Do you knit?

I just learned to knit last January. I only have made dish clothes so far (I'm on my 3rd). I really enjoy it. I usually knit when I'm riding in the car as we do a lot of road trips. When I want to take a break from reading, I love to start knitting. There is something very relaxing about it.

NY25 - I'm envious! Someday I hope to call myself a good knitter instead of a Quitter Knitter. :) I just need to do it more consistently (or so says my friend). What blogs to you visit? I love reading knitting blogs.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Thanks to both Sue and Suz for letting me know I can bring my needles on the plane.

I don't mind flying, but I don't like the close quarters of a plane. I thought maybe listening to a book on CD and the knitting would speed the time faster than just trying to read a book. It's a four-hour flight from here to San Francisco so maybe I can make a dishcloth or a hot pad to give to my daughter when I land.

Good luck with the baby sweater, Suz!
My favorite is She's hysterical and has several books, as well. I also like, which is a quarterly newletter. Has lots of great patterns. There is a new one coming out called Ravelry, but it's not running yet. Another popular one I haven't signed up for yet is the Knitlist. (I need to do that). There are tons out there - just search a little, because some may be more local or, of course, more to your liking than others.
And your friend is correct, the more you do it, the better you will become. Enjoy!! (and don't forget - a lovely website that can fuel your yarn needs in a very economical fashion)
Oh yeah, I crochet, but sadly haven't gotten back to my afghan I've been meaning to finish for a couple of years now.

I've always wanted to learn how to knit. I mean how do you keep the yarn on those darn needles anyways, grrrr...


Okay, you guys! I have NO TIME at all to be knitting now so maybe I should be in the "Never Been a Knitter Quitter Club" since I never started! Ha! Anywho, yesterday, we took the GK's to Hale Farm which is a historical farm in our area and went into the gift shop and what is the first thing I see??? (I couldn't believe it since I just posted about it) It was a beginner kit for knitters. It was this lil' dinky packet for $8.00 which seemed high but all in all the only reason I didn't buy it was because it was to make a doll and knit her lil' clothes or something like that which I didn't want to make. Sooo, my question...WHEN I find time, where do I start? What book or website would you all recommend as someone who has never even held a knitting needle in her life? TIA...I may join the club AFTER the Cathe RT! "The Knitter's Club" that is, not Suz's Club, you Quitter-Knitter, you! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
I love to knit and crochet also! I'm always in the midst of a project and looking for new patterns/yarn. Somehow I stumbled onto a really wonderful online site that has a great forum community and information about yarns/patterns/you name it. I would participate in a check in.

You could try the Stitch-n-Bitch book as a starting place. It gives a lot of basic, accessible information and has simple, clever patterns to get you going. It's also not too expensive. If that "takes," then there are myriad other books out there. I also recommend stopping in at your local yarn shop, as they are generally only too happy to assist in getting you started. Most even offer classes.
Debbie - Look out - you're gonna get hooked on this knitting thing yet! All the stars are doing it you know. :) There's this book called the Friday Night Knitting Club. Well, they're making a movie of it and Julia Roberts is starring in it. So you better learn to knit so that you can say you were a knitter before it was SUPER vogue! Even though it already is. Hurry up girl! Don't be a Quitter Knitter before you ever start. :p

Like NY25 said, check your local yarn shop. That's where I took my class. Also, you can check your local community college. I run classes here at my college every now and then but my instructors keep quitting! Must be because they work for the QUITTER KNITTER! The classes are popular though. I need to find another instructor come to think of it.

NY25 - Thanks for the links. I also like Vickie Howell's blog (from the show Knitty Gritty) at and Scout's Swag at (she knits A LOT and posts on her blog daily in the fall and winter but not as much in the summer. She has a store in Albuquerque, NM. She's a kick and also into fitness. She's been knitting since she was a kid.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Not a knitter, but I used to do a lot of needlepoint. Amazingly, since I started with Cathe, I don't think I've picked it up since (well, maybe once.) I've also crocheted a little bit. I just don't seem to have the time anymore. I made needlepoint Christmas stockings for the whole family years ago. I have a gigantic box in my basement of unfinished projects. Maybe you ladies will get me started again.


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