Debbie - Yup, I'm a Quitter Knitter! I'll have to share that with my friend. She'll never let me forget it though.
You should definitely learn. It helps me not to feel guilty if I want to sit on my butt and watch movies or tv b/c I'm being productive. Plus it's so cool to make stuff.
Lori Ann - Yes, you can take needles on planes. For a short time after 9/11 they were banned, but I was waiting for a flight to Italy and this woman was knitting and I was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I was SO BUMMED that I didn't have my knitting and she did. They had already approved needles again and I didn't have my knitting with me.
TK - They actually had a leg warmer pattern in this hip magazine called Knit 1 by Vogue recently.
I'm envious that you knit so well!
Sue - 12 kids? Wow!!! What an awesome memory for you. It is comforting to knit, isn't it?
Andrea - My goodness - you're quite the knitter. You're the opposite of me, the Knitter Quitter. Good job - and congrats on the weight loss!
Rhonda - I check in on the Hardcores and that's probably enough for me on a daily basis, but if you started a knitting one, I'm sure I'd stop in.
As Andrea mentioned it's a great way to stave off the night time munchies so maybe your focus can have something to do with keeping you away from the kitchen in the evening???
My MIL just gave me some yarn and I'm going to start a baby sweater for my friend and cycling partner who is pregnant. I have until February to finish it. Wish me luck!
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France