic in my life (true).High blood pressure (true) A wedding (true)I started a new job (true) I know that some of this seems a little...well, like common things...but there were things that she said that almost made me cry b/c they were so true.
Then she looked at my palms and said that I had lost faith in myself somewhere along the way, but I was starting to rebuild it again(true)
Its just that I have been going through somethings lately and she seemed to know about them.
She did tell me that I was going to live to be in my 80's.
But she did say that I was going to be under the care of a Dr.I wasn;t going to die but I was going to be in a dr's care for a while...probably with the triplets she said I was going to be having or the lightening that she saw.
But she said everything that is going to happen in the next 8-12 monthes are totally liveable and I will get through it all. I will also be moving twice.I hate moving!
Anyway...what do you guys think?

Oh....and I am going to have another soul mate when I get older.DH didn't like that one to well
Lori :)
I don't know if you are a Christian or not but I believe that Christians are forbiden to go to fortune tellers. I believe that they are of the devil. They tell you just enough to get you hooked to want to know more & to keep you coming back. Not everything will come true that they predict. They get their info from demons.
In the Old Test. Saul went to see a fortune teller & he got into big trouble & wound up being killed the next day in a battle, him & his sons. Instead of turning to God & praying for direction he went to a fortune teller. We are commanded to pray & get what ever we need from God & what ever He doesn't tell us we aren't supposed to know.
That is what I believe.
It depends on the fortune teller, some can get you talking and spill your guts and you don't even know it, and they just tell you what you just said. Others have actually some type of gift. I say believe whatever makes you happy. I've seen quite a few different fortune tellers and all different ways to tell the future. Some I truely believe can do this. Others, I would consider scam artists.

I also believe there are things beyond our control that only some can see or know where to look but the only way to understand them is to explore and learn. As there might be something in there for you and you can free yourself from a problem or whaterver.

It depends on the fortune teller, some can get you talking and spill your guts and you don't even know it, and they just tell you what you just said. Others have actually some type of gift. I say believe whatever makes you happy. I've seen quite a few different fortune tellers and all different ways to tell the future. Some I truely believe can do this. Others, I would consider scam artists.

I also believe there are things beyond our control that only some can see or know where to look but the only way to understand them is to explore and learn. As there might be something in there for you and you can free yourself from a problem or whaterver.

i could "predict" that you are going to win the boston marathon or the nobel prize for physics, but until it comes true what difference does it make? what was accomplished by her "predictions"? how many of her predictions for other people have come true? why can't she "predict" the stock market or the lottery? dont you require any evidence at ALL before you believe something?

different strokes for different folks, but ill just never understand that.
i could "predict" that you are going to win the boston marathon or the nobel prize for physics, but until it comes true what difference does it make? what was accomplished by her "predictions"? how many of her predictions for other people have come true? why can't she "predict" the stock market or the lottery? dont you require any evidence at ALL before you believe something?

different strokes for different folks, but ill just never understand that.
I had a reading done 4 years ago and she told me that I would be engaged in 2 years but it wouldn't be until the end of the year - My DH proposed 2 years later in Nov.(I never told him what she said) She told me that I'd be at my job for another 5 years and then I'd be making a big change job-wise or education wise - I quit very unexpectedly 5 years later and went back to college. She said I'd have a lot of deaths around me but that it wasn't family but family members of friends and friends I was out of touch with. I've been to 5 funerals in the past 4 years - all sudden deaths. She said I'd have 2 maybe 3 kids, she thought one pregnancy would be twins...I don't have any data on that as of yet :) She recorded it for me and I came across the tape in a drawer the other day...I guess maybe I should have another listen.

So, I am a believer but I've only been to a reading once and would only go again if I was persuaded by a friend or something. I definitely think that there are lots of frauds out there who dig for information (the woman I saw didn't ask me any questions). Also, I think the ones you have to look out for are the one's who will only tell you the juicy information if you cough up extra money.
I believe in it, that is why I stay away. I was at a party a few years ago and there was a tarot card reader there. I stayed away because of my faith, but my SIL talked to her. Everything that she told her came true in the next two years. She had a baby girl (even though she was on birth control), her husband cheated on her, and she got sick. Freaky. ETA that by getting sick, she is ill and the doctors don't know what is wrong with her. she has lost most of her voice, she has a terrible skin problem and she has lost over 50 pounds when she was already too thin.

The reason why God doesn't want us going to mediums is because we can come to rely on the teller's word rather than His. People who have problems and are looking for answers about their life, love, family, etc. go there for answers instead of praying to God and trusting Him and the plans he has for your life.

Though, like you, a lot of people do it for fun. I did it in my b.c. days (about 10 years ago). That woman was spewing a bunch of b.s. though. She said that I would marry the guy I was with (did NOT) that I would end up owning a horse ranch (am NOT) and a bunch of other stuff that was obviously forgettable because it didn't happen. Oh, except that my first child was a girl. But that was 50/50, so it doesn't count.

There are tons of phony's. A lot (most) of the times that they can be so accurate is that they are trained to listen to the sound of your voice, the look in your eyes, the glow in your cheeks, and they can be "vibe" sensitive. (I knew the exact day that one of my co-workers started an affair because of a vibe he sent, I swear that was all. Nothing was different in his demeanor at all.)

I think that if you hate moving, you are certainly not going to do it twice in the next year!:p

I believe some people do have gifts to see into the future. I have never been to a fortune teller, b/c on the off chance that they were truely gifted, I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THE FUTURE. I do not think it is an evil gift, but i think one day at a time is enough for me. I also think that it is possible to tell alot about a person by sitting and looking into thier eyes and reading body language and facial expressions. You can word things in a way that can apply to almost anyone at one time or another in their life. The majority of the population have dark hair, deaths are common. Sickness in old age is common. Most people have self esteem issues of some sort. Those kind of generalizations are not impressive to me, but they may be to some.

I'm with Chloe. I believe anything like that is the work of the devil. Only God knows what our future holds and only he is supposed to know.
If we continually do "good & right things" and trust in God, we will be blessed time and time again for it. We're supposed to trust in Him during good and bad times. That's just what I've been told as a Christian. Everyone has their own beliefs.
I grew up in a christian home and I didn't need the lecture of how wrong it was...that wasn't my question.I am a grown women who knows right from wrong, I did it for fun. I don't beleive everything she told me but what she said about the present was true. Yes, it may have been a totally waste of money, but I did it for fun.
Anyway...Im not sure I beleive in any of it either. Its just that she said somethings about my life now that were pretty distrubing, b/c she was right. She even knew that I had lost a child.
I was just wondering if anyone else had went to one and if anything did come true.
I believe there are people here on earth that have the gift of sight and sound and are able to hear and see things about the past, present and future that other can't...I don't call them fortune tellers..they are Light Workers..individuals put on this earth to help others find their way..some have wonderful intentions, and some may use their gifts for other purposes..The gift of seeing and or knowning things is not evil or is how you use it and what you use it for that can make it positive or negative...We were created in God's how could anything we have within ourselves be evil...esp the gift to help others...???? Many individuals have the gift of hearing and seeing their Angles and spirit guides...I would not call that evil or demonic..I would call that wonderful!

I am a christian and agree with chloe, kali and missy...
I stay away from it....
fortune telling is a part of sorccery... I believe it opens you and your family up to all kinds of things from the dark spiritual world..... thats it...

I definitley don't buy into that stuff.

When I was in college, I worked as a waitress. One of my co-workers said she was getting into palm reading. She grabbed my hand to take a look and said I had a SHORT LIFE LINE!! What??? I asked her, "So I'm going to DIE soon?". She said, "Well, not within the next five years." HUH?!! :eek: This was about 10 years ago. I'm still here.

I was upset about it and talked to my mom. She told me I have little hands with little lines and she told me not to listen to that garbage!!!!
>I am a christian and agree with chloe, kali and missy...
>I stay away from it....
>fortune telling is a part of sorccery... I believe it opens
>you and your family up to all kinds of things from the dark
>spiritual world..... thats it...

I'm with Rhonda and the rest of them HOWEVER I did have someone look at my palm (palm reader) and say to me that I would not be on this certain job for anytime and I was not BUT she may have talked with my boss lady at that time who did not care for me and I did not care for her so I do not consider that fortune telling.

Side note the palm reader cleaned our office.

Denise, I agree with you 1000%! Beautifully stated. I am lucky enough to be surrounded by a few incredibly intuitive people who tell me over and over again there is no such thing as a fortune teller, and if someone tells you they are, you better go running in the opposite direction because they are only after your money. Of course as in every other area of life you are going to find quacks but there are those that truly have the gift and even these people will tell you that no matter what information comes through YOU are the captain of your destiny....they can only offer guidance; it is the choices you make that determine what course your life path will follow. I don't see anything intrinsically evil in that. Yes, I would call that wonderful too:D !
Hmmm... Interesting thoughts on this. What you say makes sense. I've seen it first hand my mother dabbled in the occult, then got more and more involved in it, now it's to the point she can't tell reality from her world. I heard from someone that they felt as you do Chloe that this was the work of the devil. At the time I didn't believe that but now I wonder???

I really liked some of your posts got me thinking. Agree I don't want to know the future. I believe that we have freedom of choice and agree with some of the more spiritual posts.

Interesting topics and by the way I had 3 good work outs so faar this week :)

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