Does anyone beleive in future telling?

Hi Lori! Yes, I have been numerous time "for fun". I am a Christian, but please don't stone me. :) My last reading freaked me out, and I doubt I go back. This psychic doesn't pose leading questions. She nails very personal stuff... like your mother Marie... your father Joe... your husband Matthew. Sure, we all know a Marie, Joe, and Matthew. BUT, she was that specific. At one reading, she asked mentioned the name Derrick and that he would play a significant part in my life. I didn't know any Derricks. Derrick was the first name of the doctor who delivered my son. I could go on and on with the specifics. I have been to her a few times, and she was accurate. My last reading was a couple of weeks after my mother's death. She stated specifics of my mother's death, if you read the details I shared I doubt anyone could come up with that scenario.

That's my experience. Take care!

I definitely do

There are certainly some psychics out there not worth their weight in gold but there are 2 ladies I visit for guidance and clarification regularly and they have been absolutely spot on about things - not general things but specific things.

You just need to be careful who you go to as there are a lot of fakes out there.}(
I had gotten my palm read several years ago and a few things she told me came true. I almost went to get my cards read about 2 years ago but it never panned out. I was supposed to go with a friend but we never made it. Oh well.

I am a Christian and I did it for fun and would do it again...FOR FUN. I see nothing wrong with it. It's entertaining is all. I also have played with Oija boards many many times in my life..FOR FUN as well. :)
From what I read in your post, the fortune teller was being just vague enough that it could apply to a great number of people. This is what these people do. They deal in generalities that affect most of the people. Doing that, they are bound to hit on something true here and there.

Truly, who isn't up/down or happy/sad. Brunette people are in the majority in our society so saying "dark haired" had a better than average change of success. Also, a large number of people in our society have high blood pressure so again the odds are with her.

And most importantly, who had lived their life and never lost faith in themselves and felt bad. It happens to everyone.

One more thing, the average age of a female these days is roughly 80yo. and I'm betting that all of us will be under a doctor's care between now and then.

Fortune tellers are just another form of amusement. The future is determined by the choices we make. If it was already planned out, they would be no choices and free will would be an illusion. Telling the future is a farce. Don't let yourself get swept up in the coincidences. Think about how many other people in our society have those identical things in common to see the truth.
Psychics, fortune tellers, and others of that ilk are dabbling in poppycock. It's not even "sorcery", it's a way of faking out people who fall for that stuff so that their money can be had.
My favorite all time advertisement for psychic readings is the one where they said "call now. psychic powers are strongest over the telephone lines." My gosh what a hoot! Of course they are! You can do more "readings" in a given time over the phone and therefore make more money. Don't fall for this stuff!
I know....if I believed in that stuff then I'd have to believe that woman who looked at my palm and said I was going to die young because I had a short life line. :*

Some of the things the original poster said the fortune teller told her, could have related to me as well. This is all general stuff that could apply to anyone.
Well, she did say to my friend who went with me that her husband had sandy colored hair (which he does) and that she had two kids of the same kind, one 18 m and one 2 yrs. She has two boys one 16 monthes and one 2 yrs old.
My other friend went yesterday and she told her that the man in her life is tall, skinny, with dark hair (true) She had one daughter (true) and that they had been fighting alot in the last month b/c of work (also true).
The lost faith was so true but this is a very touchy topic b/c it is all new.
She also made things very clear when they were going to happen,8-12 monthes or 3-5 yrs.
Hi Lori- You are free to believe whatever you want. I have never been to one but have often thought of going. You did it for fun and that is the only way I would go also. I am probably more afraid of knowing what the future holds, so I'm with Jes here-I don't want to know. The readings do get you thinking more in depth about what is going on in your life, and there is nothing wrong with that.

I agree with everyone who disagrees with fortune tellers.

My dh use to work security for John Edwards the so-called tv pyshic. Well instead of dh coming home at regular hrs. like everyone else, he would be there all day/night. Dh says if only people knew what was going on in the "Green Room" they would have stopped watching his show long before it went off the air. What you saw on tv was John's hits. Meaning if John couldn't get you to say there was someone in your family name "Michael" then you were basically dismissed or he'd say something like, yes there was but you're suppressing that person so deep down inside you just dismissed him totally. Dh said people would be in there for hours. Besides if people were able to do these sort of things, they're pretty much saying they're god. Funny they cannot save themselves from death.

Remember the devil is very wise, but in no way can he compete with the Almighty God. Actually Satan can't make you do anything you don't want to he is only good at putting temptation in front of you, that's up to you if you go for it.

Chloe yes you are right, Christians are forbidden to go to such places. Going to a place as this or phone pyshics only shows your lack of faith in God.

This is a touchy subject, b/c everyones belief is not the same, but I have absolutely no problem with it.

Yes, this is a touchy subject. I got a little hot when I read "going to a place as this or phone pyshics only shows your lack of faith in God". But, people can think and believe what they want.

That is terrible that there are those who take advantage of people. John Edwards is no doubt only one example.

Hmmmmmm... I wish I knew how the psychic I saw knew the names of my specific family memebers and how my mother died.

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