do you like body hair on a man?


I was having a talk about hair on men with the friends and I was wondering what most women think?

When I was younger, I use to think I like no hair on men. But when I got older, I realized that hair and sweat are actually something that attracts people! I even saw a show on that. It excites most people.

For me, I LOVE hair on a man and I cannot be with one that has no hair on the body. Of course not like a monkey. I know a guy that you see hair coming out of this shirt from this back. wash!

I think my bf is perfect. Hair on the chest, legs and arms in a good quantity that you see them and are visible from far. but sexy and not a monkey.

we were 4 girls and 2 of the 4 liked hair.

what about you?
For me, it's all about the guy, hairy or no. Montgomery Clift was quite hirsute. But he was so good looking and charming and talented that I don't care (that is to say, that is not the reason I find him attractive). Prince is very attractive (in my opinion) and has a hair chest, but he does not have hairy arms. Johnny Depp and Jude Law are both lovely, and I don't consider them hairy. So, for me, it isn't about the hair, it's about their talent. I've been told I'm attracted to 'pretty men' (whatever that means).
I like moderate hair on a guy. I do not find men that shave it all off attractive but I do not want too much either.
I think you'll get a lot of different responses.

Personally, I like the hairless look: Asian, American Indian, Bodybuilders (but the latter have too much muscle for my tastes, so more like fitness models).

I especially dislike hairy backs, ears and noses. I once attended a computer workshop where the old dude sitting next to me had a 'nose mustache"= nose hair that kind of matted together. Blech!
HA! We were just talking about this very same thing yesterday! I'm not fond of back hair, and I prefer a clean-shaven face. But, we were giggling like school girls, wondering HOW you would find out how hairy a man's back or chest is before 'getting intimate' with him! lol We were coming up with all KINDS of ways/excuses to find that out! Had us laughing hysterically. (maybe you just had to be there)

I don't care that much about body hair, but I'm with Kathryn on the ear and nose hair. At my age, so many men have ear and nose hair. What part of Grooming 101 did they miss?????? x( x( x( x(

Sorry to gross you all out with that one.
I like some hair, not fur. :) My baby has some on his legs, arms and arm pits and a very tiny bit on his chest...nummm!
I like men who are thoughtful, kind, and intelligent -- hair or no hair. Some men have lots of body hair -- it's not a personal shortcoming -- it's just a matter of genetics. I wonder how y'all would react if Jerry, Dave, or Bill started a similar thread about women.
I'm on board with not liking the ear/nose hair. Yuk! Grooming is not such a difficult thing to do. I know plenty of women who keep up with plucking that rogue black hair(s) that audaciously grows on the chin. I'm also not crazy about back hair on men. Other body hair is just fine.

But when it comes to physical attraction, color is a consiration too. If I didn't shave my own legs, I'd be a really hairy woman. I shave them mostly because my skin is fair, and the hair that grows in is black. I don't tend to like this combination on men either--very fair skin and black hair. One of my female friends has golden down on her bisuity colored legs and doesn't shave them--I think it looks lovely, and not surprising I like light brown and golden body hair on men too.

All of that said, I have more body hair than my husband who has very little. Hence, I keep myself groomed and shaven as much as possible.
My DH is a hairy man. Back, chest, arms, legs, and a full beard in the winter. As for his body hair, it never bothered me, I'm pretty neutral about it. His back and chest are kind of reddish brown, his legs and arms are bleach white. He gets a back wax in the summer, because HE is self counsious about it. I don't really like his beard though, he grows it out in the winter and I dread it. It's too overpowering, it grows all the way up to his eyes, and makes him look old. It's also very red. He was a red head as a child, but his hair turned brown in his teens, but that beard is red as can be.


I really like a hairy soon to be Ex DH is fairly hairless there..and I always kind of missed it! No nose, back or ear hair, though...keep that stuff trimmed!

Plant beneficial seeds, do your best and let go---Eion Finn
Hmmmm. Well I always used to think I liked 'em on the stocky and furry side.

But, now that I'm a grown up, and have uh, well, *ahem* some experience, I have to say it depends on the guy.

I've enjoyed the range from Festival Chest Hair to Completely Smooth. Chest hair is fun to play with but smooth is smooth and that means Not Itchy.

My delectable SO is Completely Smooth and I love it. He has honey wheat bread colored skin and his arm and leg hair is light brown. Very pleasing. Back, chest, and let's not forget the buns - all smooth.

Overall I have to agree with the Previous Poster in that the guys with really pale skin and really dark hair take some getting used to.

That's my .02 for the day!
I prefer the no hair and soft,smooth skin.
My guy has tons of hair, though, and I wouldn't change a thing. :)
(that's what those silly love hormones do to you! )
I like just a little body, not too much. I can't stand hair on a person's back or in a person's nose. I think that's just nasty. What I really hate is the hair under a person's armpit. I can't stand it when a man has a hairy armpit and wears a sleeveless t-shirt. To compound this, I hate it when they wear deodorant and there is this foamy thing coming out from there. So gross.

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